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Old 09-04-2010, 09:45 PM   #1
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Default Here's a Question for everybody!

Lady's & Gent's your with a client/provider and he/she has a heart attack or something.

Would you:

Hall ass and never look back.
Call 911 then hall ass>
Call 911 & wait for EMS
Call 911 / wait for EMS & go to hospital

This is what I would do..
Call 911/ wait for EMS & go to hospital..
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Old 09-04-2010, 10:10 PM   #2
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me too Tracer!!
My clients in Texas always told me that if they died in my session,that I should put them in their car & park it in Acadamy parking Lot {and call 911}...lol!
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Old 09-04-2010, 10:49 PM   #3
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The cliants that thell you to park them at Academy most likely have a SO. Doing this would protect the innocent -- hopefully.
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Old 09-04-2010, 10:52 PM   #4
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Hope you guys are in good health! I'd call 911, wait for EMS, and probably go to the hospital with them. Having worked in many an ER, have seen people pass due to lack of timely information.
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Old 09-04-2010, 11:32 PM   #5
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Probly why most ladies like to finish in cowgirl. So if the guy strokes out, it's an easy escape for her, instead of trying to lift a "dead" weight off her. And from what some of the ladies say, they might not be able to lift that weight.
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Old 09-05-2010, 12:37 AM   #6
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Yeah, but what a great way to go!
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Old 09-05-2010, 06:38 AM   #7
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I guess it all depends on the situation.....

If he is still conscience, I would have him call 911 and would stay with him till I heard the sirens, then I would scoot!

If he's totally stroking out on me and can't talk then I would call 911 myself and stay with him till the EMT's got there so I could let them know what happened.

In either case, I would help him get dressed!
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Old 09-05-2010, 06:49 AM   #8
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Just prop me up to a front door and ring the doorbell . . . Surprise I'm Home.
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Old 09-05-2010, 09:29 AM   #9
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Back in the early days of the agency, B&B's, when we had a new lady we would open the incall for her, show her how to set it up, yada yada yada. We'd then wait for the client if we didn't know him. On this night, a new lady, and a new client, we're in the car, discretely parked looking to see who drove up and parked in the assigned parking spot. Here comes a huge, souped up Dooly, parks in the wrong spot, and out comes a cowboy in his 60's-70's. Not wanting him to get towed, threw caution to the wind, and as we drove away, pulled up next to him and told him where to park. From that night on, we got to know him. He would see a new lady every Friday night. We invited him to our private socials, had to hire a new lady for him every week, and listen to his rants. To the point of this thread, one night he sat down with Beth and I over dinner at his favorite spot, and he gave us explicit notes on what to do if something happened to him, who to call, what to say, how to treat it. The reason was, he had several by passes and heart problems, and he didn't want us to get in trouble, and he didn't want to embarrass his family and/or his name. He always told us we were the only service he saw, but everyone in town knew him. When we opened one of the spa's, he showed up, not knowing it was one of ours. I sure hope he's still alive and playing. He was a pain in the ass for the girls, but away from the hobby he was a nice, but gruff, guy.
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Old 09-05-2010, 03:22 PM   #10
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I have a girlfriend who saw one of my reg's,while I was out of touring.He rented a room with a jacuzzi and at the beginning of the session,they were in the jacuzzi hanging out and chatting.The guy started feeling dizzy and stood up so he could sit on the edge and fell over on the tile steps.She got out of the tub and tried to get him off of the steps,being careful not to move him too much because he had hit his head.She had to give him CPR and when he started to breath again and came back around,all he wanted to do was lay on the bed.She stayed there for hours with him because she wanted to make sure nothing else happened and he didn't want her to call 911 at all.She finally left and he spent the night at the room because he lives a good 40 minutes away from Portland.

The next day,he calls the dr and goes in.Apparently,he had a stroke and told everyone what had happened......even giving them her phone number so she could give the nurse/dr all the details of what had happened.Boy,was she upset about that,since he didn't ask to give her number to anyone.He ended up being ok and she was in shock for about a month,but it all worked out.She said that every time she sees an "older" guy,all of those feelings come back and gets nervous.
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Old 09-05-2010, 07:59 PM   #11
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Maybe the fact that I don't have a SO influences my decision but there is no way I'd leave her there and not taken care off. If she could communicate I'd find out who she wanted called, otherwise I'd ride to the hospital and make up a story of how I was connected to save embarrassing her except to the ER doctor, who I'd take aside and explain exactly what we where doing when she got sick so that he could do his or her best to treat her. The hospital could call any of her ICE contacts

She is a person first regardless of how she make a living.
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Old 09-06-2010, 07:07 AM   #12
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I think that would be a hard decision to make, but would lean more to the "Call 911 and haul ass" side of things if I knew they were married.
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Old 09-06-2010, 01:03 PM   #13
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I always laugh and say "I'll call 911 on the way out the door." But I'd probably stay at least til the EMT's got there. (while scrambling to get everyone dressed, the room "proofed" etc.)
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Old 09-06-2010, 05:31 PM   #14
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Default I am legally bound by the medical code of ethics...

to use my highest level of training and knowledge for another human being. As a person in the medical field, I dont have the option of a layman, and the Good Sanitarian Law, of just walking away.

Legalities and medical ethics aside, as a human being, I am morally bound.

Personally, and quite frankly, and everything else aside, I would be happy to do whatever I could to help, and I feel quite blessed in knowing that I have the skill and knowledge to sustain that patient until he could be transported by an advanced medical unit.

I find it quite appalling to think that anyone, would just quite simply bolt, without doing at least SOMETHING.
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Old 09-06-2010, 07:00 PM   #15
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Sooo...you say you're single huh? Wouldn't happen to like sassy brunettes would you?

Obviously, the right thing to do is to make sure at bare minimum that any person who is hurt or needs treatment gets it before you walk away...that goes for either a client or a provider.

Originally Posted by Aguy View Post
Maybe the fact that I don't have a SO influences my decision but there is no way I'd leave her there and not taken care off. If she could communicate I'd find out who she wanted called, otherwise I'd ride to the hospital and make up a story of how I was connected to save embarrassing her except to the ER doctor, who I'd take aside and explain exactly what we where doing when she got sick so that he could do his or her best to treat her. The hospital could call any of her ICE contacts

She is a person first regardless of how she make a living.
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