Things NOT to say while In a Internet Argument!!
1. Your Gay – It reflects your inner most desires to be Butt Fucked
2. Your Ugly – Attacking ones unfixable body traits reflects your own insecurities
3. Uhh Uhhh – Snappy comebacks can be more creative
4. Your Momma – Moms do not do any of you and no one here did anyone’s mom
5. Butt Buddies – It is a term of endearment for you gay Friends and your desire to be one of them.
6. Gaymo – Not sure this is a word, but can be used with Butt Buddies
7. Fat – Who Cares really, Signifies you got NOTHING else
8. Old – Most have a Bald complex and often go along with Fat.. so Combine those two.
9. Lame – Suggests a lame horse or Crippled, I don’t think anyone here is Crippled or hung like a horse.
10. FUCK – This suggests you want to do them
11. Fuckers – Suggests they actually have sex with others.
12. Stalking – Suggests someone likes you or hates you and it is probably you just annoy them.
Now be creative and FIGHT nice!!