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Old 05-01-2012, 10:51 PM   #16
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Fancy If Karma does not work I know a number of ex-mil who are huge dog lovers and would be happy to help Ms Karma. Course a pint and the twinkle in your eye on how you would thank them would pretty much seal that deal in stone. Hang in there and Truffle will come home and give you that dog facial lickdown before you know it. R
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Old 05-02-2012, 08:50 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Fancyinheels View Post
Thank you. I probably came across too vehemently. I do think all animals deserve decent treatment and will become what their owners make of them, affectionate or aggressive. I feel bad for the spaniel, not mad. It was just exhibiting natural dog behavior. (I'm FURIOUS at the woman, however.) Pit bulls often get a bad rap, but they can be loyal, friendly, non-assuming pets if raised right, and this one's owner is a good ol' country fellow, kind to his dog and takes him everywhere. He had just gotten home, evidently, and the pit bolted from the back of his truck when he heard Truffles scream. T-Rex has known my wee woofers for years, but only from beyond the fence. I actually always figured he hung out barking at the chihuahuas because he wanted to eat them, not meet them.
It sounds as if T-Rex has had enough exposure to your little ones that he probably considers them part of his pack and was doing his duty to protect them.

I've said it before. I grew up in an area where dog fighting was, let's just say, not discouraged. Many of my friends had pits.

I do volunteer work for a group that rescues dogs in a particularly bad area of Houston. Many of them are pits. Some have been obviously trained to fight and are naturally aggressive toward other dogs. Training can also make them aggressive towards people.

Most of the pits, however, that I see come out of the rescue area are just abandoned. They are hungry, scared and lacking for attention. They may be having issues that are causing pain and therefore they are aggressive in what they think is self defense.(ie ingrown collars, severe cases of mange, gun shot wounds, broken bones...the list goes on and on. If you can imagine it we see it.)

Once they are properly fed and healed those pits are some of the most affectionate dogs you'll ever see with people. Proper training and socialization with other dogs will help them with their self confidence and they won't necessarily be aggressive to them either.

While there is a certain amount of genetics that does make them dangerous, mainly their massive jaw strength, I don't think they are any more or less prone to be naturally aggressive than a German Shepherd or a Cocker Spaniel. Their environment and proper training can usually overcome any behavior problems.

Of course, the above is just one cat's opinion...
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Old 05-02-2012, 09:22 AM   #18
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Cocker spaniels. Sigh. If people only knew how incredibly prone they are to biting and attacking without provocation.

I just do not like the breed. Sorry for the thread drift.

But this is the first time that I've seen the breed lumped into a grouping with pitbulls. And it's true. Thanks boardman.

Interesting. Again, my thoughts are with you, Fancy, during the difficult time.

How are things going today with your dogs?
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Old 05-02-2012, 09:41 AM   #19
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chihuahua's are 100lb dogs in a 5lb body.......you should trade them in for cats.......and cocker spaniels can be flat out mean.
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Old 05-02-2012, 09:50 AM   #20
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UPDATE: Truffles is doing better than expected (she's a tough one), is up and alert, looks like Frankenstein with all the stitches, and should be home by this afternoon. The vet knows we have a lot of experience in post-release aftercare. However, a new issue cropped up. My 16-year-old Sweet Pea, the grande dame of the bunch and the friendliest, most mellow and loving chihuahua on the face of the planet, was so stressed she started having trouble breathing and walking, so I took her in last night to doggy ER, too. She evidently had a heart attack, and is in the cage next to Truffles. They gave her oxygen and medication, she's stabilized, but looks like she's in the first stages of congestive heart failure (not unusual for an old chihuahua) and will be on drugs for the remainder of her life, however long that is. The vet said I might as well take her home with Truffles, as there really isn't anything more they can do. The last thing she needed was to be involved in such a provocation.


Animal control has been over and taken BOTH dogs, T-Rex and the spaniel (Cocker and Springer mix), whose name is Whomper, for observation, and has written both parties citations for having dogs off a leash. (NOT fair to T-Rex. He was in the back of his owner's truck parked in his own yard until he jumped to his "pack's" defense.) My guys were up-to-date on rabies shots, T-Rex was overdue for one, but only by a month, and Whomper has no vet records at all (surprise, surprise). The bimbo has not been arrested for anything. I live out in the boonies, and things are more, um, "laid back" here as far as law enforcement goes, they didn't want to do the paperwork, and unless I go down to the county court and press changes and then complain enough that the cops eventually pick her up, she won't be arrested. I'm actually surprised animal control has done a dang thing, as getting them to pick up strays out here is impossible. (I used to take strays in, feed them, get them healthy, and find them homes, but I just can't expose my little old guys to the inherent risks of doing that, anymore.)

This is probably what's going to happen: Rex and Whomper will be let out in 10 days. I will pay Rex's ticket. I won't press charges against the bimbo or sue her for the vet bills (I'll either file with my home insurance for reimbursement or just swallow them, and that will be one big gulp) IF she doesn't make trouble for Rex's owner or me and never walks on the street in front of both our homes again.

One good thing about living in this place for 18 years; the neighbors are clannish, and everybody who saw what happened is writing out statements and will testify on my behalf and for T-Rex's owner should it come to that. The Neighborhood Watch has stopped by to impress upon her the error of trespassing, and indicated that they will be "watching her" for further infractions and won't hesitate to call the cops if she ever crosses onto private property again, or does ANYTHING they consider suspicious.

I wonder how long her family will stay on since everybody on the street now HATES them? Would you believe people are bringing me dog treats for Truffles and Sweet Pea?

Thanks for all the support and indignation, ECCIEites. It makes me feel better to know that people actually care about injustice to wee beasties.
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Old 05-02-2012, 06:03 PM   #21
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My pups are home and doing better than they should be. Sweet Pea will be a "druggie dog," popping 2 different pills twice a day to the tune of $100 a month for the rest of her days, which could be 2 years or more if she's lucky and responds well to her meds, but her problem isn't reversible, only manageable. After more tests and x-rays, seems she actually has an enlarged heart due to genetics, not congestive heart failure after all. The shock of yesterday's events precipitated the attack - and the discovery of her condition so it can be treated. Without diagnosis, the vet said she would have lived another 3 months at best. (She had been slowing down, getting exhausted after the least exertion and sleeping most of the day away, but I attributed it strictly to age and her expanding waistline. Hmmm, do dogs have waists?) Funny how fate works, sometimes. Should I be grateful?

Barring infection, and I have antibiotics to stuff down her, Truffles should heal and be back to her nickname "Trouble" in time. (She's always into something, that silly dog.)

I may have to run a Fancy Furry Fundraiser special to pay the vet. I've joked about it before, but now those donations will LITERALLY go to "Save the Irish Chihuahua."

Let me express my appreciation again for all the kind comments, emails, and pm's.
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Old 05-02-2012, 07:47 PM   #22
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I feel your vet pain.

Two ladies of icky gave me a lot of moral support when I had to go the vet ER.
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Old 05-03-2012, 01:10 PM   #23
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Does anyone know a vet that will take payment in pork skins? My business has taken off and I've got unopened bags just laying around.
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Old 05-03-2012, 06:02 PM   #24
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Omg I am sorry to hear this! If it was my chi I'd raise hell. I understand how you feel because I have a dog too...and if anything ever happened to mine I'd probably be in mourning for years because I'm that attached to him. I hope things look up! I hate hearing that a chi is hurt!
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Old 05-03-2012, 08:27 PM   #25
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I am terribly sorry, Fancy. I do hope your Truffles is home and mending. I know what you are going through.

Too damned many idiots out.

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Old 05-15-2012, 11:10 AM   #26
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I've had a lot of requests for puppy updates, so here's the latest:

Truffles has returned to barking at lizards and chasing squirrel tail. Her stitches are out and she now has scars to impress her friends. (She's always been a tough dyke bitch anyway. I wouldn't let her get a tattoo.) Her imperial majesty Empress Sweet Pea is on heart meds and vastly improved, back to slapping her slave humans around and demanding treats, continuous petting, and general worship of her royal, fair-furred behind. Her handmutt Stormy, who was subsequently also diagnosed with a heart problem, is sharing the same drugs, and again deviously hatching plots to overthrow the Pea and take her pillow.

T-Rex was released from doggy prison and got his t-bone, plus a t-shirt from Scarborough Faire that proclaims him "Dragon Slayer." He's been over to check on his wee pack mates, who, in true chihuahua we're-just-as-mighty-as-you style, still bark ferociously at him, but when they think nobody's looking, they're all licky-licky-whine-wag-wag laying in the sun snoozing together, 6 little lumps of fuzz on one side of the fence, one big behemoth guardian on the other.

His owner wouldn't let me pay anything toward Rex's impoundment by animal control for rabies quarantine or citations for being "off the leash" and not having a current vaccination tag. He's contesting the violations (doesn't want a "record" for his pit) with the assistance of an attorney buddy, who is doing it pro bono. He's got statements by the neighbors that Rex was only out of his yard to defend my guys and has never acted aggressively before to person or pet, and a letter from his vet stating that rabies shots are no longer required annually in Texas. (While the state says 3 years, individual counties can impose stricter guidelines, and therein lies a contradiction. T-Rex had his last shot 14 months ago.) Most likely the tickets will be tossed.

Alas, Whomper the spaniel was given up by his worthless owner, who refused to pay his impoundment fee, fine, and vet bill. I didn't inquire further as to his whereabouts, because I'm pretty sure it would just have disturbed me. (Poor dog, wasn't HIS fault.) I didn't bother to press the trespassing issue or try to collect reimbursement for my mountainous vet bills as I had a feeling it would be utterly wasted time and effort on my part, and I was correct; while I was gone to Scarborough this weekend she and her family moved out of their rent house with no notice and no forwarding, leaving a mess and 2 month's rent owed, according to the irate property owner. (But no surprise to the neighborhood.)

All is almost back to normal in the Kingdom of Irish Chihuahuas. Thank you for all the kind and positive thoughts sent their way.
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Old 05-15-2012, 01:54 PM   #27
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Glad your babies are doing better. Hang in there!!
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