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Old 08-20-2010, 03:24 PM   #1
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Default Still looking for the first

Hey just curious about some assistance and knowledge from you veterans out there to pass on to the rookie. I was semi active on the old aspd site under a diff handle and came close to actually going through with a plunge into the hobby at one point but it kinda faded outta mind and has been slowly coming back. Being married it is tough to try and sneak it and on top of that my conscious usually got the best of me in the past. Sex is awesome at home other than dry spells here and there (marriage basics) but being a man especially as sexually geared as I am I get the itch that I would like to scratch from time to time without the drama of a girl on the side in town etc. would bring. I have trolled here off and on and I think I am leaning to the AMP at Ohlen or the like. I see a ton of good reviews, price seems right, girls attractive, and it covers the elusive asian on my list of to do before I die. On top of that I think if I do puss out on the cheatin side of it I still should get an awesome massage. Oh and the other tiny thing that has keep me out of the game is the chance of getting busted by LE because I have way too much to lose if my face and name got spread on KXAN etc. I have heard that at an AMP if LE does bust in as long as you are not caught red handed (no pun intended) you can just claim you are getting a massage and are ok which further bumps my AMP idea in my mind? What do you think?
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Old 08-20-2010, 03:40 PM   #2
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Just go with a local independent lady (whichever one tickles your fancy) that provides daytime incalls. With all that you're worried about, I would recommend against an AMP or any kind of studio. For your own comfort factor, I would also avoid the touring high-volume BP-advertising types.
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Old 08-20-2010, 03:52 PM   #3
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Jay, stick to an establised well know indie provider.
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Old 08-20-2010, 04:17 PM   #4
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If you are looking for asian I have the girl for you she is off braker w of 35 before lamar sweet and hot amelia 512745 4668
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Old 08-20-2010, 04:19 PM   #5
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Everyone plays in this lifestyle for different reasons; both ladies and gentlemen; we each play at his or hers own comfort level.

With the issues you have expressed in your post; I will agree that the sensible thing would be to find an independant lady who sparks an interest for you and meet safely and discreetly on the occassions that you feel you must scratch that itch.

Is that "safer" than an AMP or Craigslist or Backpage?

The correct answer is "no".

You walk a razor edge in this lifestyle; wether you dabble your foot in it, or jump in whole body and paddle around. You are correct to listen to those tiny voices in your head. We don't build model cars and play with trains here.......

Find the comfort level that works best for you; you mentioned your conscious usually got the best of you in the past; listen to those little voices ( mine sound strangely like Porky Pig and Darth Vader...)
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Old 08-20-2010, 05:47 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by jaythomp View Post
Being married it is tough to try and sneak it and on top of that my conscious usually got the best of me in the past. Sex is awesome at home other than dry spells here and there
Dude, I think you should blow it off, let it be a fantasy, and enjoy everything your marriage has to offer you. Don't risk it just to cum. Once a bell is rung, you cannot unring it so be damn sure this is what you want.
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Old 08-20-2010, 05:56 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by jaythomp View Post
Hey just curious about some assistance and knowledge from you veterans out there to pass on to the rookie. I was semi active on the old aspd site under a diff handle and came close to actually going through with a plunge into the hobby at one point but it kinda faded outta mind and has been slowly coming back. Being married it is tough to try and sneak it and on top of that my conscious usually got the best of me in the past. Sex is awesome at home other than dry spells here and there (marriage basics) but being a man especially as sexually geared as I am I get the itch that I would like to scratch from time to time without the drama of a girl on the side in town etc. would bring. I have trolled here off and on and I think I am leaning to the AMP at Ohlen or the like. I see a ton of good reviews, price seems right, girls attractive, and it covers the elusive asian on my list of to do before I die. On top of that I think if I do puss out on the cheatin side of it I still should get an awesome massage. Oh and the other tiny thing that has keep me out of the game is the chance of getting busted by LE because I have way too much to lose if my face and name got spread on KXAN etc. I have heard that at an AMP if LE does bust in as long as you are not caught red handed (no pun intended) you can just claim you are getting a massage and are ok which further bumps my AMP idea in my mind? What do you think?
I think you should get out of this F*****G room and go play with your wife!! For god sakes man read just the highlights of what you wrote.
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Old 08-21-2010, 11:59 AM   #8
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I am with Joe on this one, no need to fuk up your marriage for 1 hour of sex with a Provier.. and LE is the least of your concerns on the hobby world.

from my POV , I am single, never married, no kids so I do what I when I want with no worries,if I ever did get married I would not cheat on my wife,, I would divorce her..
I would say do not tread down the P4P world at all!!!! It can be like a drug, the more you do the more you need....

I would suggest you talk to your wife about Swinging first, let her know its not about you for that is being selfish, if you think that it ok for you to fuk someone else and not her well then you have more issues to deal with..
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Old 08-21-2010, 05:36 PM   #9
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Default "So, how does it end?"


You seem to have given a lot of thought about this before taking the leap. You have even sought advice from others.

I won't tell you to do or not to do. However, I will suggest a couple of things:

#1. As much as you have done in planning your foray, do the same for planning your exit. That is, how do you see this "hobby" (I hate that description) ending for you?
a. I will only do this once.
b. I will only do this in 2010.
c. I will only do this until my first child is born.
d. I will only do this until I find the provider who is the woman of my dreams, then I will divorce my wife, and marry that provider.
e. I will do this until I'm physically unable.
#2. If you try but can't nail down an exit plan, there are guys on here who say they use to, but, no longer "hobby". Seek their wisdom.

Should you decide to go this route, be sure you can execute the exit plan.

Good luck to you.
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Old 08-21-2010, 07:28 PM   #10
Rand Al'Thor
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You might also want to think about a FBSM provider. You get the massage, a release, and it's not such a head-first dive. Then you can decide if you want to take the next step.
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Old 08-21-2010, 08:11 PM   #11
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like Rand said--a reputable fbsm provider would be best

good luck & have fun!!
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Old 08-21-2010, 08:44 PM   #12
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VERY VERY good advice for both sides of the fence actually.

To the OP: You are flirting with absolute financial destruction and most likely the crumbling of your marriage and self respect. Walk away while you still can. COMPLETELY. Don't look at these boards, don't post here, don't check out the showcases.

Originally Posted by JR7 View Post

You seem to have given a lot of thought about this before taking the leap. You have even sought advice from others.

I won't tell you to do or not to do. However, I will suggest a couple of things:

#1. As much as you have done in planning your foray, do the same for planning your exit. That is, how do you see this "hobby" (I hate that description) ending for you?
a. I will only do this once.
b. I will only do this in 2010.
c. I will only do this until my first child is born.
d. I will only do this until I find the provider who is the woman of my dreams, then I will divorce my wife, and marry that provider.
e. I will do this until I'm physically unable.
#2. If you try but can't nail down an exit plan, there are guys on here who say they use to, but, no longer "hobby". Seek their wisdom.

Should you decide to go this route, be sure you can execute the exit plan.

Good luck to you.
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Old 08-21-2010, 08:49 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Smokin Joe View Post
Once a bell is rung, you cannot unring it so be damn sure this is what you want.

.........."you can check out any time you like, but you can NEVER leave"
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Old 08-21-2010, 11:42 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by EroticEmily View Post
To the OP: You are flirting with absolute financial destruction and most likely the crumbling of your marriage and self respect. Walk away while you still can. COMPLETELY. Don't look at these boards, don't post here, don't check out the showcases.
I completely agree. A good marriage is worth treasuring for as long as it lasts, no need to mess it up. It will turn to shit by itself soon enough.
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Old 08-22-2010, 12:22 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Smokin Joe View Post
Dude, I think you should blow it off, let it be a fantasy, and enjoy everything your marriage has to offer you. Don't risk it just to cum. Once a bell is rung, you cannot unring it so be damn sure this is what you want.
Originally Posted by Metal Smith View Post
I think you should get out of this F*****G room and go play with your wife!! For god sakes man read just the highlights of what you wrote.
Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY View Post
I am with Joe on this one, no need to fuk up your marriage for 1 hour of sex with a Provier.. and LE is the least of your concerns on the hobby world.

from my POV , I am single, never married, no kids so I do what I when I want with no worries,if I ever did get married I would not cheat on my wife,, I would divorce her..
I would say do not tread down the P4P world at all!!!! It can be like a drug, the more you do the more you need....
Originally Posted by TheCandyMan View Post
.........."you can check out any time you like, but you can NEVER leave"
Originally Posted by jaythomp View Post
Hey just curious about some assistance and knowledge from you veterans out there to pass on to the rookie. I was semi active on the old aspd site under a diff handle and came close to actually going through with a plunge into the hobby at one point but it kinda faded outta mind and has been slowly coming back. Being married it is tough to try and sneak it and on top of that my conscious usually got the best of me in the past. Sex is awesome at home other than dry spells here and there (marriage basics) but being a man especially as sexually geared as I am I get the itch that I would like to scratch from time to time without the drama of a girl on the side in town etc. would bring. I have trolled here off and on and I think I am leaning to the AMP at Ohlen or the like. I see a ton of good reviews, price seems right, girls attractive, and it covers the elusive asian on my list of to do before I die. On top of that I think if I do puss out on the cheatin side of it I still should get an awesome massage. Oh and the other tiny thing that has keep me out of the game is the chance of getting busted by LE because I have way too much to lose if my face and name got spread on KXAN etc. I have heard that at an AMP if LE does bust in as long as you are not caught red handed (no pun intended) you can just claim you are getting a massage and are ok which further bumps my AMP idea in my mind? What do you think?
I think you got some good advise from guys that know what they are talking about. You are correct........sounds like you have too much to lose and you are not willing to risk losing it. Close your account here and walk away. Your curosity will only get worst the longer that you stay here. This place isint for everyone and by your own admission, it doesnt sound like its for you. Just my 2 cents
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