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Old 06-01-2019, 03:13 PM   #1
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Default The Male Perception of Hobbying in the Real World

Gentlemen, I am curious how many of the other guys around you in the real world (co-workers, golf buddies, relatives, boss, etc.) partake in the hobby?

Is it something that's easy for you to discuss with most other guys you cross in your daily life or is it more of a taboo subject?

I am also curious what the perception is. Do you think most other guys see it as something to try at least once or do they see it as something beneath them? Do you think other guys see it as a fun/convenient and easy way to meet multiple women or do you think the other guys you run into in the real world would see the hobby as a disgusting or desperate kind of thing?

So basically, how often do you meet other men who hobby and what do you think their perception is?
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Old 06-01-2019, 04:00 PM   #2
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I only told certain people that I trust with this information. Some guys think it's cool or they have certain misconceptions about it(Some think it's another form of prostitution etc). But mostly it's guys that have partaked in "extra curricular activities themselves who are married or "attached" in some way. The few who have misconceptions I have explained how it works now and what a big enterprise this is now. I've even gotten a few guys that will join ECCIE and OURHOME now.

I've told one guy that it's fun for me. "Where else can you DATY(l LOVE DATY) beautiful girls? I've also told them that even though you have to pay for it, guys get what they want without the drama. So explaining it that way most guys get it.
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Old 06-01-2019, 04:07 PM   #3
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I have only 2 male friends that I can trust telling this. Both are friends for over 20 years. One has partaken the hobby in Carson city or thru old backpage ads.
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Old 06-01-2019, 06:26 PM   #4
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Most folks that pay for pussy don't advertise it..

Maybe to a super close friend at most

So i have no clue how many guys i know that buy pussy tbh

When i was a soldier tho...we basically all knew who hit the red light district

I work turnarounds and sometimes out of town so you have a general idea of which guys buy pussy on the road.

Of course there is the "i would never pay for pussy" crowd which i used to be a card carrying member until i went to Budapest on R and R from Bosnia...

And then my membership was revoked

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Old 06-01-2019, 06:54 PM   #5
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Being around older coworkers on business trips is probably what got me into hobbying in the first place lol.

Outside of them the only other person who knows that I hobby is my best friend but I don't think he knows its to this extent lol. But he has no room to judge as he has actually vacationed out of the country for the sole purpose of hobbying.

I think more than half the guys I know, whether it be family, friends, neighbors, coworkers etc. are open to the idea of hobbying in some form. Whether that be them possibly spending time with their favorite porn star or ig model, being mesmerized by a stripper when they have a little extra in their pockets or possibly helping out the youthful looking waitress at Hooters for something in exchange.

And then I know of a few guys who won't even step foot inside of a strip club because that makes them a "trick" and they turn their noses up at anybody for even entertaining the idea of doing so.
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Old 06-01-2019, 07:08 PM   #6
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I have one friend that I have set up with a few providers that I've seen many times. He is not on any of the boards but the ladies were ok with me recommending him.
My best friend knows and doesn't approve.
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Old 06-01-2019, 07:42 PM   #7
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Hell i sent a part time lil sexy ass 19 yr old trick to my big bro house after he had gotten divorced for 6 months

I didnt tell him she was a trick...i was picking up the $60 tab

He turned her away ��������
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Old 06-01-2019, 09:04 PM   #8
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Me personally I don’t talked about it with any one. Maybe because I have a trust issue. Due to a bad experience. Basically, he try to get one of the ladies to come forth to inform my wife. Instead, she call me to let me know what was happening.
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Old 06-01-2019, 10:17 PM   #9
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I haven't told anyone and have no plans. Most of my friends are too conservative. I made the mistake once of mentioning to a friend I went to red light district in a foreign country some 20 years ago and really got the stink eye....and I'm single.
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Old 06-01-2019, 10:22 PM   #10
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I don't discuss with anyone. Believed within my circle of friends, the idea of hobbying would be taboo, and my suspicions were confirmed when we gathered one night and found out a local tv sportscaster (not Houston) was busted for solicitation - he was the butt of jokes all night. So this little secret of mine will go with me to the grave.

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Old 06-01-2019, 10:50 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Astros1965 View Post
I don't discuss with anyone. Believed within my circle of friends, the idea of hobbying would be taboo, and my suspicions were confirmed when we gathered one night and found out a local tv sportscaster (not Houston) was busted for solicitation - he was the butt of jokes all night. So this little secret of mine will go with me to the grave.

Haha... Please tell me that he didn't frequent TiKi Island for Karaoke Lmao

Good one & Smart Man !!

Thanks CKatie for opening up another great convo & good read in co-ed !!
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Old 06-02-2019, 06:09 AM   #12
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I do not talk about the hobby or my participation in it with anyone. This means that I don't really know who around me also are involved.

My perception is that most men have at one time or another at least gone to a strip club, or had a BJ from a SW provider,at least once in their life. Others somewhat more often.
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Old 06-02-2019, 07:36 AM   #13
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I have a friend who got me on Eccie. We discuss things now and then.
We have also had MFM's with providers together, as well as with my wife.

I also have a young 26 year old friend who used to nail my wife. We had an MFM with Tabbitha from here. He mostly gets his pussy from swinger sites. Since he is young and hung, he gets a lot of middle aged pussy, mostly couples.

We don't talk as much anymore since my wife lost her mojo(hysterectomy killed her drive).

I also have another friend who is very wealthy. We talk about it now and then. He only see's very high end agency chicks. He brings them on weekend trips to casino's and business trips.
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Old 06-02-2019, 08:18 AM   #14
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The hobby is still a taboo, we see it as normal because we're all involved in it, but most people are not, I've learned to keep my mouth shut about anything that will come back and haunt me in the future if someone decided to snitch or tell someone who will.
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Old 06-02-2019, 09:27 AM   #15
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In my sector of the business world I’ve known a handful of guys who hobby and talk about it. The subject isn’t one that comes up easily or is free to speak of...even with guys who live in countries where it’s legal.

I have three guys I know right now who hobby and we occasionally talk about it...but two of them have arrangements with young ladies as well and that’s what we talk about more.

For many guys, they’ll be interested and talk a good game but wouldn’t ever execute on the idea. Most people are whimps imho (ladies and men.) This forum, and a few others, are where I talk about it the most.

Most guys don’t hobby because they don’t know how to do it discretely or don’t have access to anonymous money with oversight from a partner. If I had to guess, most guys wouldn’t hobby or get close to it. Of the ones who dip their toes in, most stay in the rub and tug world. For guys who try actual providers, a small percentage of males, they either freak and never do it again or get very involved and keep it secret.

This forum has been amazing for me personally.
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