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Old 01-30-2013, 07:47 AM   #1
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Default Website? Do you care?

Thumbing around today, I found a thread for a lady building websites for providers. It sounded interesting, graphics looked compelling. But then I realized, I almost NEVER click through to a providers website unless there is something about her that I can't find on the forums (ECCIE being the preferred of course!)

So then I started wondering, when others are on the hunt, do you investigate a providers website? Why? Does it make a difference to you if they don't have one?

Anyway, all things business related interest me so I thought I'd ask.
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Old 01-30-2013, 08:48 AM   #2
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I usually click through to the web sites. You can get a good feel of the lady's personality (assuming she wrote the words) and find more information than is in the showcase (my PA expired). Then I check reviews.

It would be nice if the prices were consistent. Often the web site has a different rate than ECCIE and neither says that the rate is an "ECCIE Rate" or "Web Rate". You have to rely on the reviews and ads to see what is current.

I was looking at one yesterday that had a video section but you needed a password to view them. There was nothing on any of the web pages telling you how to get a password. I forgot who's site it was - SEE? And, dang, she was cute.

There are some very tastefully done web sites. I applaud the ladies who took the time to post them.
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Old 01-30-2013, 09:30 AM   #3
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I check the websites, the p411, and the eccie. to get a good Idea of the menu, donation, and what I can expect from a session. the more information I can obtain on the provider prior to meeting with them the first time the more comfortable I am in making an initial appointment
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Old 01-30-2013, 09:49 AM   #4
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Well for me, when I find inconsistencies it's kinda a red flag.... eccie shows this, p411 that, website something different ( if only because it's more difficult to update if they do not have the know-how, really just takes a few minutes and isn't difficult to learn)...which is correct?? so it kinda becomes a "why bother" situation unless it clearly states rates for specific members of course.

I too don't often look at the websites unless there are ads that require it ( when prices etc couldn't be posted for instance). I need a couple of reviews...those found on sites are usually "hand-picked".

With eccie, P411 or anything similar it doesn't seem that necessary to me (after all, providers need to verify you...or should). The few I have viewed still ask for handles or references. Kinda same difference without paying for a site and someone to maintain it (although most web hosting sites provide templates of some sort).
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Old 01-30-2013, 09:53 AM   #5
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I built my own website (brag, brag), and it has brought me most of my gentlemen friends with its thoroughness and variety. Plus, I update it and my CALENDAR (something many girls don't bother with) constantly. Hobby site showcases and mini-bio's usually don't have enough space to give you the 360-view, so to speak.

I have an Education tab on my webpage, and this is an excerpt I wrote in the section on Backpage Scams:

"Often escorts just don't bother creating private websites. Why should you, as a gentleman consumer, look for one? Well, glancing over an escort/companion's website is like viewing her "infomercial," as it will showcase her physical appearance, creativity, and personality, allow gentlemen to preview the "coming attractions," and find general questions quickly answered. More importantly, perhaps, is that such webpages exemplify conscientious, dependable ladies with a degree of professionalism who seriously put in the effort to be true courtesans of trust and substance, and not wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am-fly-by-nights. There are exceptions to this statement, but typically an escort/companion without a personal website is probably not planning on hanging around long, and may not take responsibility for her actions and back up her claims."

Now, this doesn't take into account ladies with ECCIE and P411 profiles, but as I said, that space is limited and therefore incomplete. With so many companies out there willing to build a lady an uncomplicated site for less than what she makes in one session, and other venues available to construct simple sites absolutely FREE except for the monthly hosting fees, ladies are missing out on an important advertising opportunity, or they just don't feel like putting the work in to get a site up, which would help build their business. Search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo will turn up those sites right off the bat, before any profile here or elsewhere. Buying a domain name is also an excellent way to advertise and allow gentlemen to locate a provider easily online, plus it protects their "brand."

Fellows, you really ought to be checking those personal webpages. If you can't find everything you need to know on a lady's site, she's doing something wrong.

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Old 01-30-2013, 10:02 AM   #6
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Inconsistencies regarding rate on a Hobby site vs. a provider's webpage are NOT red flags, AS LONG AS the provider's rates are CHEAPER on the Hobby site, and that's the rate you should go with. Unless I have a "pop-up" one-day special on my Calendar, I always give my BEST deal to members of ECCIE and P411, and I advertise this. It's an added benefit to being a member of sites I trust, and it encourages gentlemen to join. (My webpage does refer ECCIE and P411 members back to those sites for the special rates.)

Old Grump, the lady with the blocked video should have included some instructions for access(I do for the password-protected photos on my site), but she's probably just assuming you'll write her and ask for it. That's what you have to do for me to get my "secret handshake."
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Old 01-30-2013, 10:24 AM   #7
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Fancy, thanks for taking the time to reply. I had mostly directed this at guys but it's always nice to have a providers point of view.

For the record, I ran into your password protected photo area on your website and didn't see any instructions. But I was just curious - trying to understand what lures the hobby crowd.
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Old 01-30-2013, 11:00 AM   #8
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If you're on my site in the 4-play Gallery, sorry, the system won't let me put the instructions in the pop-up box that comes up asking you for the password, dang it, so I have them on my Contact page, in the Education section under FAQ, and inside the first photo gallery entitled "Smile!" (I just checked to make sure that they were there and prominent, and I went ahead and bold-faced the type for more visibility.)

Curiosity is a big part of what fuels the Hobby, isn't it? Lovely trait.
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Old 01-30-2013, 12:57 PM   #9
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I totally agree with you Fancy. I built my website also and most of the clients that book appointments with me refer to it as the reason they called.

For a provider, building a website is a way to establish that she is a professional who is willing to take the time to go the extra mile and that is truly believes in her product. I think it should be the norm.

As for the rate inconsistencies, I advertise on numberous sites and base my rate on way clients on the site expect to pay. For example, I charge more on Eros because most clients are from out of town and are accustom to paying that. On ECCIE I charge less, but expect to get more calls.

It is a business just like any other. Those that do the work between calls and notice the trends get ahead.
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Old 01-31-2013, 08:39 AM   #10
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I totally love having my own website and you should be proud to brag when you built it yourself. I built mine by myself. It defintely impresses guys and i question how serious some girls are who don't have them... i think most girls who are serious and want to show that they put effort and work into their presentation always have a website.
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Old 01-31-2013, 08:48 AM   #11
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Having their own website allows them more control over content than ECCIE or P411 allows. I like well made and current ones. If they have different rates on different sites, I contact them through the cheepest site. Never have had a problem but if there was, I just point hem back to the site that has the posted rate I paid.
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Old 01-31-2013, 10:07 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Fancyinheels View Post
[FONT=Georgia][SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkGreen]I built my own website (brag, brag), and it has brought me most of my gentlemen friends with its thoroughness and variety.
I am not usually a fan of all flash websites, but yours really shows some personality. I am going to have to book with you when you are up in Dallas for the faire...in faire dress.

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Old 01-31-2013, 01:29 PM   #13
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I look at the websites for info, and taint photos. I need to see if the lady is tainted and taint friendly.
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