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Old 09-07-2013, 12:13 PM   #1
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Default Petruchio's Guide to Contacting a Provider

My first in a series of helpful posts for new hobbyists. If anyone has any further wisdom to add or other helpful methods please feel free to share them.

You've finally decided to pull the trigger and call a provider. You need to be aware that providers are people too, who have lives and don't spend all day waiting in hotels for schmucks like us to call (well, some do). Furthermore, they could be busy with another client, or be swamped with sudden texts and calls. You need to communicate successfully in order to get the girl you want, and be ready for possible disappointments and contingencies.

Prepare yourself beforehand. You can use your phone, but for real safety pick up a $30 contractless phone. These are virtually untraceable so long as you only make hobby calls on it. Any other call means it could possibly be traced to you. You can also get Google Voice for a second number and use that. Finally, have an email you can use that doesn't trace back to you in anyway.

You want a quick, clear conversation. Know your immediate goal. Are you inquiring about donation or setting up a session? Do you have some other inquiry? Know what you're going to say before you call. Have a little flow chart in your head. If you ask donation and she gives you the right number, what will you do?

If you're trying to get a session soon, be aware that immediately is not a reasonable expectation. It takes time to set up a session, although immediately is nice when it does happen. Call once. If she doesn't pick up do NOT immediately barrage her with calls. Instead, send a text stating who you are, that you're on ECCIE (or p411 or whatever), and you would like to discuss a session. Be clear, a girl with ten texts that all say "hey babe" with the same area code can be pretty confusing.

If, in half an hour you haven't received a text back (or call, most providers don't call back however due to privacy concerns), then call again. Again, if there is no answer wait a half hour and call a third time. That's an hour and a half for her to pick up or get back to you. If it hasn't happened in that time it's not happening. Have a back up plan, or call multiple girls (see below).

You'll note that you can call multiple girls easily using this method. Call you first pick, if she doesn't pick up try your second, and so on. Don't be sitting in your car getting anxious about some unknown girl returning your call, keep yourself busy doing something. Read a paper, play Words With Friends on your phone, watch joggers in the park and wonder why streetwalkers can't look like that; do something.

If and when she does pick up, be exceptionally friendly, helpful, polite, and concise without being obtuse. Introduce yourself, have a pseudonym prepared if you don't want to use your name (initials always work in a pinch). Use "beautiful", "gorgeous", "angel", and other terms of endearment during the conversation. It makes the provider feel more at ease with you and makes everything smoother.

If you're seeking a session inquire when she might be available, be prepared to answer that question yourself if she counters when you are available. Be clear on how much time you want and when the session will be. Get a very clear idea of where to go beforehand, ask for a cross street to go to at the appropriate time. Your provider usually won't give you a hotel name or address yet.

If you're inquiring about donations, don't be obvious. You need to discuss money without really discussing money. It is unlikely but possible that your phone conversation is being recorded, and you should always behave with caution anyway. There are to methods. The simple one is "Donation for a half hour is. . .?" and hopefully she replies "100" and not "100 dollars." The more elaborate system, which I favor and have never had a problem with, is to refer to something else. You might say something like (in a slightly sarcastic tone), "I know girls like roses, how many roses should I bring with me for our half hour date?" "Do you like candies, when I see you for an hour, how many candies should I bring." Sure, it's ridiculous. It also allows you some leeway, "150 roses is a lot, I can only get 120." You see? It provides a context to discuss money without really doing so. Do NOT mention money and service in the same sentence.

Discussing services is generally a no-no. A girl's reviews should give you an idea of what you're going to get. If you want to talk service with new girls it's safest to wait until you're both on the bed and the donation is on the table. If you absolutely must, most girls are paranoid of doing that on the phone. Text, E-mail or private message on this site or other similar sites generally work better, even thought those are not as well protected legally. However, your mileage will definitely vary from girl to girl and some will not talk about services with you at all. The most common situation for me is when I just want a BJ instead of full service and don't want to pay FS price. I tell her it's a bad time for me to talk and ask to text her, then put my proposition in a text.

If you say no, be polite about it. Say, "Can't do that at this time." or "Too bad it's before payday" or "Our schedules don't match, perhaps later." Don't be an asshole, no one likes a someone who is an asshole on the phone. Even if you have no intention of ever seeing that girl, you hurt the hobby by being an asshole. We want our girls to be happy and think kindly on we hobbyists. We need to sell ourselves as the premier clientele and worthy of special treatment. Always be respectful, it always pays off.

If you do schedule a session, call or text to verify an hour or more before the appointment. You may not get your response until a few minutes before, but it also serves to remind her of when you're meeting and to be ready. Not all providers have their collective act together, especially the young ones.

Don't try to engage girls into texting with you extensively, they really don't have time for that. When you do text, feel free to be charming and clever however. If you've got a personality, it's a good time to let it shine.

Good luck. Be sure to be prepared, be polite, and be concise.
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Old 09-07-2013, 01:48 PM   #2
El Hombre de la Mancha
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There is no mention of taint in your thesis of contacting providers ... start over.
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Old 09-07-2013, 02:07 PM   #3
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Gotta disagree about discussing services beforehand. I think it is okay to discuss services, but only after some initial exchanges. Yes, I know most info on services can be found in reviews and elsewhere, but if I am not 100% certain, I will ask. When I walk into a session, I want to know what will happen-- especially when meeting a girl for the first time. If I'm seeing someone on a repeat visit, then no need to ask.
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