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Join Date: 04-22-2017
Location: Area
Posts: 1530

Last Activity: 03-25-2024
Thanks for the memories!
Profile Picture

The Basics

Name CurvyKatie
User ID 398083
Email chloevankatie@protonmail.com
Phone Number 2816668419 TEXT ONLY
Metro Location Texas - Houston
Age 35

Services & Availability

Monday Not set yet
Tuesday Not set yet
Wednesday Not set yet
Thursday Not set yet
Friday Not set yet
Saturday Not set yet
Sunday Not set yet


Ethnicity Caucasian / White
Build Curvy
Breasts Enhanced No
Height 5' 5"
Eyes Blue/Green
Piercings Ears
Tattoos None
Grooming Trimmed
Smoking Non-Smoker

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About Me

Biography ASMR Zensual Relaxation


Be spoiled.

Be catered to.

Be worshiped like you never have before.

I will make you the complete center of my attention and make you feel special like the man you are.

Let go and let me take control as I seduce you into a hypnotic trance where you will feel zoned out, chilled out and calm.

I will use a gentle and caring touch to initiate exciting sensory exploration like an erotic meditation.

You will be teased and tickled with light feathers, fingernails, brushes, and gentle whispers in your ear that will send goosebumps down your spine.

The tingles will start on the top of your head and the hairs on your neck will stand on end, the shivers will travel down your upper back and into your arms and the sensations will move up and down your spine.

Kinda like a little explosion, and then you will feel sparkles and little stars going down to your arms, legs, and everywhere else.

I will tease you there to the edge of ecstasy and hold you there until I finally decide to let you go.

You will be completely under my control.

You will be addicted.


-12PM - 5PM
-24 Hr Minimum Notice


Date Encounter/Author Recommendation Report a Problem
08-21-2019 Encounter by quietthunder1970 Yes
04-07-2019 Encounter by mikej999 Yes
03-23-2019 Encounter by Dynalow96 Yes
03-18-2019 Encounter by Elconquistador918 Yes
11-20-2018 Encounter by thetitcmdr Yes
07-27-2018 Encounter by Elconquistador918 Yes
07-25-2018 Encounter by BlisswithKriss Yes
07-22-2018 Encounter by BenDavis Yes
04-05-2018 Encounter by lagnaf77459 Yes
01-26-2018 Encounter by MarcellusWalluz Yes

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