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Old 09-08-2017, 01:55 PM   #46
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Default Not entirely true

Originally Posted by CurvyKatie View Post
When you book an airline flight, or a hotel, or tickets to a show, you do not get a refund or even a partial refund when RW events occur in your own personal life. The hotel, airline or entertainment venue will lose that money that they can never recoup for that lost time and space, as well as having to turn down other potential customers for the spot you held. EVERYONE knows this and if everyone pulled this, these companies would go out of business. If you don't show up for your airline flight, you don't get your money back, it doesn't matter why.

But because OP is in this particular type of business, the gentleman chose not to respect her time. I would most likely not see him again.

But really there is nothing that can be done in this particular situation, because airlines and hotels have clearly stated cancellation policies and OP did not. So I suggest OP considers posting cancellation policies to prevent this type of thing in the future.
Katie. Your statement that you cannot get a refund on prepurchased airline tickets, hotel rooms, and show tickets is simply not true. In the case of airlines there are U.S Department of Transportation rules that cover refunds, each airline has refund policies (as you stated), and both also apply to so called non-refundable tickets. As for hotels, you almost never prepay for reservations. Your credit card is given only to hold the reservation. If you do not show up to register within a specified time the room goes back up for sale. If you book multiple days and need fewer days than booked you only pay for days stayed upon checkout. When it comes to "show" tickets it would do well to distinguish between different types of "shows". Movie tickets purchased in advance online are typically not refundable. However, concert tickets, sporting events, live theater tickets will typically be placed on resale for you by the promoter, venue, etc., for a nominal fee.

In this instance the client did not actually cancel. He amended the terms of the appointment upon arrival (if I read AA's narrative correctly), so your cancellation analogy is not quite an apples to apples comparison.

Since you used airline ticket purchases as a comparison for this situation you might familiarize yourself with what is called an "involuntary refund" required by U.S Dept. of
Transportation. If an airline chooses not to seat a passenger who has purchased a ticket or DELAYS FLIGHT DEPARTURE TIME BEYOND A SPECIFIED TIME the ticket holder is due a full refund. Maybe hobbyists should all adopt this policy towards providers who ncns, are late for the appointment, or cut the agreed upon time short and require monetary compensation from providers. Almost never does a hobbyist pay in advance so a refund is not typically in order, but compensation for actual costs incurred related to the scheduled session, lost wages, an hourly rate for time wasted, etc., seems equitable if you wish to be compensated for hobbyist cancellations or changes. As I have stated before in this thread, the chances of that ever happening are almost nil.

Budman was short, sweet, and to the point with his advice. Read his thread, Katie.
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Old 09-08-2017, 01:57 PM   #47
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Old 09-08-2017, 09:57 PM   #48
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I have never gotten money back on a non refundable hotel. Just ask how many providers have lost money on hotel rooms when clients didn't show. We book rooms on the daily. We know how it works, and I promise many a provider can come here and tell you how they have gotten burned on hotel money when a client didn't show.

You guys can pull all the excuses you want out of your ass to justify not holding to your commitments and burning ladies out of their money, but you are wrong for it and you know it.

You reserved a spot, you pay for it. Otherwise you are what we all know is called a TIMEWASTER.

You can only cancel flights and hotels due to their POLICIES. You are not a special snowflake. Sorry you think you are.
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Old 09-08-2017, 10:02 PM   #49
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And you wonder why airlines overbook flights? So they don't lose money on people who think they can be special snowflakes and not honor their commitments or play by the rules like everyone else.

I am not sure why you guys are gonna sit here and justify every reason under the sun why you can't and shouldn't have to honor your appointments. GTFO.
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Old 09-08-2017, 10:07 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by Xesaddict View Post
My point concerns equity. If you believe a hobbyist should keep a "deal" made with a provider, as in this instance, why do you not also propose that providers should reimburse a hobbyist for time, out of pocket expense incurred, and any lost wages, etc., when a provider ncns's, unreasonably delays the scheduled appointment, or even fails to deliver services agreed upon.? We both know that will never happen.
HOLY SHIT!!!! You even think provider should PAY YOU!

You are out of your mind.
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Old 09-08-2017, 10:37 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by CurvyKatie View Post
HOLY SHIT!!!! You even think provider should PAY YOU!

You are out of your mind.
No he's not..

(and regardless of the half day wasted)

If you NCNS's me you cost me around $200+ for lost wages and other out of pocket expenses..

So can you answer.. WHY the fuck do I have to absorb that lost when I did show up to your place on time and you just decided to NCNS's me for whatever reason ????
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Old 09-08-2017, 11:12 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by CurvyKatie View Post
HOLY SHIT!!!! You even think provider should PAY YOU!

You are out of your mind.
Katie. Thank you for your ill informed response, or should I say rant. You have confirmed the point I was trying to make, and that is most providers, yourself included, are not interested in treating hobbyists in the same way you want them to treat you when it comes to cancellations, delays, etc.. To you, someone who has to cancel an appointment, is delayed, etc., regardless of the situation, is a "snowflake" or "time waster" and should have to pay you for the originally scheduled appointment. If you, however, cancel , are late to the appointment, fail to deliver agreed upon services, etc., that is okay and you should not have to reimburse the hobbyist for his out of pocket expenses, lost wages, time, and inconvenience. Hmmm.... Does not quite seem equitable, does it? In your world I guess it does, though.

Oh, contrary to what you may think, I do have some empathy for what you go through when dealing with clients and potential clients. Only to a point, though, because the sex trade is the business you have chosen to be in, and the problems and pitfalls involved are not those that can be resolved In the same manner you would in the real world. It would be nice if you had some empathy for what hobbyists go through when dealing with providers who are flakes and sociopaths. You typically don't, though, and we hobbyists simply accept those problems and pitfalls as part of the game and move on. Again, I suggest you read Budman's reply to AA's post. Ciao.....
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Old 09-09-2017, 09:02 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by 4funn View Post
No he's not..

(and regardless of the half day wasted)

If you NCNS's me you cost me around $200+ for lost wages and other out of pocket expenses..

So can you answer.. WHY the fuck do I have to absorb that lost when I did show up to your place on time and you just decided to NCNS's me for whatever reason ????


It should go both ways. If they want to be compensated for their lost time then they should compensate the guy when they flake. Maybe a free session.

Pussy has a shelf life and one day they won't be able to give it away, much less sell it. Having a good attitude will extend it versus a bad one.
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