Write it exactly the way you have, just a plain and factual description of what you observed, NO medical or other speculation, period. Nothing further to be noted or done. Gents can read what they want into it.
But heck, she may be on the level. I tripped over one of my chihuahuas a while back and actually bit my upper lip, drawing blood. Had to cancel several appointments while it healed. (The dog did it!) Another time a BEE stung me on my lower lip while I was weeding in my garden. Removing the stinger left a drop of blood and my lip began swelling, so again, there went my profitable plans. Drats, bats, cats chasing rats, even cut my lip with dental floss once. (It was a clumsy klutz day.)
I would never see a fellow with anything that resembled a suspicious bruise or boo-boo around my mouth not only out of consideration for any safety concerns he might have, but also because of possible rumor-mongering. Not knowing her circumstances, really think before you type, please, as a small molehill of a blemish can grow into a big mountain of gossip.