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Old 04-12-2012, 06:09 PM   #121
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Originally Posted by SweetDubD View Post
Do you people even know Morgan? She is my favorite provider and I see her about once a month. I have seen others on this site and, for me, they did not compare. Morgan has a certain youthful sassiness that I could see coming out in situations like these, but during my sessions with her, she is very polite, considerate, and fun to be around. I do not know how she feels about me, but I consider her to be more than just a provider a see, she is a friend.

Her initial post was very intelligent and she told me the whole story about her use of the term "old hag". A lot of you posting do not know what you are talking about.

I will continue to see Morgan and I know for a fact that she does very well. I don't see that stopping because of this post. She is too bright of a young lady to do anything that would seriously effect her business. She told me before that she gets the vast majority of her business on other sites.

Morgan is an excellent provider and a very smart woman. This thread doesn't change that. She will be just fine.

Heres where her problem sits... These "old Hags" are highly respected ladies... not just because of their BCD skills but their willingness to help out new girls, no matter their age or appearance. They have experience on all kinds of matters of safety and how to handle situations. One day.. Karma will bite her in the ass... and she will NEED an "old hag"..
Her hatefulness towards such respected ladies pissed a lot of the new girls and younger girls off too...

I can probably bet.. trying to get a reference using this girl.. will be like trying to get Lacy to do CIM... aint gonna happen! Also.. I was raised to respect ur elders... its just ladylike, classy, and they deserve it...
Sounds like one was never taught to respect her elders, to be classy, or ladylike.

You can hate all you want.. but there is just no need to attack a lady, especially our lovely "old hags"
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Old 04-12-2012, 06:34 PM   #122
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I'm kind of surprised threatening to have your "boyfriend" commit battery on the ladies is only worthy of a temporary vacation.
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Old 04-12-2012, 07:13 PM   #123
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Morgan (whom I am seeing a little later this evening) asked me to ask why she was banned for posting things written in a private forum but others are allowed to. She also wants to know why all of her important points are edited by staff.

I have never met her boyfriend, but I know that he is not a pimp. Morgan is a free-spirited woman that would not let anyone take advantage of her.

Seems like she made one comment that you girls have taken and ran with. She is my ATF and has helped me through a difficult divorce. I wouldn't call it love, but I won't stand by while she is being bashed by a bunch of old hags.
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Old 04-12-2012, 07:35 PM   #124
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sighs this most of this "persons" posts are about Morgan and her "sisters" does he/she/it think we take anything they say seriously? LOL
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Old 04-12-2012, 08:31 PM   #125
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Originally Posted by Fancyinheels View Post
That's true. Not everyone wants to bother. I was at a club last night and sat talking to another single woman at the bar for a while who later got completely tanked, I mean sloppy drunk. When she toddled off with the manager (who had received a complaint from someone she evidently stumbled into on the dance floor) for some fresh air, I asked the bartender to put her purse behind the bar and stop serving her. After the club closed I stayed with her until her son (and a buddy to drive her car) could pick her up, to the annoyance of a couple of guys who were trying to pick ME up. They couldn't understand why I cared, it wasn't my problem, leave her alone. I was concerned something was going to happen to her in the dark parking lot by herself, or she'd try to drive and kill herself and God knows who else. They got disgusted and left, and good riddance to men I wouldn't want to know, anyway. I'm not sorry I stayed. So it cost me an hour out of my life, woo hoo, but maybe it prevented someone from losing far worse. It was the decent thing to do, even though she was a complete stranger.
You done good

A couple of years ago I met some friends of mine and one of their co-workers who I wanted to fuc and a bunch more of their co workers at a Pub. Some dumbass male co worker got drunker than Cooter Brown and his co workers wanted to leave him there, hell the chick I wanted to cuddle with wanted to leave him there. No way you can let a person like that drive...I drove the poor bastards truck home with him in it. Nightmare, old freaking truck, barely could direct me to his house and I got no loving from the chick who had gotten horny before we drove all over Austin looking for his apartment! . I almost kicked him in the nuts after dropping him off!
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Old 04-12-2012, 08:55 PM   #126
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Originally Posted by Copierguy0 View Post
NOPE, some of us end up old GEEZER'S, lol

GEEZER, no matter how hard you try, you will never be an old hag.


DAMN! I keep getting confused!!
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Old 04-12-2012, 09:08 PM   #127
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Originally Posted by SweetDubD View Post
Morgan (whom I am seeing a little later this evening) asked me to ask why she was banned for posting things written in a private forum but others are allowed to. She also wants to know why all of her important points are edited by staff.

I have never met her boyfriend, but I know that he is not a pimp. Morgan is a free-spirited woman that would not let anyone take advantage of her.

Seems like she made one comment that you girls have taken and ran with. She is my ATF and has helped me through a difficult divorce. I wouldn't call it love, but I won't stand by while she is being bashed by a bunch of old hags.
Her "points" were bringing private conversations out in public and she was aware that it's against the rules. They were edited because of that fact. They were from a private forum. Her one comment was in reality, several comments. She was rude and made several nasty and mean comments to several ladies she doesn't even know. She ignored several warnings from mods and if she didn't care then, she doesn't get to care now. Yes, she threatened women with physical violence via her "jaw-cracking" pimp I mean, boyfriend. You might be fooled by her act (isn't that what you pay her for?) but the rest of us aren't. 10,000 people can't be wrong.

[edited to add] She says she's a legend? Seriously? You want to know who a legend is? Nicole Preston, Fawn, Elizabeth Whispers, VNurse, Loving Kayla, I'm sure the gentlemen will help out with this list. I'm also sure of two things: the list will be a mile long and her name WON'T be on it. A provider becomes a legend because of her personality, grace, compassion, business savvy, intelligence and for her loving spirit. EroticMorgan isn't even smart enough to know when to keep her mouth shut. But you go ahead and leave a third review of her, sir. I'm sure her ego could use it right about now.
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Old 04-12-2012, 09:37 PM   #128
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Just in case any of EM's crew aren't sure what grace, personality, intelligence, compassion, business savvy and a loving spirit are, look above and read LusciousLacy's last post. That sums it all up nicely.
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Old 04-12-2012, 10:43 PM   #129
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Originally Posted by LusciousLacy View Post
Heres where her problem sits... These "old Hags" are highly respected ladies... not just because of their BCD skills but their willingness to help out new girls, no matter their age or appearance. They have experience on all kinds of matters of safety and how to handle situations. One day.. Karma will bite her in the ass... and she will NEED an "old hag"..
Her hatefulness towards such respected ladies pissed a lot of the new girls and younger girls off too...

I can probably bet.. trying to get a reference using this girl.. will be like trying to get Lacy to do CIM... aint gonna happen! Also.. I was raised to respect ur elders... its just ladylike, classy, and they deserve it...
Sounds like one was never taught to respect her elders, to be classy, or ladylike.

You can hate all you want.. but there is just no need to attack a lady, especially our lovely "old hags"
WOW!! I am speachless....

Originally Posted by Dharma View Post
Her "points" were bringing private conversations out in public and she was aware that it's against the rules. They were edited because of that fact. They were from a private forum. Her one comment was in reality, several comments. She was rude and made several nasty and mean comments to several ladies she doesn't even know. She ignored several warnings from mods and if she didn't care then, she doesn't get to care now. Yes, she threatened women with physical violence via her "jaw-cracking" pimp I mean, boyfriend. You might be fooled by her act (isn't that what you pay her for?) but the rest of us aren't. 10,000 people can't be wrong.

[edited to add] She says she's a legend? Seriously? You want to know who a legend is? Nicole Preston, Fawn, Elizabeth Whispers, VNurse, Loving Kayla, I'm sure the gentlemen will help out with this list. I'm also sure of two things: the list will be a mile long and her name WON'T be on it. A provider becomes a legend because of her personality, grace, compassion, business savvy, intelligence and for her loving spirit. EroticMorgan isn't even smart enough to know when to keep her mouth shut. But you go ahead and leave a third review of her, sir. I'm sure her ego could use it right about now.

Right now I am a little overwhelmed and very touched by the comments on this thread made by the ladies directed towards me and other older providers.. and it has left me feeling very emotional, I had no clue I have done anything special other than be myself and threat others as I want to be treated! the RESPECT means more to me than any of you will ever know! I guess that is why I cherish being called Mama Fawn and Old Hag...I am honored and thank you..... I want to thank you men also for supporting your ladies not matter who they are!
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Old 04-12-2012, 10:48 PM   #130
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Yea leave my Old Hags alone.
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Old 04-12-2012, 11:04 PM   #131
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Originally Posted by SweetDubD View Post
Morgan (whom I am seeing a little later this evening) asked me to ask why she was banned for posting things written in a private forum but others are allowed to. She also wants to know why all of her important points are edited by staff.

I have never met her boyfriend, but I know that he is not a pimp. Morgan is a free-spirited woman that would not let anyone take advantage of her.

Seems like she made one comment that you girls have taken and ran with. She is my ATF and has helped me through a difficult divorce. I wouldn't call it love, but I won't stand by while she is being bashed by a bunch of old hags.
Congratulations on your scheduled visit. I hope she rocks your world. Now before I answer her questions, I want to let you both know you just gave her a tip she may not be very happy with. Right now, you sir are acting as her mouthpiece. Again, the directions given not to insult the other women have been disobeyed. I am not going to make a hasty decision right now. I am going to sleep on this, but at a minimum, your comment just earned her an extra week of suspension. Worse case scenario, she just doubled her suspension thanks to you being her mouthpiece.

I can't emphasize this strongly enough, she needs to drop that false belief that the rules don't apply to her.

Now on her initial post I removed the content from the private forum. If I hadn't removed that content, the only other alternative would have been to ban her for a very long time on the spot. Instead I gave her a chance. This is what I meant when I said I went to bat for her. Instead of banning her, I gave her directions to follow on post #8. She disregarded those directions and that got her banned. With these many replies, some of the other content was needed to clarify her transgressions and threats. That is the reason I am allowing it without repercussions to others.

Now if she feels like I am unjustly targeting her, or abusing power, she can send an email to dallas@eccie.net, where she can plead her case. Now all the moderators and administrators can discuss if I was too heavy-handed, or too lenient with her. The only catch is that if the consensus turns out to be that I was too lenient, a longer suspension will be imposed. If she is right, then her suspension would be reduced. Everything including her threat to have her boyfriend(?) physically harm other women will be fair discussion and considered to reach a decision.

Ask her if she wants to take that option. If the decision favors her, then it will show I was abusing power. If the decision goes against her, she may find out I wasn't lying when I said I went to bat for her.

In the meantime, any mouthpiece of hers, who continues to insult will only be adding time to her suspension. From my perspective, the best thing for her to do is to take this time to cool off and reflect on her actions. Maybe comeback with a more positive attitude.
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Old 04-12-2012, 11:53 PM   #132
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You guys are all much appreciated. Thank you
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Old 04-13-2012, 12:20 AM   #133
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Originally Posted by Dharma View Post
...@ Miss Fancy, Thank you for speaking your mind so eloquently. I have always admired the way you write
Awww, thank you! Most of the time I think I'm just typing like the chimps stuck in a room full of keyboards, expected to eventually tap out an encyclopedia but instead just come up with a banana pudding recipe.

I believe Matador was being fair and gave her every chance. I didn't ever actually read whatever Morgan's statement was regarding her threatening boyfriend (one of the removed comments, I assume?), but sounds alarming. I personally think ANYONE who threatens anybody else on here with serious bodily harm (not the joking comments we make about kicking ass when not kissing it) over a difference of opinion should be BANNED for LIFE. What possible excuse can you give for that kind of hostility??? An insincere apology and more insults don't cut it.
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Old 04-13-2012, 12:59 AM   #134
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Yep. Hopefully this is finally done.
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Old 04-13-2012, 06:28 AM   #135
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Originally Posted by Fancyinheels View Post
I personally think ANYONE who threatens anybody else on here with serious bodily harm (not the joking comments we make about kicking ass when not kissing it) over a difference of opinion should be BANNED for LIFE.
I fervently agree with this. Once a member of this board has crossed that line, they should no longer have membership. It's one thing to have passionate differences of opinion, it's another to threaten physical recourse.
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