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Old 10-12-2010, 03:38 PM   #16
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yepper, I don't go msog, but THAT SHOULD BE MY OPTION.
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Old 10-12-2010, 04:06 PM   #17
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I don't do MSOG so I am pretty clear on who I try to schedule with (who offer half hours). Though, I have found one provider who I feel I have "chemistry" with and may very well do the full hour. Be assured, I will inquire about MSOG. I think communication is the key. If someone doesn't do MSOG and that is what I AM looking for, I would move on...

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Old 10-12-2010, 05:26 PM   #18
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I think the last time I busted two nuts within one hour, Jimmy Carter was President. I wore 3 inch cuff bell bottom pants,a 100% polyester print shirt with the top 4 buttons undone so you could see my gold chains, and my hair looked like a "hair helmut"..........all those damn disco songs had that same "boom boom" beat........sorry I got off track.
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Old 10-12-2010, 05:51 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by greymouse View Post

Yes, most of them seem to be traveling teenagers from Dallas, a group that has a great deal of appeal to the same Customer Guys who start and post to these bitterly denunciatory threads. Eye appeal I suppose. While the arrival of these very young and usually blonde and skinny sex workers is much anticipated, when they do show up they typically turn out to be unreliable and difficult to successfully schedule with, in the business strictly for the money, not very good at the work and to be gritting their teeth as they endure having disagreeable things done to them by disgusting fat men old enough to be their fathers if not grandfathers.

They are teenagers after all, very probably from and in highly disadvantageous personal circumstances. If they reason that they have fulfilled their part of the (illegal) contract by being there, naked, legs spread and unresisting, who, retaining a residue of human feeling, could blame them if they reason it is the Customer Guy's personal problem if he "finished" in a minute, 53 seconds?

Who could blame them? Just for fun write down your guess as to how many livered members of the blue team post herein below to do just that. They can't help themselves, it's a habit now.
You always have to put that little jab in there, Don't ya?.... and why do you always show such disdain towards young beautiful women. I agree that sometimes the younger providers are difficult to nail down. Usually most high demand providers regardless of age are sometimes difficult to schedule with. Btw, I love how you make such wild assumptions about group of ladies that you have never seen or plan to see. I find you to be a very strange, gutless, and lonely man...
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Old 10-12-2010, 06:37 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Elephant View Post
You always have to put that little jab in there, Don't ya?.... and why do you always show such disdain towards young beautiful women. I agree that sometimes the younger providers are difficult to nail down. Usually most high demand providers regardless of age are sometimes difficult to schedule with. Btw, I love how you make such wild assumptions about group of ladies that you have never seen or plan to see. I find you to be a very strange, gutless, and lonely man...
Hi Elephant! Still trying to start that fight I see. Things slow out on the veldt are they? As far as "strange" goes that is a surpassingly strange interpretation of my explanation about where the bitter complaints about "not going to do that again even if the time isn't up" come from.

I am very fond of beautiful young women and am careful not to ask too much of them. Such as expecting them to put up with an old man such as myself. Coming to terms with the realities in the business typically requires more maturity and experience than an teenager usually has. That doesn't keep lines from forming to exploit the "opportunity" they present. Complaining about the friction from inexperience and immaturity afterwards does seem like complaining that it hurts to hit one's thumb with a hammer, no matter how many times you do it. It is kind of predictable.

Drop by again when the need to insult someone overcomes you. Just don't do it in the real world, there might be consequences out there.
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Old 10-12-2010, 06:38 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by TheCandyMan View Post
I think the last time I busted two nuts within one hour, Jimmy Carter was President. I wore 3 inch cuff bell bottom pants,a 100% polyester print shirt with the top 4 buttons undone so you could see my gold chains, and my hair looked like a "hair helmut"..........all those damn disco songs had that same "boom boom" beat........sorry I got off track.
If I were Donna Summer, I'd be really turned on right now.

I've never understood the ladies who only let a gent go 'round once and kick him out immediately. Do they hate what they do that much that they need to brush a man off like lint? Are they potato chips and lay one after another? Do they need iron gummi-vitamins with espresso chasers for energy to re-perk the gentlemen up? Are they so shallow after the swallow that they can't think of anything else to do with their mouths for the other 58 minutes left on most fellow's hours?
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Old 10-12-2010, 07:01 PM   #22
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I don't repeat with the no msog providers I was just saying unless you allow more sexual activities or a massage why even have an hour rate. To who said only one shot in an hour well I hope that never happens to me I can sometimes pop 3 times in an hour with concentration and effort. If I pay for an hour I want a full hour of fun I love sex and just want to get the most bang for my buck.
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Old 10-12-2010, 08:30 PM   #23
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It took me a long time to find out that if I take my time the finale is much grander.

But thats an excuse, the truth is that some of us are so old and slow, we need the whole hour for one good one.
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Old 10-13-2010, 12:56 AM   #24
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You could always get a blow up doll! You would get more bang for your buck As long as the client doesn't objectify me its his rodeo and he can ride more than once, talk, dress like a lady or shoot fireworks out of his ass for the hour. The research button is your friend.
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Old 10-13-2010, 06:58 AM   #25
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Personal insults have no place in this thread. Let's stay on topic please...

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Old 10-13-2010, 07:45 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY View Post
yes, those are called Pimped out Ho's
Now I get it! thanks
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Old 10-13-2010, 10:59 AM   #27
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If they could figured out a way to can pussy all you ladies would be out of business and we all would become extinct! I am be sarcastic do to Britney blow up doll comment. I just thought this would be a good topic for discussion since it does happen and the guy is sitting there going WTF that is it why did I get an hour.
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Old 10-13-2010, 11:00 AM   #28
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I don't think her comment was sarcastic, wish I could say the same of yours.
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Old 10-13-2010, 11:52 AM   #29
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I am sorry you feel insulted as a result of my post. I guess my attempt at humor failed. Sigh....If you re read my post, I do agree with you that its "your hour" to do what you want with assuming you or anyone else would have consent, be repectful, and not objectify the provider.
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Old 10-13-2010, 12:47 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by PeAcH View Post
Not all providers are like that, and I'm sure a lot of hobby goers aren't all quick to 'pop' either.

I know many don't want to just pop and say goodbye right when they arrive; it is about the experience with said provider and the time spent. Like it says, an hour is 60 minutes and what you wanna do in that 60 minute time frame that makes you happy, then do it!

If you're not wanting to book an hour session, I know there are many providers who offer shorter sessions at great prices!

If you are wanting to book an hour and pop all you can, I know there are many who offer that as well!

I am under Peach on this one. But look.. I may be different. I usually take most of the whole hour just to get to one pop. (And with a girl like Peach..whats your frigging rush?) If you just want to pop.. get 4 or 5 B&G and wait as long as you want in between.

But a GFE is exploring the whole of a woman's body, how she smells, feels, tastes, sounds. How she clings to you in passion and cuddles in satisfaction and release. The first kiss hello and the last kiss goodbye.

Sometimes there is a round two but I just don't worry about it. LOL.. I will be just as horny the next day whether I came once or twice. But the memories last. The good ones for a long time.
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