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Old 07-08-2016, 01:01 PM   #1
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Default "I'll make it up to you"

I think in the real or business world we know what this phrase means.

"Oh, I'm sorry that your steak is over done, sir I'll make it up to you."
- Free dessert or they comp the steak.

"Guy, I backed into a pole while borrowing your car. I'll make it up to ya."
- Your insurance not mine. Don't forget the rental.

"Johnson, I need you to fill in for Baker. He got shot at a BML rally."
- Overtime. 1.5 x pay.

Now try to translate this into the hobby world.

Schedule an appointment a few days out. The night before get the courtesy confirmation for tommorrow text with the I'll give you the hotel number once I check in. Day of. No call. No reply to text. Day after appointment was scheduled. Receive a text why explanation X. "I'll make it up to you."
- ?

"I know you requested outfit Y when we scheduled yesterday but I forget to wash it. I'll make it up to you."
- ?

"I just came from the dentist. So no kissing or BJ. That's be okay, right? I'll make it up to you."
- ?

I'm starting to think its just a universal throw away term for "Got your money already. Sorry. Not sorry." "I didn't really need the money after spending time verifying you after all." "Ugh, you want me to put in effort?"

Yes, I know things happen and don't always go according to plan. I also understand one doesn't make an ambiguous offer of compensation for their error when they have no intention to offer reperations.

When putting the shoe on the other foot what do you think would happen if a client tried this technique?

"I'm sorry Z expense went through on my checking account before I pulled out your donation so I'm short L amount. I'll make it up to you."
- Thread: K is a haggler

"I just received word P is in the emergency room. I'll need to reschedule. I'll make it up to you."
- Thread: "T is a time waster & I missed out on F appointments"
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Old 07-08-2016, 01:20 PM   #2
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I understand and sympathize on where you're coming from, as such bulltwinkie can be SO frustrating, but don't lose hope, hon. Many lusty ladies take their reputation and their business seriously enough to put things right when the wrong is truly their fault. If I have a booboo, I will tell the fellow well in advance, as in, "I scraped my knee so can't worship you on all fours, drats, bats, cats chasing rats!" When I've had dental work, I don't entertain, or will cancel in emergency situations and tell the gent exactly why. (Had to reschedule when I cut my gums flossing once! Sure sounded lame, but it was true.) Been turning down requests lately as I'm recovering from an allergy-related sinus infection. Yes, while I could offer "alternative" activities since I'm coughing dangerously, no kissing or BBBJ during a GFE is preposterous!

In other situations I have ALWAYS "made it up" with extra time on my dime, a discount, or an outcall at the convenience of a gent who originally scheduled an incall. If I say something, I mean it. Perhaps everybody doesn't value statements in the Hobby context as binding since this is a world of fantasy, but I still believe that my word is my bond under ANY circumstances, and a point of personal honor.

Alas, to whine from the other side, a good many fellows don't share such an opinion. I've heard, "I'll make it up to you," many, MANY times, and then have never heard from them again. It works both ways.
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Old 07-08-2016, 01:43 PM   #3
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I agree with the sexy Irish lass.
But we grew up in time when your word and reputation were important.
I fear that is no longer the case.
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Old 07-08-2016, 01:47 PM   #4
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^^^^^^ yup. Same as "extremely careless" is no longer "gross negligence"

And telling lies isn't lying.

Of course, we've been down that road already
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Old 07-08-2016, 01:50 PM   #5
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Sad when "whoring" is a more honest profession than political office, but methinks it has always been thus.
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Old 07-08-2016, 02:14 PM   #6
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I've been cancelled on, no showed (and I mean sitting in the parking lot, waiting) more times than I care to remember. I bitched slighty, once, but now I just move on. A couple of no shows ago, she said she wanted to make it up to me. I said thanks, but never went back.

I think I'm the ideal client. I try to be polite, I'm utterly harmless, I try to reward good service in every way that I can, I'm alway clean and fresh as a daisy, and I show as promised. My attitude now is that if this is a business, then it is the loss of the irresponsible party to the scheduled transaction. I just move on.
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Old 07-08-2016, 02:28 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Sadsack View Post
I've been cancelled on, no showed (and I mean sitting in the parking lot, waiting) more times than I care to remember. I bitched slighty, once, but now I just move on. A couple of no shows ago, she said she wanted to make it up to me. I said thanks, but never went back.

I think I'm the ideal client. I try to be polite, I'm utterly harmless, I try to reward good service in every way that I can, I'm alway clean and fresh as a daisy, and I show as promised. My attitude now is that if this is a business, then it is the loss of the irresponsible party to the scheduled transaction. I just move on.
I agree - I try to be polite - clean ,, on time , and at least courteous enough to contact if running late.

NCNS sucks buts going to happen in this game. You just move on to he next prospect.
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Old 07-08-2016, 03:54 PM   #8
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There is little reason for a no-show on either side. I once called bleeding from the back of an ambulance following a car accident in route to an appointment, and if I could do that, then "pfffffff" to the rest! (Had the Bride of Frankenstein stitches to prove it when we did meet the following week. Ouchie!)

It's a matter of simple respect. Don't lie, and no need for a lot of detail. Have the courtesy to call/text asap and simply state something came up at work or home and you can't make it. Better that than a NCNS report.

That said, accidents and unexpected life stuff happens, phones get lost in the melee, so might want to give the other party at least 'til the next morning to contact you and apologize before any haranguing. There have been jump-the-gun "oops" posts on
ECCIE occasionally, resulting in needless trash talking and reputation sullying, creating hard feelings all around.

But otherwise, if someone, lad or lassie, is no-showed or cancelled on and no good reason is forthcoming, definitely best to just move along. There is always someone else eager and willing to see you.
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Old 07-08-2016, 04:03 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Sadsack View Post
I've been cancelled on, no showed (and I mean sitting in the parking lot, waiting) more times than I care to remember. I bitched slighty, once, but now I just move on. A couple of no shows ago, she said she wanted to make it up to me. I said thanks, but never went back.

I think I'm the ideal client. I try to be polite, I'm utterly harmless, I try to reward good service in every way that I can, I'm alway clean and fresh as a daisy, and I show as promised. My attitude now is that if this is a business, then it is the loss of the irresponsible party to the scheduled transaction. I just move on.
This ^^^
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Old 07-09-2016, 08:43 AM   #10
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OMG a whore did ya wrong!!!

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Old 07-09-2016, 08:45 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Dorian Gray View Post
OMG a whore did ya wrong!!!

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Old 07-09-2016, 10:12 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Dorian Gray View Post
OMG a whore did ya wrong!!!

No no no

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Old 07-10-2016, 12:54 PM   #13
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Last time I heard I'll-Make-It-Up-To-You was some ten years ago or so.

Scheduled a two hour session with a provider I had seen befor. Met her at the No-Tell and got the room. Had a mediocre to bad session. Hurried with interrupting phone calls, ostensdably involving schedualling/re-schedualling a parent-teacher conference. She wrapped it up early and we walked out together. I knew that she had some Real-World drama unfolding, whatever it was, and I left it alone. Halfway down the hall she ran back to the room . . .she had FORFOTTEN THE DONATION ENVELOP!

I could dee that there was some crises in her life, whatever it really was I'll never know nor do I care to know. But `90 min later I get this call from her. She is "at the bank" and just realized that the donation was for two hours, saying—well you know what she said.

Six or eight months later I worked another session into my complex life and indeed, she did make it up to me—very nicely!
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Old 07-10-2016, 01:21 PM   #14
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There was a park ranger struck by lightning 7 different times, too. So it is conceivable that a genuine "make it up to you" event could happen.
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Old 07-10-2016, 02:22 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Moto View Post
This ^^^
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