Originally Posted by poplips
Don't know if anyone will answer this. But let's say a provider had serious pt issues and then goes to rehab and gets clean and sober but still remains a provider, what are the chances she is still using or will eventually go back even when the pt issues were everything you could think of or is the providing itself the only addiction she is not willing to forego? Does it give confidence to a woman to be an escort?
Originally Posted by poplips
I don't think it's making generalizations. It's about patterns. I am very much torn by either saying there are fewer providers with PT issues than more without. I understand it is quick money to make and I guess I don't know on which side to weigh in. If this particular provider is once more offering her services I have to consider the past and assume pt issues again. You cannot change behavior in 28 days. Though she may claim she is not and tells me I can't stand it that she's clean and and sober but yet still lives in an area were she got high and still hangs with a career addict who she claims ls after 20 years doesn't want to use anymore I have to weigh in and consider all this and say that the providing is showing she's back to using. I think
I think you misunderstood my reply. I am not suggesting you are making generalizations, but your questions kind of ask others about generalizing their experiences and opinions to your individual girl.
Call it patterns if you feel more comfortable with that term , but another person's patterns won't necessarily fit your girl as an individual. There are many who slip back into the habit, but there are also many former users who are no longer using.
Nobody on here knows your lady as well as you do, although you may also be biased by being too close to the situation as well. These kind of issues and questions involving PT use are extremely difficult to deal with for all involved -- especially the people who are trying to save the addict and get abused in the process. Tread lightly and good luck!