Originally Posted by Gentlemen Rendezvous
If you did not know how old you were, how old would you be ?
Well I wrote an ad about that one time I said I look Mid 30's have a mind and experience of a 70 year old but have fun LIKE I AM 21 so how old am I? lol

ANd You know SamanthaThorn If we as women put the age we look like always....hmmmm my age would be jumping around....some days looks better than others most days I look mid to late 30's but the other morning after waking up after 3 hurricanes and a few shots..... Well lets just say I would NOT of schelduled a photo shoot that day LOL
And BOSSYWILLSON....I HAVE ALWAYS LOVED CHIPPERS QUOTE ALWAYS....!!! I think maybe that number has changed to 1000 though he use to have 300 on there.