Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
We all wonder about the quality of those BP/CL posts. And occasionally, someone will TOFTT. There should be a place to post reviews of those sessions. Because of the way BP/CL is set up, links to the webpages probably won't work for long. So, a name, phone number, any identifying information and location to identify the correct provider is probably needed.
This way, instead of going in blind, we could have some history. And diamonds in the rough will rise to the top.
It is good for men and for the ladies. 
While in theory I do agree with you about the often questioned "quality" of backpage posts, I have to literally agree with Ms. Rabbit. Since I have been advertising on backpage in recent months, I've been getting plenty of quality clients and wonderful experiences plus the majority of my new client base is from this source.
Besides, in years past there have been plenty of main stream reviewers who have "taken one for the team" from women who have advertised on other well-known past and present "quality" websites so backpage and craigslist is not all-inclusive of having all of the bad and questionable escorts featured.
About the "going in blind" part. Men like the chase, Charles. It's addictive for them to peruse these ads there and here and choose, wonder and sometimes they do step into something that's not the best. Often they will love the experience or something in between the two extremes. But well, that's part of the whole, isn't it?
As my young client told me this morning after I asked him why did he choose to see me when I'm old enough to easily be his mother? He said that he thought it would be fun. He was curious. He just wanted to.
And he was really cute but honestly, in my opinion, he could have just as easily been fooled with me as he was by the young lady that he saw last month who took the fee in advance and ran out the hotel door leaving him with his pants around his ankles! With me he choose well but he also had knowledge of eccie and other review sites. He went with me that he discovered on backpage. Not here.
I also believe that having a separate section for BP/CL reviews would also cause some bad feelings and moreso than usual. I guess one could consider me a "backpage" girl at the present time, but I don't think of myself in that fashion. And there are plenty of FINE ladies that are on this website that also advertise on backpage.
So how would the powers that be here decide the dividing line? I would rather put myself in my own catagory and not be catagorized by the method in which I advertise.
Just my few thoughts on the matter.