too late, you already been toasted.....
and now everyone who is anyone, now knows that you be toast
see, now the girls, they all got it down , it is
"see here, you were suppose to confirm three times, not just two times in the two hours before the appointment"
"All your fault, You called me two minutes too late, at 6:32, instead of 6.30, so as to remind me that we were meeting at 7 and i am already going home and do not want to turn around......"
[YEAH baby, YOU know who you ARE
}..but i wuv u....
"oh, sorry I lost my phone in the lake this morning, and could not call you this afternoon, to remind myself to be there...." (true story someone claims, and I heard it here....)
"I was going to call you, but my phone broke and it just started working again...opps my date is here, gotta run...."
"opps my babysitter did not show up on time and when she did, i could not remember where I put the baby"
that poor kid, she has forgotten what she did with that baby three times when she was suppose to meet me....I hope someday she finds that poor baby.....