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Old 02-02-2010, 11:39 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston View Post
wish him my best and maybe print this thread and take it to him.....we are all pulling for him.......
I am on my way out the door now and will definitely blow kisses to him for you, MLisa. Good idea - I am printing the thread for him. Will update everyone tonight.
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Old 02-02-2010, 01:23 PM   #32
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He will be in my thoughts and prayers .
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Old 02-02-2010, 03:21 PM   #33
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Default UPDATE!

I am sure Fancy will have more to report from her visit today, but I have been unsuccessful in efforts to talk to him. I know he can't talk (breathing machine) but was told to ask the nurses to hold phone to his ear and he could at least hear. Apparently, they got tired of those requests, because that was no longer an option today when I called.

I will be going to visit him tonight, and will report back with any news.
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Old 02-02-2010, 03:45 PM   #34
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Thanks Tx Gator
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Old 02-02-2010, 06:59 PM   #35
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Thanks TG,

Get well soon Surcher. You're in our thoughts and prayers.

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Old 02-02-2010, 08:38 PM   #36
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The report: I did see Surcher this afternoon in ICU, took him a balloon bouquet and a musical get well card, sat quietly with him for a while. The nurses made me "gown up" and wear gloves, but no mask. He is on a vent and hooked up to all sorts of beeping machines, and has a lot of different IV fluids going in. I was warned not to "trip over the lines." While quite weak, he was lucid and happy to see a non-nurse's face. His blood pressure is dangerously low, so much so that they can't give him a sleep aid, and as we all know, rest is the best medicine. (That may be another reason why they stopped taking the phone calls.) I offered to sneak him in some Jameson Whiskey. No, he couldn't talk, but he motioned for a pen and paper and scratched, "I'll be out of here!" While I was there a tech came in with a portable machine to take an x-ray of his chest. He motioned to him and indicated that my chest might be more fun to uncover. That's the spirit! The nurses like him and think he's a funny guy.

By now his family should have arrived from out-of-state, and they'll get his prognosis. This is VERY serious, so please keep him in your thoughts and/or prayers. I did read this thread to him and passed along some phone messages that came my way after my post. He knows a lot of people are concerned and sending their best wishes. If you visit, remember no flowers, plants, or food, and keep it short and sweet, unless you are prepared to just sit there and be a comforting presence.

I promised I'd be on hand, or have him in hand, for "physical therapy," and that there were probably quite a few other ladies willing to be "helpful." That elicited a wink from him, and after I held his hand for a few minutes, he seemed to doze off, and I crept away. I'll try to get back there Friday and see how's he doing, maybe talk to the family.

May the luck of the Irish and the strength of God be with you now, Surcher.
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Old 02-02-2010, 09:30 PM   #37
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Thanks for that update on Surcher, Fancy.

I didn't know just how considerate you are, lady!

You are quite the angel and I'm sure you made Surcher's day just with your visit!

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Old 02-02-2010, 11:14 PM   #38
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Texas Gator will be posting soon regarding his evening visit to Surcher. Based on his most recent info, am unsure if those of you considering a trip to the hospital should go or not at this time. Surcher's family is there and asking how visitors know him, and a parade of lovely ladies is especially going to be hard to explain. Also, Surcher may now be heavily sedated, or just too weak. In the short 5 hours or so since I visited, his level of responsiveness has decreased considerably. Since geographically I am close to the hospital and can help his family find their way around the unfamiliar locale as I know the area well, I will be going back and staying in touch. (I'm a "friend" from his fantasy football league, yeah, uh huh.) I'll keep you updated if anything changes.
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Old 02-02-2010, 11:56 PM   #39
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Default Fancy's experience differed from mine!

I am sorry to say my experience was far different, and pray that the marked change in surcher's lucidity and responsiveness between Fancy's visit and mine was attributable to sedation rather than decline.

True, it's natural he'd be more receptive to Fancy visiting than this old curmudgeon. Who wouldn't? But, I was accompanied by one of surcher's ATF friends (TaylorinHouston), and sadly, he couldn't muster up the energy to stay awake/alert for more than a few seconds. He definitely exhibited pleasure seeing her (that momentary facial expression was priceless), but the most we got out of him was a head nod, a half smile, and a return to sleep.

AGAIN, I pray it was sedation because he even asked his parents (and uncle) to let him sleep when they arrived from out-of-state. Great people, as expected, but awkward when I stated we were friends. "Oh, you must be his neighbors," they replied. Those who know me can attest it's rare I'm at a loss for words, but this time, the proverbial "cat had my tongue." I managed to escape by claiming to be football fan friends (which is true), and talking up his Saints finally making it.

But, the reality of our world and its necessary separation from our private lives became a stark realization tonight. Good intentions notwithstanding, the fact is we must NEVER risk exposure to one's family, despite how much we may care. That double edged sword is what causes me to ask all who (I know) care to PLEASE exercise restraint - at least while his family is in town.

You may think you have the perfect response or "comeback" line, but I'd ask you to refrain from visiting, calling, or even emailing him while his folks are here. Hopefully, boredom won't cause them to look through his computer (which is laying open); but PLEASE don't encourage them.

I will keep you posted as I know. Fancy will visit while I'm out of state. Keep our friend in your prayers. He needs it.
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Old 02-03-2010, 12:11 AM   #40
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Thank you Texas Gator.
Good advice and best of wishes for Surcher.
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Old 02-03-2010, 12:17 AM   #41
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Hang in there Surcher. We got you in prayer!
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Old 02-03-2010, 12:17 AM   #42
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Thanks very much for the update TexasGator, we are all keeping a good thought for Surcher's recovery. I want to join everyone in thanking you, Fancy and Taylor for brightening his day. There are some folks in this thing of ours that make me proud to be a part of this community, this is sad time, thanks to each of you for making it better.
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Old 02-03-2010, 12:45 AM   #43
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Well said WW. Visits from good folks and friends like TG, Fancy and Taylor mean a great deal to someone very ill. I'm sure his family appreciates it also. Surcher is on everyone's mind.
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Old 02-03-2010, 07:43 AM   #44
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Thanks TG....
I haven't know Surcher long. We started e-mailing each other about 6 months ago. I met him in person at the last "P" social. He's a great guy and I have a lot of respect for him. I wish him a speedy recovery.
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Old 02-03-2010, 08:01 AM   #45
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TG, thanks for the update. And, Fancy a big thanks to you as well.

Surcher - get well buddy. We're pullin' for you.
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