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Old 01-21-2014, 03:20 PM   #1
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Exclamation Revenge is best served cold!

Tia Thompson of Magnific Media...
'duh' from last September...you might remember, or then again, you might not because apparently you have screwed quite a few people out of there hard earned dollars!
I have been keeping this doosey for just the right moment and I hope that you and your thieving ways get banned from this site for all of your crooked dealings!


Staff edit:

From the forum guidelines:

#9 - No form of private communications between members are to be posted in our forums. This includes the contents of emails, PMs, IMs, private chat logs, privately shared images, etc. This is an invasion of another's privacy and will not be allowed.

Don't do this again.

The Colonel
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Old 01-21-2014, 05:26 PM   #2
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"A man that studieth revenge keeps his own wounds green."
-Francis Bacon

I don't see how this email discredits Tia's business. What I see is someone's frustration after having to deal with an indecisive customer who has no business sense, courtesy or respect for people who go above and beyond to assist them.

I connected with you personally Lexi, after you were allowed to stay in my home, sleep and use my room and other facilities I had. You came across as a sweet woman who needed Tia's help revitalizing her business. This instance you're referring to is not the first encounter you had with Tia. why did you come to her again? If she is such a thief and deserves to be banned why lay around in her house while she worked tirelessly to accommodate you?
To me, it looks like she went above and beyond (using her credit card, providing lodging, allowing incall use, assisting in the photoshoot etc) to help someone who turned out to be completely ungrateful.
Overall, how much money did you really lose? if a client NCNS's would you be this persistently upset because you lost $250-$300+? I would assume you would report him to the boards and such, but this is a woman's livelihood you are attacking. Tia assists and will continue to help ladies like me who are Professional, Posed, Decisive, Motivated, Confident, and Smart enough to choose services that work best for them.
My apologies for speaking with such brash but you have screwed yourself for displaying what you are claiming to be a private email. It just does not look good.
I wish you much success Sexi Lexi. You are a Beautiful Lady with great photos, a fantastic website, and I'm sure you treat your clients very very well. Being ugly does not suit you love.
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Old 01-21-2014, 05:30 PM   #3
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Lexi ... you come across as a jaded lunatic in your post.
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Old 01-21-2014, 06:14 PM   #4
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Exclamation In Reguards...


You are truly a beautiful soul and I always wish the best for you...I am in awe of your grace and quiet strength! However, this is not your fight, my dear!
There are many items that have conspired between Tia and myself that do not concern you, if I am even replying to Belle herself or Tia posing as Belle, seeing as she has your passwords and responds to your clients on your behalf.
I am a deeply trusting person and do not take this type of repercussion lightly. In doing this, I am posting with a heavy heart, but do it on the behalf of others. Tia has not learned her lesson by cheating me and has continued to do it to other Providers. So, in the best interest of everyone involved I will expose myself to save us all!
Please don't get me wrong...Tia, Belle...there have been many times where I have missed your companionship and your expertise in this business. You are truly 'La Mastera' when it comes to matters of Providing. Tips that have benefited me and others to this day. But, when I hear, or 'see' that you continue to play 'The Charlatan', I have to come forward with my information.
I continue to travel and will always miss the fact that I will not have my advisor to check in with. I completely understand the need to care for family but you have completely killed our relationship over her statement of my lounging on your couch. I do not feel at home at just any one's home, like I did at yours. I honestly believed that we were friends. Then, to receive the response like the one previously posted...well...I am one to cut my losses in the interest of self preservation.
Your paternal hierarchy will end your business as effectively as you will, my dear!
I often catch myself thinking...if only there was another MM that I could turn to!? But, there is no other! Alas....I must carry on alone!
And to Brooke Wilde...Um...Like Totally Fur Sur Man, or What Eva~
My Valley Gurl is a bit rusty since I haven't used it since the 80's when it was actually in style.
Also, My mother always taught me that a true lady knows when to leave. So...
This will be my last response.
I will continue to take pms from those whom have been wronged by the business of MagnificMedia, as we are building a case to present to the mods later this week.
Thank you all for your kind support and letters of wrongful business dealings.
And in the words of our Ancient Leader...DUH!
Carry On!
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Old 01-21-2014, 06:55 PM   #5
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This is very touching Lexi. It looks like because of a bad business deal you lost the association of someone who truly tried to help you.

However, my confusion lies in what you said in REGARD to my communication with my clients. I take it as a complement from you to think my writing style mimics Tia's. She is a superb writer which adds to her many other countless qualities. Communicating to my clients thru emails, PM's, phone calls etc is actually one of my favorite and most tedious things to do. Since I've started I noticed how my writing has improve as well as my other skills.
Thank you for deciding to make that last post your very last on this thread. The more you write, the more you make Tia/ Magnific-Media look good and I'm not 100% sure that is your objective.

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Old 01-21-2014, 07:24 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Always Belle View Post
This is very touching Lexi. It looks like because of a bad business deal you lost the association of someone who truly tried to help you.

However, my confusion lies in what you said in REGARD to my communication with my clients. I take it as a complement from you to think my writing style mimics Tia's. She is a superb writer which adds to her many other countless qualities. Communicating to my clients thru emails, PM's, phone calls etc is actually one of my favorite and most tedious things to do. Since I've started I noticed how my writing has improve as well as my other skills.
Thank you for deciding to make that last post your very last on this thread. The more you write, the more you make Tia/ Magnific-Media look good and I'm not 100% sure that is your objective.

Belle you flatter me and thanks again for your support.
Since Lexi saw fit to post a private email between us and even though I have reported it hours ago it remains, it truly warms my heart and lifts my spirit to know I have touched you in positive ways. You are a shining example of the type client and friend anyone would want.

Because you extended a warm hand to Lexi on my behalf in September you too suffered the consequence of dealing with a person who doesn't seem to always have both oars in the water as well. So for her to say you don't have a dog in this fight is ridiculous. You are actually one of the few present those 3 or 4 days of craziness in September when she showed up with only change in her ashtray.
As you can see she seeks revenge because I refused to do business with her, be her friend or her mentor after September. One reason for that was to not jeopardize my great clients that deserve more than for me to try to fix every one's problems. In this case my trying to help effected you. For that I am sorry.

Too bad she felt the need to attempt to be insulting to Brooke too.
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Old 01-21-2014, 08:59 PM   #7
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I find it amazing how, despite how 'quite a few' have been so 'screwed' over, but still continue to use what Magnific Media produced for them. That's what makes all this seem so petty and hypocritical. When a client has a bad time and writes a no review, he doesn't go back. How can anyone who has any so called business sense continue to advertise on behalf of the company by using photos, websites, and ads from a company that allegedly steals from you.
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Old 01-21-2014, 10:36 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Glynette View Post
I find it amazing how, despite how 'quite a few' have been so 'screwed' over, but still continue to use what Magnific Media produced for them. That's what makes all this seem so petty and hypocritical. When a client has a bad time and writes a no review, he doesn't go back. How can anyone who has any so called business sense continue to advertise on behalf of the company by using photos, websites, and ads from a company that allegedly steals from you.

You know Glynette...... SO TRUE...

OP Avatar ..yep MM
OP Website.. yep MM
OP Photos in Showcase and Website... yep MM
Countless ads on this board and others for OP... yep MM

I love smart providers like you Glynette....
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Old 01-22-2014, 12:22 PM   #9
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In order for a person to rise above the wrong she thinks was done to her, that person cannot fall lower than the standards that she believes were violated. Posting private info and correspondence in a public forum (and in a belittling and purposefully inflammatory fashion) is a low-blow response and guarantees that the poster won't be taken seriously. You are undermining your own efforts, SexiLexi. You have to be professional when arguing a professional issue.
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Old 01-22-2014, 03:32 PM   #10
Brooke Wilde
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Originally Posted by Glynette View Post
I find it amazing how, despite how 'quite a few' have been so 'screwed' over, but still continue to use what Magnific Media produced for them.

That thought has crossed my mind about 100 times since all this BS started. If Tia's work is so tasteless and tacky, why continue to use it to promote yourself?
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Old 01-22-2014, 03:32 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Fancyinheels View Post
In order for a person to rise above the wrong she thinks was done to her, that person cannot fall lower than the standards that she believes were violated. Posting private info and correspondence in a public forum (and in a belittling and purposefully inflammatory fashion) is a low-blow response and guarantees that the poster won't be taken seriously. You are undermining your own efforts, SexiLexi. You have to be professional when arguing a professional issue.

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