Originally Posted by Laurentius
Of course *some* providers (Ms. China Doll and Lauren Summerhill come to mind) don't have showcases, so they can't be referenced. (Ahem! (*grin*))
You bring up a good point. Some of the hottest pics I've seen have been on websites. However, those rates tend to be much higher than the average ECCIE showcase. Even if they have both Web sites and showcases (rare in the HDH category), the rates hold to the higher side.
I haven't seen any pics of China (maybe I'm behind the time curve), but Lauren's website is outstanding. As is Camille's. And there is one lady from Great Britain (she posted briefly, and I don't remember her name), who also has an outstanding site.
The ones that I enjoy visiting from time to time: Becky, Carrie Hillcrest, RachaelBenedict, and (believe it or not) Ansley.
IMHO, I think the photog makes a big difference. I particularly like John Rush's work in Dallas, and Scott ____ who took some pics of an Arizona Provider in DC. OTOH, I hate photos taken w/ cell phones.