I only watched half of it as I am not a Jon Stewart fan but I did see some selective editing. I have to ask Stewart if the First Amendment is sacrosanct? Most people think it is. So we have to let morons like Rosie O'Donnell have her say, and bigots like Fred Phelps have his say, and liars like Piers Morgan have his say, and more bigots like J-Zay have his say, and even stupid politicians like Allen Grayson have his say and we have to stand by and take it. Jon Stewart is himself is guilty of this. The suggestions was made that maybe "we should have a conversation" about looking into the activities of mosques and not an outright demand that we invade mosques. Jon Stewart attacks this man using his freedom of speech for something that has been suggested by many on both sides of the political aisle. Jon Stewart must think the first amendment only works when leftists and comedians are using it.