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Join Date: 12-31-2009
Location: Secluded in the deep, dark, spooky woods at the Irish Chihuahua Refuge.
Posts: 9804

Last Activity: 05-03-2021
Retired Irish Tart
Profile Picture

The Basics

Name Fancyinheels
User ID 3552
Email fancyinheels@yahoo.com
Phone Number Private
Metro Location Texas - Houston
Age 59

Services & Availability

Monday Not set yet
Tuesday Not set yet
Wednesday Not set yet
Thursday Not set yet
Friday Not set yet
Saturday Not set yet
Sunday Not set yet


Ethnicity Caucasian / White
Build BBW
Breasts Enhanced No
Height 5' 11"
Weight 250lbs
Eyes Brown
Hair Red (Shoulder Length)
Piercings Ears
Tattoos One
Grooming Bare
Smoking Non-Smoker

Latest Weekly Update

Fancy's phone went scuba diving!

Posted more than three months ago

About Me


Sensuality, a sense of humor, and a willingness to sin are all part of this plump and sassy Irish lassie's pot o' gold! At 59 years young I can be described as "life experienced," but I'm definitely more mischievous than mature. The twin peaks o' Ireland are 44C, and I'm a long-legged gal at 5 ft 11 (6 ft 4 in my favorite Fancy heels), with soft, pale skin accented by shoulder-length auburn red hair and a smile that I flash easily and often. Tipping the scales at 250 lbs, you might call me an Amorous Amazonian BBW - Bodaciously Bawdy Wench! I love the taste, texture, and feel of life, and of a man's body. I took the randy road less traveled a dozen years ago and have never looked back.

I'm pursuing other opportunities at present and only visiting with lads I've met before, but respectful gentlemen who have trod the sod for at least 5 decades might be considered in the future for possible paths to passionate adventure and long-term regular companionship.

NEW PHONE NUMBER!!! The old one I had for well over a decade ending in 90 has been deactivated, and my new number will only be shared with returning Fancy friends and will NOT be publicized otherwise. Please PM or email me if we have spent time together previously.

P411 ID #P10021.

I live waaaaay out in the BFE boondocks with a waggle of wee woofs at the Irish Chihuahua Refuge, so have to plan my road-running schedule well in advance.

IMPORTANT NOTE: I'm allergic to strawberries in all forms. Too much exposure and Fancy starts LOOKING like her bumpy red nemesis!

Thanks for reading! Slainte!

Likes ...to smile, laugh, touch, kiss, tease, and please; to travel & enjoy new experiences.
Dislikes I'm allergic to bigotry, impatience, arrogance, bad hygiene, and strawberries.
Hobbies Too many to list! I find everything interesting in its own way.
Favorite Food(s) Most of them! Steak and spud gal over sushi, however.
Favorite Beverages Jameson, Bushmills, & Tyrconnell Irish Whiskeys; Celtic Honey; Baileys Irish Cream; U'luvka, Stolichnaya, & Svedka Vodkas.
Favorite Flower Hibiscus, and although not a flower, the Shamrock, of course!
Favorite Perfume Jovan Musk for Women.
Favorite Color You have to ask? Emerald green for the Emerald Isle!
Favorite Animal Chihuahua! Dragon! Dragon chihuahuas?
Favorite Music Pop & rock with a good beat, or something to set a romantic, relaxing mood.
Favorite Holiday St. Paddy's Day absolutely, followed by Halloween for sweet tricks & treats, then Christmas so you can unwrap my box.
Preferred Gifts Liquor; jewelry; toys; something for my wee woofs; any sort of Celtic decor; flowers and plants; whatever a fellow is kind enough to present me with.


Date Encounter/Author Recommendation Report a Problem
08-26-2018 Encounter by postal2828 Yes
03-02-2018 Encounter by Diamondchair32 Yes
02-26-2018 Encounter by TX_Hobbyist Yes
01-24-2018 Encounter by NordicJag Yes
08-16-2017 Encounter by lurkerdude2 Yes
07-21-2017 Encounter by blank_role Yes
07-01-2017 Encounter by Diamondchair32 Yes
06-27-2017 Encounter by Max Steel Yes
06-09-2017 Encounter by Snickerdoodle Yes
10-14-2016 Encounter by Skypilot0792 Yes

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