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Old 08-16-2019, 12:44 PM   #1
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Default Scheduling Difficult Gentleman

I hate making a post like this but I had someone sending me angry messages yesterday, so I think I have to address the issue.

My circumstances in my life have changed and my availability is much more limited than it was before. I have had my availability posted on my showcase, in my ads and on my site, as it always has been, but it doesn't really matter cause 99% of guys just won't read and every guy thinks he is an exception. Every guy, seriously.

Many women here, and probably the majority are not available full time. And if you read in Brooke's thread, she describes some of the arrangements that have to made prior to making an appointment happen. Many ladies have kids, jobs, school, etc and must make arrangements.



I have always been low volume, and I have always specialized in multi-hour appointments (which I why I require planning ahead). You can understand why I am low volume when I make appointments that last for several hours. I do not do quick visits. So if I am booked for several hours, I cannot respond to your request to see me ASAP nor would I care to disturb the gentlemen who has already arranged his multi-hour visit long in advance. And I am sure he doesn't care for it either.

Basically, you are being extremely rude to me and the to gentleman who is already here.

This happened yesterday. I had someone with me for two hours. When I was done I had angry messages from someone else who continues to repeatedly message me for late evening appointments (which I don't do) and also on short notice (which I also don't do) and he is most often messaging me when I am already occupied.

My availability has been posted and I think it's quite rude for someone to constantly expect me to alter my life on short notice and stop what I am doing to immediately attend their needs or else they will send me angry messages because they expect to be the exception, and they want to be the exception RIGHT NOW. Honestly I find it a bit disturbing that someone reacts this way. It's a great way to get blocked.

I frankly have no desire to meet with someone who is this high maintenance and full of themselves. There are other ladies who accommodate short notice and late nights. And there are ladies who actually specialize in short notice and late nights.

I am not one of them.
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Old 08-16-2019, 01:51 PM   #2
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People in Hell want ice water Katie. Don't worry about him and just block his number.
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Old 08-16-2019, 02:05 PM   #3
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Or send them the link to Pornhub! Just saying!
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Old 08-16-2019, 11:04 PM   #4
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Ignore them. Anyone who gets mad over the fact you have changed your hours is not worth your time.

In today world a lot of people feel you must be available 24 seven. Everyone is being pulled in different directions every day. Some people you will never make happy no matter how hard you try.
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Old 08-17-2019, 06:08 AM   #5
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Serious question. What is the point of this thread? There is literally no information and just basically a piggy back to Brookes thread. Guess you just wanted to complain a little
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Old 08-17-2019, 07:11 AM   #6
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Looks to me that the thread is not that hard to understand.
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Old 08-17-2019, 08:04 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by allaboutthebbbj View Post
Serious question. What is the point of this thread? There is literally no information and just basically a piggy back to Brookes thread. Guess you just wanted to complain a little
My post is probably more wordy than it needs to be, but I was trying to outline all the issues that come with scheduling. And it was typed up quickly as I was running from one engagement to the next, so no time for editing.

I could name the guy...but the point of this was not to call someone out.

The point here, is I am asking...what exactly is it that I am supposed to do?

I got someone sending me angry messages, am I supposed to walk out of my 2hr appt? Am I supposed to last minute cancel other appointments to fit in someone who doesn't want to schedule ahead?

Mr. BBBJ I am sure you understand the complexities of scheduling, you have quite a few reviews and have visited with ladies I am familiar with, so I am sure you understand the process well. How am I supposed to handle someone who doesn't and has become rude and irate?
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Old 08-17-2019, 08:52 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Fizley View Post
Ignore them. Anyone who gets mad over the fact you have changed your hours is not worth your time.

In today world a lot of people feel you must be available 24 seven. Everyone is being pulled in different directions every day. Some people you will never make happy no matter how hard you try.
agreed! just move on cvk. all the necessary info regarding scheduling procedures is listed on your site, so no need to stress over this. jmo...
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Old 08-17-2019, 05:43 PM   #9
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A classic case of entitlement. Block and keep it moving.
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Old 08-17-2019, 10:54 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Fresh-Memes View Post
A classic case of entitlement. Block and keep it moving.
Yes. Unfortunately I can completely relate to her thread. Thanks CK.
Btw, glad to see your back after your break.
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Old 08-17-2019, 11:04 PM   #11
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so your saying your not available right now..............??? at 12:03am..........???


.......LOL..... jk babe..............

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Old 08-18-2019, 07:30 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by The1Slayer View Post
so your saying your not available right now..............??? at 12:03am..........???


.......LOL..... jk babe..............


I wish...Been in bed several hours at that point. Old ladies need their beauty sleep, lol.

I am sure you guys out there are much wilder than me.
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Old 08-18-2019, 07:36 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by 4PawgLovers View Post
Yes. Unfortunately I can completely relate to her thread. Thanks CK.
Btw, glad to see your back after your break.
I am sure a lot of ladies out there can relate, as their are tons of ladies that are much more in demand than me. They won't say anything for fear of being told they are just "complaining".

It's obviously an issue that needs to be addressed when gentlemen are becoming irate over it, and I am all ears to anyone who has a solution.

I have tried booking agents in the past, and guys would freak out that I had a booking agent. I am not sure why, agencies do that and guys are ok with it, but don't like it when an indy does it.
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Old 08-18-2019, 07:40 AM   #14
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That's why there is more than one "provider" ....

.... and more than one business of just about any kind. Some are short hours .... 4 1/2 days a week from 9 to 4 ... or 24/7 ...

Feel special that someone gets "butt-hurt" because they can't see you!

It irritates me to go .... say to a doctor's office .... for an 8:45 a.m. appointment and don't get in to see the doctor until 9:30 a.m. I guess that's why they call us ..... "patients" ..... we have to have it!
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Old 08-19-2019, 09:08 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by CurvyKatie View Post
I hate making a post like this but I had someone sending me angry messages yesterday, so I think I have to address the issue.

My circumstances in my life have changed and my availability is much more limited than it was before. I have had my availability posted on my showcase, in my ads and on my site, as it always has been, but it doesn't really matter cause 99% of guys just won't read and every guy thinks he is an exception. Every guy, seriously.

Many women here, and probably the majority are not available full time. And if you read in Brooke's thread, she describes some of the arrangements that have to made prior to making an appointment happen. Many ladies have kids, jobs, school, etc and must make arrangements.



I have always been low volume, and I have always specialized in multi-hour appointments (which I why I require planning ahead). You can understand why I am low volume when I make appointments that last for several hours. I do not do quick visits. So if I am booked for several hours, I cannot respond to your request to see me ASAP nor would I care to disturb the gentlemen who has already arranged his multi-hour visit long in advance. And I am sure he doesn't care for it either.

Basically, you are being extremely rude to me and the to gentleman who is already here.

This happened yesterday. I had someone with me for two hours. When I was done I had angry messages from someone else who continues to repeatedly message me for late evening appointments (which I don't do) and also on short notice (which I also don't do) and he is most often messaging me when I am already occupied.

My availability has been posted and I think it's quite rude for someone to constantly expect me to alter my life on short notice and stop what I am doing to immediately attend their needs or else they will send me angry messages because they expect to be the exception, and they want to be the exception RIGHT NOW. Honestly I find it a bit disturbing that someone reacts this way. It's a great way to get blocked.

I frankly have no desire to meet with someone who is this high maintenance and full of themselves. There are other ladies who accommodate short notice and late nights. And there are ladies who actually specialize in short notice and late nights.

I am not one of them.

You have always been up front with your availability. If the fuckwaffle cannot read it is on him and no one else. Also, fuckwaffles tend to get pissy when they do not get their fuckwaffle way.
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