Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston
What the hell is wrong with you all? Did you just forget veterans day? We have the freedoms we have due to them.....We sleep peacefully in the night because our troops are the ones willing to visit violence so that we do not! I can't mention all your names due to a directive yet I thank you.
and all the ones who's name I do not know or did not mention. THANK YOU! I keep coming back to the USA on occasions sue to the freedoms offered here. Thank you to the ones that are here, the ones that have fallen, and the ones who are injured for the freedom of others.....THANK YOU!
This day is held closely and dearly to me both out of R.E.S.P.E.C.T. and for personal reasons.

. I spent the day downtown with Vets, in Honor, along with the Mayor of Htown (little did she know


the fuck she really was talking with

...a hobbyist and a freak)

Then I later celebrated, in the best way, on this unique and honorable day, 11.11.11, with my gift to myself, guess with whom

? May want to look to the left

...Still wondering? Okay, then look below

...Oh Yeah, That was very, very nice! Thank you
for making Veteran's Day a very, very Special Day indeed


Salute to All of the Fallen (and to your family), the Injured/Mamed, and Active/Retired Members of Our Armed Forces!