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Business Services Use this forum to post on the wide range of business services available to our female members. (Website design, scheduling, photography, etc.) You may advertise your services here or ladies "in need of" business services may post here as well.

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Old 01-21-2014, 06:04 PM   #1
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Default Enough is enough

This pile on of magnific media is getting out of hand. Like any business she has happy customers and unhappy customers but this is business services and it is where business providers advertise. If there is a problem with a service provider then post your issue In a professional manner and move on and the service provider can respond in a professional manner if needed but all this extra crap needs to stop.

Posting emails and private messages is against board rules. Personal insults from either side should not be posted and are not needed. If the posts can't be civil and professional then move.on but damn enough is enough.

Now let's get back to business and move the other stuff to pm or offline.
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Old 01-21-2014, 07:36 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by poppy71 View Post
This pile on of magnific media is getting out of hand. Like any business she has happy customers and unhappy customers but this is business services and it is where business providers advertise. If there is a problem with a service provider then post your issue In a professional manner and move on and the service provider can respond in a professional manner if needed but all this extra crap needs to stop.

Posting emails and private messages is against board rules. Personal insults from either side should not be posted and are not needed. If the posts can't be civil and professional then move.on but damn enough is enough.

Now let's get back to business and move the other stuff to pm or offline.
Thanks Poppy I reported the email she posted hours ago. but it still stands. You and I both know Lexi and honestly it only makes her look silly but thanks for the ...getting to "bidness" part I am ALL for that!
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Old 01-21-2014, 07:52 PM   #3
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I WAS VERY SATIFIED WITH HER PROFESSIONALISM! I had no issues with her, I will continue to utilize her services and I am happy she will be more available to do so now....#more$forme!
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Old 01-22-2014, 12:20 AM   #4
Chica Chaser
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Originally Posted by MagnificMedia View Post
Thanks Poppy I reported the email she posted hours ago. but it still stands. You and I both know Lexi and honestly it only makes her look silly but thanks for the ...getting to "bidness" part I am ALL for that!
Sorry for the delay, its Tuesday mid-day and I know that we mods actually have real-life paying jobs, so getting back to RTM's from across the site can be a little slow at certain times of the week, as real-life will prevail. I'm sure that you are not implying that it was ignored...correct?
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Old 01-22-2014, 12:46 AM   #5
Col. Zodiak
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Originally Posted by MagnificMedia View Post
Thanks Poppy I reported the email she posted hours ago. but it still stands. You and I both know Lexi and honestly it only makes her look silly but thanks for the ...getting to "bidness" part I am ALL for that!
Originally Posted by Chica Chaser View Post
Sorry for the delay, its Tuesday mid-day and I know that we mods actually have real-life paying jobs, so getting back to RTM's from across the site can be a little slow at certain times of the week, as real-life will prevail. I'm sure that you are not implying that it was ignored...correct?
And my apologies fro not being able to respond earlier to this matter. As Chca said, sometimes real world issues come about and we are not always able to respond to things that come up from time to time on here,

My thanks to each and every one of you that utilized the RTM button that is in the lower left corner of each post that is made on here.

Just because a matter is not addressed in the next few minutes does not mean it is being ignored. Please allow for time for the system to work and I think that you will all find that an enjoyable time can be had by all.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled programing.
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Old 01-22-2014, 01:04 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Chica Chaser View Post
Sorry for the delay, its Tuesday mid-day and I know that we mods actually have real-life paying jobs, so getting back to RTM's from across the site can be a little slow at certain times of the week, as real-life will prevail. I'm sure that you are not implying that it was ignored...correct?
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Old 01-22-2014, 01:08 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Chica Chaser View Post
Sorry for the delay, its Tuesday mid-day and I know that we mods actually have real-life paying jobs, so getting back to RTM's from across the site can be a little slow at certain times of the week, as real-life will prevail. I'm sure that you are not implying that it was ignored...correct?
Absolutely not CC I know you guys are very busy and have real life stuff to do. I was only letting poppy know I had RTM it.
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Old 01-22-2014, 08:41 AM   #8
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Yes poppy enough is enough. When ladies are continuously being ripped off of their money, and talked down to by the same business owner . Eventually people begin to come out of the woodwork, to tell their similar experiences, just as they have. Only to be attacked on a personal level by her, and her buddies that have no clue to how ridiculous they really look. That is what is happening, the pile on as you call it. It's amazing isn't it. If a lady rips a gentleman off, it's attached to them. We don't have that option for bad business practices, that continue over and over. This is the place everyone is told to go to share their business experiences. MM clearly attacks ones on a personal level, who have their own visions of what they want. If you are ok with paying for what MM wants to give you, or the horrible grammar on your website. Magnific Media is for you...
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Old 01-22-2014, 09:21 AM   #9
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Exclamation Smoke and Mirrors!

Just as an example of the way that Tia manipulates this board...this is the first posting I have done on this thread. I NEVER cut and paste quotes from others postings because I am computer literate, hence the reason for hiring Tia in the first place.
I do not know how to change my stuff.
MY WHOLE ISSUE! My new hobby number is (512)537-9393 but she never found the time to change that for me. My wonderful new website that she charged me twice for:
SexiLexiofAustin.com Please go check it out! I paid double for it! It is all blacked out!

It is true, I struggle financially! I am a single parent and I am damn proud of the fact that I would prefer to pay to support myself and my college age daughter than buy myself the next best phone or car. I believed in Tia...I invested in Tia...I paid her before I paid my rent...the rent that kept my daughter off the street and in a nice warm bed at night. I would prefer to be the Provider so that my child can attend college and do better than I have done! How many of you are in my same position? Working in this career, not only because you love men and are very skilled at helping them achieve happiness but because you have family that you support, that you are trying to better or change your situation? Tia, will stand on your back and snatch your dollars from your hand before you have the chance to put it in your pocket!

I INVESTED in what Tia was selling because I BELIEVED in her smoke and mirrors talk! I gave her my hard won dollars because I thought she was going to make me something more, something better than what I could make myself...I was WRONG!
Not only was I wrong, she spoke down to me, treated me like I was the dirt on her shoe. I sent her an email asking her to treat me with the respect due to a client because, when I pay her to preform a service for me, that makes me the client. Her response was appalling, disgusting, degrading, and removed. Apparently the Mods did not snap to fast enough for her taste! We don't all sit in front of our computer and pass our time waiting for the next posting to appear so we can answer under the guise of another Provider. How many ladies are actually answering on this thread and are they aware they are engaged in this fight? I have reported your involvement of my previous post! Tia...if you were to actually stand up and get some exercise, you might find there is life outside of your computer screen! Goddess knows your body is crying out for some fresh air and it would do your mind a world of good as well!

My Point! Is not to win...but to make an example of you! If you have to go to such extremes to do damage control...what is the problem? The Business owner, or the consumer? Something to think about ladies...
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Old 01-22-2014, 10:50 AM   #10
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Thank you so much everyone for the entertainment! LOL
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Old 01-22-2014, 11:06 AM   #11
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Since the business services section has grown maybe we do need a forum to review and dispute reviews for business services providers. If the mods believe this is that forum than that is fine with me. As long as the discussions stay civil...hell just stay professional then I guess that's all we can ask. In business we can't please every client and if a client feels the need to voice their concern or displeasure then they should be allowed to and service providers should be able to defend their work but it should be done without personal attacks and leaking private information from either side.
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Old 01-22-2014, 11:22 AM   #12
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I'm confused. If you're computer literate, why is that a reason you would need Tia's help? I'm computer literate as well, and rebuilt my own site in a day, making minor changes as I go.
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Old 01-22-2014, 11:30 AM   #13
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I think she meant she's not computer literate but I could be wrong.
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Old 01-22-2014, 11:56 AM   #14
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One suggestion for cutting out this never-ending rigmarole:

Make the business services section like the provider ad section. In other words, an advertiser can make the initial post but then the thread is closed and NOBODY can subsequently add comments. Short and sweet. There is NO REASON WHATSOEVER why the two forums should have separate rules. They are both advertising GOODS. An ad is an AD and should not be debated, for gosh sakes. Like poppy71 said, "...i
n business we can't please every client...," just like a provider can't please everyone she sees. Statistically impossible.

I also suggest that we drop the distinction of being ONLY for providers and call the forum, "Business Services for Hobbyists." Some fellows could probably utilize the services advertised there, too. Hell, CHARGE for it, $5-$10 a post, and make some money for ECCIE.

I agree with poppy71 in that the services section has grown and evolved over the years. The owner of this site and the mods should reevaluate it and seriously consider adding a sub-forum review section. Just like the fellows review the providers, Hobbiests can review other business services. If someone needs to bitch, start a separate thread like providers do when responding to reviews, then let the readers decide for their selves.

I am thoroughly sick of all this back and forth vileness. We have enough drama and "revenge" in Co-ed. No reason to have that poison spread to this area, too.
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Old 01-22-2014, 12:29 PM   #15
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I totally agree with you except for making it a pay to advertise section unless all ads on the site are paid ads. But I do agree and stress that this section should not become another coed type section.
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