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Old 04-02-2017, 02:37 PM   #16
Don T. Lukbak
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Originally Posted by NubianPrince View Post
I wasn't disagreeing with you..
...and all these years I've been miscontruing the "yeah but" phrase as establishment of a counter argument. Wonders never cease.
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Old 04-02-2017, 02:41 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by sensualsanaa View Post
I don't even offer hour appointments for new clients if I'm not on tour. It's more of a loss for me than anything due to having to take time out to screen, secure an incall and to get ready. HHR aren't even an option. That doesn't allow me enough time to really get a feel for you and develop the type of rapport I desire to really let loose and get comfortable. Offering a hour hour would be a disservice to me and to yourself. You don' have enough time to explore even half of what I offer. I know there are many different needs that you hobbyist have, but the ones whom I hope to appeal to appreciate that I am looking to be more in tune with my suitor. This allows me to be selective and focus on building relationships with those gentlemen who are a best fit for me.

It's also worth adding that even when I did offer shorter visit, I was regularly taken advantage of. People would book well under the amount of time they desire with me with the hope that I'd be kid enough to offer more time. The threat of being labeled a 'clock watcher' is no fun either.

This was EXACTLY the kind of response I was looking for. Thank you for your input. It is greatly appreciated. Do any more ladies want to pile on top of that? Do any ladies here disagree? Would love to hear other points of view.
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Old 04-02-2017, 10:30 PM   #18
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It is also because many ladies stay sufficiently busy booking with gentlemen that can afford the 1hr rate.

You don't see a published hhr rate? There's a reason for that. It's not offered.
Others ladies offer it. Contact them.

Can you afford her published 1hr rate? If so, then great!
Don't want a whole hour? No problem. You're welcome to leave any time before the hour is up.

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Old 04-03-2017, 04:48 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Lady Jane Arista View Post
It is also because many ladies stay sufficiently busy booking with gentlemen that can afford the 1hr rate.


Can you afford her published 1hr rate? If so, then great!
Don't want a whole hour? No problem. You're welcome to leave any time before the hour is up.

This sounds like a provider having ONLY "HR" sessions, but ending them in 35 minutes. Is one "free to leave" because one is bored looking at the walls?
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Old 04-03-2017, 09:08 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by sensualsanaa View Post
I don't even offer hour appointments for new clients if I'm not on tour. It's more of a loss for me than anything due to having to take time out to screen, secure an incall and to get ready. HHR aren't even an option. That doesn't allow me enough time to really get a feel for you and develop the type of rapport I desire to really let loose and get comfortable. Offering a hour hour would be a disservice to me and to yourself. You don' have enough time to explore even half of what I offer. I know there are many different needs that you hobbyist have, but the ones whom I hope to appeal to appreciate that I am looking to be more in tune with my suitor. This allows me to be selective and focus on building relationships with those gentlemen who are a best fit for me.

It's also worth adding that even when I did offer shorter visit, I was regularly taken advantage of. People would book well under the amount of time they desire with me with the hope that I'd be kid enough to offer more time. The threat of being labeled a 'clock watcher' is no fun either.
Originally Posted by cbramrent View Post
This was EXACTLY the kind of response I was looking for. Thank you for your input. It is greatly appreciated. Do any more ladies want to pile on top of that? Do any ladies here disagree? Would love to hear other points of view.

I agree with SS. Takes the same amount of effort on the provider's part to prep for a half hour as an hour or even an afternoon, so such sessions aren't particularly cost effective, especially if the lusty lass has to travel and secure accommodations, as well. Also, while a lot of fellows seem to understand a BNG is JUST that, time flies when having fun, and its perception is easily distorted. In my experience and as SS indicated, of all the various types of appointments, a half hour is the one most likely to be taken advantage of and nearly guaranteed to go into overtime.

The biggest hurdle with brief breaks is that they are so hurried and harried, and unless activities are limited in advance, short sessions become a laundry list of gymnastic events to complete before the clock runs out, a race to the finish line! Also, some fellows push for MSOG in a half hour, which, while understandable due to scheduling and money constraints, can be quite exhausting to BOTH playful parties. Why stress out over what's supposed to be an enjoyable interlude?

When advertised, these visits have to be promoted differently, too, especially if seeing someone new, as SS pointed out. Alas, 30 minutes is only time enough to drop by, drop the clothes, and drop a pop, so how can that be "GFE" with no prior familiarity, no established connection?

I specialize in carnal companionship of a leisurely nature, but when I have the increasingly rare flexibility and availability to post a half hour "Snack Attack" special, I keep it confined to shillelagh-polishing Blarney Stone-kissing "oraltory" with tantalizing touch as that seems to flow best without the rushed feeling, but still,
a half hour never runs just 30 minutes.
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Old 04-03-2017, 01:21 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak View Post
It's their dipshit way of bragging ..... then the mutt should keep it schtum instead of flaunting his ego.
All this time I've thought that was the "purpose" of reviews!
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Old 04-03-2017, 02:10 PM   #22
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I just recently posted a rate for hhr but I make it clear to anyone who asks that's it's for returning gents only, as well as same day appointments. I have it published so that it is written in stone so there's no debate and I'm not giving out a random amount anytime I'm asked. I prefer an hr because it gives me a chance to get to know a gentleman first as well as give the gent ample time to make sure I'm what they were looking for. After we've established a good rapport and I know they plan on returning, I'm more than happy to accommodate a hhr if that's legitimately all They have time for.

Too many gents as of recently take advantage of providers by going in with the mindset that they purposely plan on staying longer than hhr and that's bullshit and I won't stand for it. I do not hobby full time but I always make sure that I am on top of my game and I make sure that everything is A1 anytime that I visit with someone. I am allowing you the pleasure of my company so the least that I require is respect for me and for my time.
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Old 04-03-2017, 02:18 PM   #23
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To me a half hour session is a complete waste to both parties involved.
With the right provider even an hour can be too short.
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Old 04-03-2017, 03:20 PM   #24
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Lady Jane Arista I like the response. Very nice.
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Old 04-04-2017, 04:32 AM   #25
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With some providers, their watch seems to run 30 minutes fast. You are hurried out the door when you have paid for HR but only get HHR. Probably no repeat session with those anyway.

Also, an hour can drag on and on when the provider does provide any IOP. You just want the session to get over.

Both are motivation for HHR sessions, especially for the first session.

And if a provider is in the higher end of your budget and on your TDL list, a HHR is better than nothing.
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Old 04-04-2017, 06:01 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by texanguy01 View Post
And if a provider is in the higher end of your budget and on your TDL list, a HHR is better than nothing.
I agree 100% with this statement.
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Old 04-04-2017, 10:27 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by cbramrent View Post
I'm sure a few of you tarts have felt stifled by a provider in the past when requesting a hhr. I know I have felt that before. You know, when you start exchanging texts with someone and they go radio silent the moment you ask for a HHR, or maybe even a QV. Sometimes it's time, sometimes its financial and sometimes it's just not feeling like I want a whole hour.

My question is this, and it's mainly for you ladies. Why do you prefer an hour visit? It's less money for you. Lots of you don't understand that and may think I'm crazy. Sure, any idiot knows $300 is more than $200 in the short term, but in the long run, it's not. Why do you ladies treat the HHR guys differently from the HR guys? Just curious.

Several reasons:

1. We don't want so much traffic in and out of our locations; a quick 30 minute visit looks suspicious.

2. It's just as much preparation for a 30 min sesh as a 60 min one, so we would rather do a longer session and make a little more for all that work.

3. Girls like me especially, I perform a genuine massage. There is no way that can be done in 30 minutes and I refuse to try; it negates the entire purpose of my service.

4. We don't like the feel of a 30 min sesh. It is literally just about getting in and out, and getting off. Many providers (me included) actually like to take our time and engage with our clients a little more than just being used a sex factory.

5. Most gents requesting half hours are the cheap/disrespectful types one would rather avoid. (Before you get your panties in a knot, I said most, not all.)
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Old 04-04-2017, 10:47 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
All this time I've thought that was the "purpose" of reviews!
Said tongue in cheek, I hope. Agreed, there's a lot of peacockery amongst a lot, maybe most, reviewers, but I was actually somewhat abashed when I wrote my couple dozen or so...who on earth can find paying for pussy a source of pride? Not to mention I was raised to feel scorn for mutts who "kiss & tell", and now I'm doing it! The ones I wrote on the ASPD were from some weird sense of obligation to contribute and also because I'm too cheap to pay for access; the ones on here were at the specific request of the hooktard...

Since 2010 my P411 explicitly states I no longer write reviews; that immunizes me from the "please, please, please, please, etc" of some shapely adorable begging me to commemorate the shameful things we done in private. Life is good.
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Old 04-04-2017, 03:05 PM   #29
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I offer hhr for my repeat clients.
Sometimes a good quick Fuck is all that is needed
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Old 04-04-2017, 03:21 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by SweetDulce View Post
I offer hhr for my repeat clients.
Sometimes a good quick Fuck is all that is needed
Well sure, nice little booty calls with your regulars are part of the rhythym of life...big difference between that as a lagniappe vs marketing anything shorter than an hour at a minimum.
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