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Old 02-07-2014, 10:47 PM   #1
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Default Take note from a Freeper

From the comments...


First, we talk to people, and quit running away from confrontations. There are folks out there who would like to be conservative and patriotic, but are so cowed by the mainstream Obammunist lickspittle media -- news and entertainment -- that they go along to get along. I know. That was me for a short while back in the Klinton days, before I discovered my b*lls. Talk to people. Get into public arguments with Lefties, 'cause there are people watching who will listen to what you're saying, even if they're just passive bystanders. Do your homework, come up with good arguments, figure out how to handle their "rebuttals", then let 'em have it.

Two: start attending your local Tea Party meetings. If they're a bunch of ineffectual lazy-a** sissies who only want to pretend they're doing something, take over. If you can't take over, start your own Tea Party group, and recruit members away from the do-nothings. Go on Facebook and start your own TP group page. Go on WordPress and start your own TP group website. Advertise the hell out of it.

Once you get your group up, running and pi**ed off, get them out in the streets. Being loud and visible is what created the Tea Party, and it was only when they (we) got scared of being called racists and went underground that they lost momentum. The Tea Party is mainstream America, despite what the lickspittle media say about us. Lots of those bystanders who watch but don't jump in right away know that, and are only looking for an excuse to join you/us. Give them that excuse.

Next, RUN FOR OFFICE! A good campaign, combining social media and good old fashioned shoe leather can get you elected to the city clowncil or county commission. Start locally, and work from there. Stay true to the principles that got you elected, and never forget the people who put you in office. Keep them posted on everything you're doing, and never miss an opportunity to swing a wavering would-be conservative to your side.

Become a conservative/patriotic community organizer. Print flyers, and go door to door. Solicit donations to keep yourself in business. Talk with and find candidates that you can support, then convince your neighborhood/district to support them, too. If you can't find anyone, refer to my last suggestion. Once they're elected to office, make sure you and all the people you lobbied hold that politician's feet to the fire.

Too many people think we need to start at the top, when we need to look locally first. Remember the 2000 elections...it was local elections board liberals in Miami-Dade and Palm Beach counties that almost made Algore president.

We need honest, conservative people who will follow the rules and get an honest tally, regardless of the outcome, in these positions. We need conservatives on county commissions and city clowncils, to keep taxes low, and to hold our state legislators' feet to the fire. We need state legislators who have the guts to stand up to DC and tell them, "hell no, we ain't enforcing your unconstitutional gun laws (Obamacare laws, immigration laws, whatever).

There are many things we can do, and need to do, before rounds start going downrange. But we need to get busy doing them, instead of throwing up our hands and biding our time until Claire Wolfe's alarm clock goes off. Yeah, there are times when I think nothing can be done, then I get hold of myself and kick my own a**. Maybe the worst case nightmare is a foregone conclusion, but when I go to my Maker, I want to be able to tell Him I did everything I could before opting for the last resort.

And yes, I'm working on a plan to implement most of what I just outlined, so my money (literally) is where my mouth is. I'm only one guy, in one district, in one town. Now, what if we all got motivated and did the same thing in our own neighborhoods and towns? Wouldn't that be better than just immediately jumping from square 1 to square 20? Speak up, speak out, do something!
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Old 02-08-2014, 07:53 AM   #2
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Rules for Radical Tea Partiers?
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Old 02-08-2014, 08:46 AM   #3
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Up the revolution, eh, Jackie?
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Old 02-08-2014, 09:40 AM   #4
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Old 02-08-2014, 09:55 AM   #5
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NBC refers to decades of Soviet communism as ‘pivotal experiment’...http://twitchy.com/2014/02/07/nbc-re...mpaign=twitter
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Old 02-08-2014, 10:11 AM   #6
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This is just stupid...


Cities pour gas on affordability fire
By Dan McSwain5 P.M.JAN. 24, 2014
City officials launch a new wave of fees, worsening the housing affordability crisis that decades of government policies have created in San Diego County.

As the cost of housing rebounds, California’s affordability crisis is roaring back with a vengeance.

Middle-class families, tired of spending half their paychecks on housing, are fleeing the state faster than others arrive.

Employers have trouble finding skilled workers. Income inequality is worsening as the economy “hollows out” into enclaves of wealthy homeowners and renters who serve them.

A chronic housing shortage is the underlying cause. It’s been manufactured over decades by state and local government policies that restrict the supply of homes while boosting costs.

“The biggest economic problem California has is that housing is too expensive,” said Christopher Thornberg, founding partner at Beacon Economics in Los Angeles. “This is a state that desperately needs to increase its supply of housing relative to its population and population growth.”

Zoning restrictions, which mandate open space and reduce housing units in new developments, are the biggest factor driving up prices, according to a landmark 2003 study by economists Edward Glaeser of Harvard and Joseph Gyourko of Wharton.

There’s plenty of land in San Diego County, not to mention California. But politically popular anti-growth policies place most of it off-limits. Californians don’t want more neighbors, even if it means lower incomes for themselves and their children will live in Victorville or Las Vegas.

Yet costs play a role, too. And here public officials seem more interested in tossing gasoline onto the economic blaze than in building fire breaks.

On Jan. 9 Carlsbad’s housing commission voted 3-2 to charge apartment developers $20 per square foot as an “affordable housing impact fee.”

For perspective, this would add $16,000 to the already considerable cost of building an 800 square-foot apartment.

Supporters say it’s only a one-time cost that will be absorbed by developers. But business doesn’t work that way.

Higher “one-time” costs require more capital. An investor seeking a modest, 10 percent annual return would need an extra $133 a month in rent just to cover this proposed fee. If landlords aren’t sure they can charge the higher rent, this fee kills a project.

One caveat: I’ll be surprised if the Carlsbad City Council enacts the fee. Carlsbad is arguably the region’s best-run city. Its council members will figure out that this fee would attract lawsuits and bring apartment construction to a grinding halt, particularly if other cities followed Carlsbad’s example.

Still, the commission vote illustrates the economic illiteracy behind the state’s affordable housing mandates — that it doesn’t matter if policies make projects ever more expensive, because government can raise money for enough subsidized units to ease the resulting crisis.

Predictably, such policies have failed utterly.

In the last 32 years, the San Diego Housing Commission has helped build just 15,208 subsidized rental units. The waiting list is 45,000 people long.

But officials are undeterred. In November San Diego’s City Council voted to quintuple a “linkage fee” on commercial buildings. Next month the Council is scheduled to consider an 86 percent hike to a fee on downtown housing.

The trend is evident all over the state. In San Francisco, a subsidized project recently set its qualifying income cutoff at $140,000 a year for a family of four.

So California’s affordability crisis, which long ago spread from the poor into the middle class, is well into the six figures.

Consider two details: In 2013, more homes were built in Houston, which has no formal zoning rules, than in all of California, which has thousands of restrictions. As for costs, the existing residential permit fees in Carlsbad could pay the entire construction cost of a new house in San Antonio.

Those astonishing facts come from John Burns, a consultant based in Irvine who advises builders around the nation.

Burns made those comparisons at an October conference for investors to help explain why soaring prices are doing so little to spur construction.

I didn’t ask him, but I suspect Burns picked on Carlsbad because the city was for years an active market for builders.

Examples of higher costs abound in the county. Building permits average $59,000 for a typical new house in San Diego, but in the Torrey Highlands neighborhood the “public facility” portion of the fees cost nearly $129,000.

Meanwhile, the market shortage is rapidly becoming more acute.

San Diego County needs to build an average 20,000 new houses, condos or apartments every year to keep up with household formation, according to government estimates. Last year, builders pulled permits for a paltry 8,000 or so, despite a 38 percent jump in the median home price since January 2012.

As history’s biggest real estate bubble was forming, production peaked in 2003 at 18,314 — still far from keeping up.

California’s governments have created a true economic crisis in housing. And the latest wave of policies is making it worse.
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Old 02-08-2014, 12:28 PM   #7
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What did you expect from NBC, the proud parent of MSNBC. This is the largest concentration of socialists, with the exception of Washington DC, in the country. They love sucking commie cocks and have been for years. Now is their big chance to impress the real deal. The New York Times admitted after the cold war ended that they had been hiding the news of the Soviet Union for 70 years and CNN admitted hiding the brutality of Saddam Hussein so they had access to Iraq. So here we go, NBC wants to please their masters and they don't want to get kicked out.
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Old 02-08-2014, 12:57 PM   #8
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Old 02-08-2014, 06:46 PM   #9
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another comment from a Patriot on News Busters...


onelordwon jon_torlin • 20 hours ago −
Well Jon, I am ashamed of the majority of people here, the President and
our Congress and if you aren't then you need to go to Russia.
men and women have given all, life and limb to make certain we were he
strongest most reliable country on the face of the earth. We fought
tooth and nail to be a leader and protector of the under dog and yet we
are hated around he world now. Why? Well, while they honorable were
fighting, serving and dying, the Harvey Milks, the Bill Ayers, Clintons
and Eric Holders of the world were busy undermining their efforts and
spitting in their faces.
Anyone, who had no morals, no common sense,
no patriotism was allowed to work their way like termites into our
society, into the infrastructure of our educational system, while the
average Citizen was too busy trying not to be politically incorrect or
insenstive. They were too busy to take notice of who to vote for and
why. They didn't attend the PTA Meetings and find out the garbage in and
garbage out of the indoctrination process that had slipped through the
cracks to our children, because we were too lazy.
Shame is on America
for allowing the destruction of our Social Security System. Shame on us
for giving away billions to buy loyalty. Shame on us for not taking our
Constitution seriously and for appreciating what we were given. Shame
on us for allowing a whole society of people to become welfare lifers
and to make it easy for them to become unproductive.
Shame on us for
buying into the lies of the Unions who forced our jobs over seas because
of greed on the parts of the owners and the parts of the workers.
YES, shame on the morons who voted for Obamination, a liar and thief, a
usurper and traitor, who has slept with the enemy and is the enemy and
brought the Islamic extremists into our house.
Even the guard dogs,
the so called reporters who use to report facts now twist, turn and
overtly write what they want you to hear. Yes sir, shame is on America
for killing babies in the womb and for turning their backs on God. Amen
to the reaping of the whirlwind of shame that we created.
My father
died in 03 and was one of a hand full of Navy men from the Battle of
Midway Island, who was on the Carrier Yorktown. He was a patriot and
fought for this country and had wounds and shrapnel in his body to prove
it. I too am a patriot and I am sickened by those who are nothing but a
bunch of pathetic, whining, subservient group of ass kissers.
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Old 02-08-2014, 11:05 PM   #10
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We're writing the book as we go. It will be called Radical Rules for Patriots.
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Old 02-08-2014, 11:40 PM   #11
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It'll be called, the dipshits are running the asylum
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Old 02-09-2014, 09:32 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
It'll be called, the dipshits are running the asylum
eva bieber shared her brown banana with you and you still whine?
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Old 02-15-2014, 07:38 PM   #13
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This is a example of a great American...

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