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09-06-2013, 10:48 AM
Pending Age Verification
User ID: 54993
Join Date: Nov 16, 2010
Location: Kansas City, MO
Posts: 2,989
My ECCIE Reviews
Threatening texts solved, unfortunately not resolved. Yet.
Beginning a little over two weeks ago, Kaylen, myself, and GraceUTR began receiving harassing text messages. At the beginning these messages appeared to be harassing, but not particularly threatening. After a few days though, Grace was lured to an outcall and was assaulted. She told Kaylen and I that she was beaten with a baseball bat, was bruised down her back, and received 16 stitches to her head. She told us that she had reported the assault to the police, and that three arrests had been made in the matter.
I can’t begin to go into the depth of the text messages here. Not only would reprinting the messages violate ECCIE guidelines, but also the sheer volume of messages received would make any attempt to summarize them difficult.
Suffice to say that for the past two weeks, I had very good reason to believe that these messages were being sent by a very dangerous person. Many of the texts I received indicated very intimate knowledge not only of my apartment, but also of my whereabouts and actions at various times.
*The night Grace was attacked, once I had located her and determined that she was safe, I took my dog outside for a potty break. In light of Grace’s attack, I took a long time carefully checking my surroundings before I stepped out of the safety of my apartment. While walking my dog, I made sure to continually scan the area around me. To say that I was frightened is an understatement. When I went back inside though, a text was waiting for me saying how “awwwful” it must be to be afraid to step outside for fear of being attacked. In other words, someone had watched me and found it amusing to see how nervous I was that night. When I read the message, I ran to the bathroom and threw up. My best friend was in a hospital getting stitches, and someone was sitting outside my apartment watching me.
* The following night, while talking to Grace on the phone and sitting on my bed, I received a text asking me why I wasn’t at my computer where I usually was at that time of night. My shades were drawn, so it was impossible for anyone to see inside my apartment. Again, I almost threw up.
Over the next several days, the texts I received made it clear that the stalker’s intention was to coerce me into being managed, and that his intention for Kaylen and Grace was to terrorize them into leaving KC. If you feel like scoffing at the idea that a pimp would target me of all women, you aren’t alone. I’m low volume, about to turn 40 in a few months, and I don’t exactly have a rocking body, so why me? I was every bit as baffled as anyone else. The texts I received also continued to reinforce the fact that I was being watched carefully.
As this continued, I tried everything. I tried ignoring the texts when I received them. On day #3 of this charade, I refused to respond to any texts. Later that day, Grace’s work received a call telling them that she had been arrested for prostitution, and the stalker informed me that they were sending someone to meet Kaylen. Thank goodness, apparently our stalker was unaware that Kaylen was in Topeka that night, because several hours later, they texted me that they had waited for Kaylen outside her hotel for hours, to no avail.
Needless to say, as this situation continued, I went to pieces. I couldn’t sleep, couldn’t eat, and stopped taking appointments completely as I became more convinced that my incall location was under surveillance.
One week ago today, Kaylen, Grace, and I were to meet with a woman from an advocacy group who helps escorts in legal matters and advocates on their behalf when dealing with the legal system. Grace and I attended the meeting, despite my strong misgivings that our stalker would know about the meeting. Kaylen was not at the meeting. While sitting with this woman, I received yet another text asking who I was having dinner with, and telling me exactly where I was at that moment. I can honestly say, that is the moment that I came completely unglued.
Later that same night, texts that I was receiving along with a conversation with Grace led me to believe that our stalker was a regular of Kaylen’s, someone who had decided to try and push Grace and I out of business to improve Kaylen’s business. I never for a moment believed that Kaylen had direct knowledge of what he was doing, but I did believe that Kaylen knew who he was and was protecting him. I went nuts. I went way beyond nuts to be honest. The posts that I wrote on Grace’s “drama” thread were written while I was out of my mind with fury, and I believed that Kaylen was at the center of everything that had happened.
This is where the narrative ends more or less. The following day, I sat down with Kaylen and an objective third party who had been present the night before at the meeting Grace and I had. From the very first day we began receiving these texts, Kaylen had been adamant that Grace was behind the charade, and I had been so stubborn, stupid, bull headed, and arrogant, that I had flat refused to even consider the possibility. Our anonymous third party dropped a bit of a bomb shell on me. The night before, when I came completely unglued, and sat there shaking and crying after getting that text telling me exactly where I was and what I was doing, she had observed Grace rather than me. She and the other woman both watched as Grace covered her mouth to hide a smirk while she watched me shaking like a leaf and crying.
That is when I realized that Kaylen had been right all along. From day one she had insisted that it was Grace who was orchestrating the charade, but I was too stupid to even consider the possibility. After all, many of the texts I was getting were coming while I was talking to Grace on the phone, so how could she be the one sending them? So before I go any further, I want to make a very deep, sincere, and humble apology to Kaylen. I apologize first and foremost for not believing her when she tried over and over again to get me to see the truth. Most importantly, for the vicious tirade I let loose on the board last week. She did not deserve ANY of the things I said to her.
I have known for years that my capacity to lash out when I am furious can hurt those around me, especially those that I am close to. I am not proud of it. It is something that I try very hard to control. That night, my emotions got the best of me, and I went off the deep end. In my defense, I was at the very end of my rope in the most literal sense. That is not an excuse however. If I had taken the time to step back before I went off on Kaylen, I would have spotted Grace’s lies before I brutalized Kaylen. I really don’t deserve to ask Kaylen to forgive me. All I can do is apologize to her from the bottom of my heart.
I am sure many are wondering how I can now be so certain that Grace is responsible when only last week I was sure Kaylen was responsible. Once I finally realized that Grace was the one orchestrating the charade, it took no time at all to put all the pieces together, and uncover the countless lies she had told me in order to put this charade into motion. I can’t begin to recount every single lie here. However, three of her lies can be proven and verified, so I will share those.
*Several weeks ago, Grace told me that a hobbyist had stopped by her hotel and shown her a picture of me that had been photoshopped. I posted a thread titled “To Whom It May Concern” about the pic that I believed was being circulated through PM’s. I also confronted the two hobbyist’s whose names Grace had given me that had forwarded the pics. The pic never existed. My stalker claimed to have a copy and sent it to me. The pic was created by Grace herself, and was never sent to anyone but me. On that thread, I called out the names of two hobbyists who I believed had the pic. If they choose, they can confirm that no such pic was ever forwarded or created by them. I don’t really know exactly how lying about the picture fits into this charade, other than perhaps cementing my trust in Grace. I considered it the mark of true friendship that she told me what had been shown to her.
*Over a month ago, Grace told me that she had been busted for prostitution. She claimed that an ECCIE hobbyist had set a date with her, but instead of the hobbyist showing up, a member of LE showed up instead and busted her. The day she was busted, I contacted the hobbyist who’s account had been used to set up the date. I was about to post a warning in Infoshare telling women to avoid all contact with his handle because it was compromised. I knew that a warning like that could do serious damage to his reputation however, so before I took that step, I contacted him directly to be sure that his handle had indeed been compromised. He insisted that he had indeed seen Grace that day at the time they had agreed upon. Grace still insists that she never saw him, and that her bust occurred at the time she was supposed to have been seeing him. Throughout the stalking charade, Grace used this alleged bust to reinforce the story. First she used the alleged bust to convince me that the stalker had tried to get her fired from her job. Later, when she refused to tell the police that her assault was related to the stalking, she used her bust as an excuse for wanting to keep the assault quiet. A Missouri wide search of arrest records confirms that Grace was never busted. There is no record of her being arrested on any charges of any kind in the past 6 months.
* Last but not least, the alleged assault, which convinced me that our stalker was more than just a prankster, but someone dangerous and determined to harm Grace, Kaylen, and myself, never happened. There were never any stitches in Grace’s head. No police report exists. The night that I spent out of my mind with worry, frantically calling anyone I could think of who could help me find Grace was orchestrated by Grace. She was never missing. She was never harmed. Instead, she sat outside my building watching when I took my dog outside, laughing at how obviously paranoid and scared I was just to leave my own building. The reason she flat refused to discuss the assault with the police wasn’t because she was worried about a prostitution bust that also did not exist, she knew her game would be over the instant a KCPD detective tried to look into an alleged assault in Johnson County that was never reported.
There were many other lies that I uncovered once I finally realized who was responsible, but I have listed only those three because they can be verified. Public records confirm that neither the bust nor the assault were real. I left out the names of hobbyists, because I don’t want to force them to take sides. Two hobbyists can confirm that I confronted them about the pic that never existed. Another hobbyist can confirm that I asked him about his account, and told him about Grace’s bust, and that he confirmed that he saw her with no problems the day Grace claims to have been busted. Whether they chose to reply to this thread and share what they know is up to them. Their help in confirming this insane story would be appreciated though.
I realize that everything I’ve just written sounds well, completely insane. It sounds insane to me, and I’m sure it sounds crazy to anyone reading this. I have my theory about why she did what she did, but since I can only speculate on her motives, I will refrain from any discussion here. I am trying very hard to stick strictly to the events as they occurred, and the facts that can be verified and proven.
This post is about advising the community of a dangerous provider who went to shocking lengths to terrorize two of her fellow providers, and it is also intended to provide closure for Kaylen and I. If nothing else is understood about this episode in KC hobby drama, I want to be very clear that this was not a cat fight, this was not the garden variety he said/she said drama. This was an attempt to terrorize Kaylen and myself. I have 3 days clean and sober, and the tattoo on my ankle that says “Set free June 26, 1993” that used to be a proud declaration of my sobriety is now meaningless. I went for 72 hours without sleep from the stress, and in desperation turned to the only remedy that ever worked to help me sleep. For the past week I’ve justified my relapse by saying it was only for medicinal use, but relapse is relapse. It has been a week since I learned the truth, but even now, I still feel paranoid, and I jump when I see cars driving down my street. That will pass eventually, but Grace stripped away my security and feeling of safety inside my own home.
So here is where Kaylen and I go from here. Everything written to this point has been written over the past week as I have tried to make sense out of this. Writing it all down has actually been therapeutic. This afternoon we confronted Grace face to face. Our goal was diffuse this situation and try and move on. We hoped that Grace would see the wisdom of admitting to her lies and deceptions, and take responsibility. Though we knew that this was an unlikely outcome, we believed it would be the most desirable way of handling this situation.
The offer we made Grace was simple. Take responsibility for her lies, and assure us that no attempt at retaliation would be made. That was all she had to do. In exchange, we were prepared to drop any attempt at pursuing criminal or civil liability, nor would we make any attempt to prevent her returning to KC to work. She did admit that she does indeed have a pimp, the man she refers to as her “ex-husband”. She also freely admitted that the prostitution bust never occurred. Unfortunately she chose to storm out, leaving a gaping hole in my apartment wall as she left. So, unfortunately she will not take responsibility or admit to her lies and manipulations. I had hoped that members of our community would not have to take sides or decide for themselves who was lying and who was telling the truth.
My conscience is clear in this. I befriended Grace, allowed her to stay at my apartment, opened my life and my heart to her. I came within an inch of giving her the keys to my apartment. In return for my trust, she chose to terrorize me and turn my life upside down. What is more, since she refused to take any responsibility, nor listen to what Kaylen and I had to say, I cannot be foolish enough to believe this is over. She knows where I live, she knows more about my personal life than anyone, and I am no longer so naïve that I can hope that she will not seek to retaliate. I leave her with one final thought here. If either Kaylen or I are harmed in any way shape or form, she will have confirmed for us everything I have written here, regardless of whether she herself has the guts to come here and tell the truth.
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09-06-2013, 10:59 AM
Account Disabled
You seriously brought this shit to the board.Didn't I just drive 190 miles because you said we were meeting with a police detective at your apartment at 10am?
What happens when I get there... You and Kaylen ganged up on me accusing me. And when I said I didn't do it, you said either admit to it or you will be harmed if you ever come back to kc. Threatened me with the loss of my children?
I asked you for the detectives name which you would not give, so I went down to the police station myself.
I get it now.
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09-06-2013, 11:10 AM
Pending Age Verification
User ID: 118394
Join Date: Jan 21, 2012
Location: KCMO
Posts: 1,736
My ECCIE Reviews
Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Beginning a little over two weeks ago, Kaylen, myself, and GraceUTR began receiving harassing text messages. At the beginning these messages appeared to be harassing, but not particularly threatening. After a few days though, Grace was lured to an outcall and was assaulted. She told Kaylen and I that she was beaten with a baseball bat, was bruised down her back, and received 16 stitches to her head. She told us that she had reported the assault to the police, and that three arrests had been made in the matter.
I can’t begin to go into the depth of the text messages here. Not only would reprinting the messages violate ECCIE guidelines, but also the sheer volume of messages received would make any attempt to summarize them difficult.
Suffice to say that for the past two weeks, I had very good reason to believe that these messages were being sent by a very dangerous person. Many of the texts I received indicated very intimate knowledge not only of my apartment, but also of my whereabouts and actions at various times.
* The night Grace was attacked, once I had located her and determined that she was safe, I took my dog outside for a potty break. In light of Grace’s attack, I took a long time carefully checking my surroundings before I stepped out of the safety of my apartment. While walking my dog, I made sure to continually scan the area around me. To say that I was frightened is an understatement. When I went back inside though, a text was waiting for me saying how “awwwful” it must be to be afraid to step outside for fear of being attacked. In other words, someone had watched me and found it amusing to see how nervous I was that night. When I read the message, I ran to the bathroom and threw up. My best friend was in a hospital getting stitches, and someone was sitting outside my apartment watching me.
* The following night, while talking to Grace on the phone and sitting on my bed, I received a text asking me why I wasn’t at my computer where I usually was at that time of night. My shades were drawn, so it was impossible for anyone to see inside my apartment. Again, I almost threw up.
Over the next several days, the texts I received made it clear that the stalker’s intention was to coerce me into being managed, and that his intention for Kaylen and Grace was to terrorize them into leaving KC. If you feel like scoffing at the idea that a pimp would target me of all women, you aren’t alone. I’m low volume, about to turn 40 in a few months, and I don’t exactly have a rocking body, so why me? I was every bit as baffled as anyone else. The texts I received also continued to reinforce the fact that I was being watched carefully.
As this continued, I tried everything. I tried ignoring the texts when I received them. On day #3 of this charade, I refused to respond to any texts. Later that day, Grace’s work received a call telling them that she had been arrested for prostitution, and the stalker informed me that they were sending someone to meet Kaylen. Thank goodness, apparently our stalker was unaware that Kaylen was in Topeka that night, because several hours later, they texted me that they had waited for Kaylen outside her hotel for hours, to no avail.
Needless to say, as this situation continued, I went to pieces. I couldn’t sleep, couldn’t eat, and stopped taking appointments completely as I became more convinced that my incall location was under surveillance.
One week ago today, Kaylen, Grace, and I were to meet with a woman from an advocacy group who helps escorts in legal matters and advocates on their behalf when dealing with the legal system. Grace and I attended the meeting, despite my strong misgivings that our stalker would know about the meeting. Kaylen was not at the meeting. While sitting with this woman, I received yet another text asking who I was having dinner with, and telling me exactly where I was at that moment. I can honestly say, that is the moment that I came completely unglued.
Later that same night, texts that I was receiving along with a conversation with Grace led me to believe that our stalker was a regular of Kaylen’s, someone who had decided to try and push Grace and I out of business to improve Kaylen’s business. I never for a moment believed that Kaylen had direct knowledge of what he was doing, but I did believe that Kaylen knew who he was and was protecting him. I went nuts. I went way beyond nuts to be honest. The posts that I wrote on Grace’s “drama” thread were written while I was out of my mind with fury, and I believed that Kaylen was at the center of everything that had happened.
This is where the narrative ends more or less. The following day, I sat down with Kaylen and an objective third party who had been present the night before at the meeting Grace and I had. From the very first day we began receiving these texts, Kaylen had been adamant that Grace was behind the charade, and I had been so stubborn, stupid, bull headed, and arrogant, that I had flat refused to even consider the possibility. Our anonymous third party dropped a bit of a bomb shell on me. The night before, when I came completely unglued, and sat there shaking and crying after getting that text telling me exactly where I was and what I was doing, she had observed Grace rather than me. She and the other woman both watched as Grace covered her mouth to hide a smirk while she watched me shaking like a leaf and crying.
That is when I realized that Kaylen had been right all along. From day one she had insisted that it was Grace who was orchestrating the charade, but I was too stupid to even consider the possibility. After all, many of the texts I was getting were coming while I was talking to Grace on the phone, so how could she be the one sending them? So before I go any further, I want to make a very deep, sincere, and humble apology to Kaylen. I apologize first and foremost for not believing her when she tried over and over again to get me to see the truth. Most importantly, for the vicious tirade I let loose on the board last week. She did not deserve ANY of the things I said to her.
I have known for years that my capacity to lash out when I am furious can hurt those around me, especially those that I am close to. I am not proud of it. It is something that I try very hard to control. That night, my emotions got the best of me, and I went off the deep end. In my defense, I was at the very end of my rope in the most literal sense. That is not an excuse however. If I had taken the time to step back before I went off on Kaylen, I would have spotted Grace’s lies before I brutalized Kaylen. I really don’t deserve to ask Kaylen to forgive me. All I can do is apologize to her from the bottom of my heart.
I am sure many are wondering how I can now be so certain that Grace is responsible when only last week I was sure Kaylen was responsible. Once I finally realized that Grace was the one orchestrating the charade, it took no time at all to put all the pieces together, and uncover the countless lies she had told me in order to put this charade into motion. I can’t begin to recount every single lie here. However, three of her lies can be proven and verified, so I will share those.
*Several weeks ago, Grace told me that a hobbyist had stopped by her hotel and shown her a picture of me that had been photoshopped. I posted a thread titled “To Whom It May Concern” about the pic that I believed was being circulated through PM’s. I also confronted the two hobbyist’s whose names Grace had given me that had forwarded the pics. The pic never existed. My stalker claimed to have a copy and sent it to me. The pic was created by Grace herself, and was never sent to anyone but me. On that thread, I called out the names of two hobbyists who I believed had the pic. If they choose, they can confirm that no such pic was ever forwarded or created by them. I don’t really know exactly how lying about the picture fits into this charade, other than perhaps cementing my trust in Grace. I considered it the mark of true friendship that she told me what had been shown to her.
*Over a month ago, Grace told me that she had been busted for prostitution. She claimed that an ECCIE hobbyist had set a date with her, but instead of the hobbyist showing up, a member of LE showed up instead and busted her. The day she was busted, I contacted the hobbyist who’s account had been used to set up the date. I was about to post a warning in Infoshare telling women to avoid all contact with his handle because it was compromised. I knew that a warning like that could do serious damage to his reputation however, so before I took that step, I contacted him directly to be sure that his handle had indeed been compromised. He insisted that he had indeed seen Grace that day at the time they had agreed upon. Grace still insists that she never saw him, and that her bust occurred at the time she was supposed to have been seeing him. Throughout the stalking charade, Grace used this alleged bust to reinforce the story. First she used the alleged bust to convince me that the stalker had tried to get her fired from her job. Later, when she refused to tell the police that her assault was related to the stalking, she used her bust as an excuse for wanting to keep the assault quiet. A Missouri wide search of arrest records confirms that Grace was never busted. There is no record of her being arrested on any charges of any kind in the past 6 months.
* Last but not least, the alleged assault, which convinced me that our stalker was more than just a prankster, but someone dangerous and determined to harm Grace, Kaylen, and myself, never happened. There were never any stitches in Grace’s head. No police report exists. The night that I spent out of my mind with worry, frantically calling anyone I could think of who could help me find Grace was orchestrated by Grace. She was never missing. She was never harmed. Instead, she sat outside my building watching when I took my dog outside, laughing at how obviously paranoid and scared I was just to leave my own building. The reason she flat refused to discuss the assault with the police wasn’t because she was worried about a prostitution bust that also did not exist, she knew her game would be over the instant a KCPD detective tried to look into an alleged assault in Johnson County that was never reported.
There were many other lies that I uncovered once I finally realized who was responsible, but I have listed only those three because they can be verified. Public records confirm that neither the bust nor the assault were real. I left out the names of hobbyists, because I don’t want to force them to take sides. Two hobbyists can confirm that I confronted them about the pic that never existed. Another hobbyist can confirm that I asked him about his account, and told him about Grace’s bust, and that he confirmed that he saw her with no problems the day Grace claims to have been busted. Whether they chose to reply to this thread and share what they know is up to them. Their help in confirming this insane story would be appreciated though.
I realize that everything I’ve just written sounds well, completely insane. It sounds insane to me, and I’m sure it sounds crazy to anyone reading this. I have my theory about why she did what she did, but since I can only speculate on her motives, I will refrain from any discussion here. I am trying very hard to stick strictly to the events as they occurred, and the facts that can be verified and proven.
This post is about advising the community of a dangerous provider who went to shocking lengths to terrorize two of her fellow providers, and it is also intended to provide closure for Kaylen and I. If nothing else is understood about this episode in KC hobby drama, I want to be very clear that this was not a cat fight, this was not the garden variety he said/she said drama. This was an attempt to terrorize Kaylen and myself. I have 3 days clean and sober, and the tattoo on my ankle that says “Set free June 26, 1993” that used to be a proud declaration of my sobriety is now meaningless. I went for 72 hours without sleep from the stress, and in desperation turned to the only remedy that ever worked to help me sleep. For the past week I’ve justified my relapse by saying it was only for medicinal use, but relapse is relapse. It has been a week since I learned the truth, but even now, I still feel paranoid, and I jump when I see cars driving down my street. That will pass eventually, but Grace stripped away my security and feeling of safety inside my own home.
So here is where Kaylen and I go from here. Everything written to this point has been written over the past week as I have tried to make sense out of this. Writing it all down has actually been therapeutic. This afternoon we confronted Grace face to face. Our goal was diffuse this situation and try and move on. We hoped that Grace would see the wisdom of admitting to her lies and deceptions, and take responsibility. Though we knew that this was an unlikely outcome, we believed it would be the most desirable way of handling this situation.
The offer we made Grace was simple. Take responsibility for her lies, and assure us that no attempt at retaliation would be made. That was all she had to do. In exchange, we were prepared to drop any attempt at pursuing criminal or civil liability, nor would we make any attempt to prevent her returning to KC to work. She did admit that she does indeed have a pimp, the man she refers to as her “ex-husband”. She also freely admitted that the prostitution bust never occurred. Unfortunately she chose to storm out, leaving a gaping hole in my apartment wall as she left. So, unfortunately she will not take responsibility or admit to her lies and manipulations. I had hoped that members of our community would not have to take sides or decide for themselves who was lying and who was telling the truth.
My conscience is clear in this. I befriended Grace, allowed her to stay at my apartment, opened my life and my heart to her. I came within an inch of giving her the keys to my apartment. In return for my trust, she chose to terrorize me and turn my life upside down. What is more, since she refused to take any responsibility, nor listen to what Kaylen and I had to say, I cannot be foolish enough to believe this is over. She knows where I live, she knows more about my personal life than anyone, and I am no longer so naïve that I can hope that she will not seek to retaliate. I leave her with one final thought here. If either Kaylen or I are harmed in any way shape or form, she will have confirmed for us everything I have written here, regardless of whether she herself has the guts to come here and tell the truth.
I knew it.. She never responded to an alert that she posted in private about the the assault, plus she lied about a really good client on this board saying she was busted and couldnt see him, which in fact she did see him..
and there was no evidence of stitches in her head which is why she never showed you her head and wore her hair up instead of down. Wow some of the things folks go to when they are jealous of someone else's business.. I hope the client that saw her that day speaks on this situation so he can let the board know how she really is. How pathetic of you Grace...
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09-06-2013, 11:17 AM
User ID: 863
Join Date: Apr 20, 2009
Location: DFW
Posts: 16,341
My ECCIE Reviews
This is just a very wild, and disturbing, story.
Before your hour time frame is up for edits, is there anyway that you can go back and place breaks for paragraphs so that it's easier to read this diatribe?
If you don't get back to this topic until after the time has passed for edits, just ask a mod (or me) in your area and they can do it for you.
If this story is true, then that's some really sociopathic crap going on.
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09-06-2013, 11:35 AM
Account Disabled
No police report exists? Because... I didn't show it to you?
Maybe I didn't want you to have all my personal information, or maybe, I just didn't want to show it to you.
Other people have seen it. Other people on this board know about it.
I'm not going to sit here and let you spew shit out of your vile mouth because you want to make sure I don't come back to kc.
Nice way to make sure this shit doesn't fall on your shoulders. I like the way you accuse but with what fucking proof?
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09-06-2013, 11:37 AM
Account Disabled
Originally Posted by OLindsay
I knew it.. She never responded to an alert that she posted in private, about the the assault, plus she lied about a really good client on this board saying she was busted the same very day that she seen him... Wow some of the things folks go to when they are jealous of someone else's business..
Wow. I forgot to respond to you. Sorry! And since when did I ever say I was arrested? Nice try but I don't think I ever said that.
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09-06-2013, 11:45 AM
Pending Age Verification
User ID: 54993
Join Date: Nov 16, 2010
Location: Kansas City, MO
Posts: 2,989
My ECCIE Reviews
Once again Grace, I told you that I would not in any way seek to prevent you from coming to Kansas City.
I also told you that I would treat this entire matter as closed, over, done with, and forgotten, and that neither Kaylen nor I would speak about this matter ever again, either on the board or in private.
All we asked of you was to take responsibility for your manipulations, and that you give us assurance that your pimp would not make any attempt to retaliate against us.
If there is one thing I have learned through the years, is that there is virtually nothing a provider can do that she cannot recover from. A Topeka provider rolled on her clients and assisted the police in stinging half a dozen men. When she returned after a long hiatus, even though many knew of her actions, there were men doing the "happy pants" dance at her return.
Another provider once blackmailed her clients, and stalked a fellow provider. In spite of that, she continued to work until her retirement earlier this year.
Nothing that has happened thus far would prevent you from continuing to do a brisk business if you choose. But recovering from your mistakes begins with taking responsibility for your actions.
Even after I knew exactly what kind of person you are, I still allowed you to come into my home, so that I could confront this the way adults do. I STILL tried to give you a way out. Instead you smashed a hole in my wall and left.
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09-06-2013, 12:01 PM
Account Disabled
Quit lying.
Post your proof that it was me. You have none. This is just a way to put the blame on someone else's shoulders.
Thanks Stacy.
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09-06-2013, 12:07 PM
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Ladies and gentlemen please set back and enjoy another exciting episode of "This ho done lost her mind".
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09-06-2013, 12:07 PM
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Oh its ok for you to Accuse me without proof. HMMMM Lets think about this. SMFH
I dont know you at all girl. You need to stop talking about me not have Custody of my kid. How do you know I don't or do? That's what NoahScape keep saying..Is that you too? In my heart I feel its you.This is all im going to say about this period. I wish Sins would have let me go when you were leaving. You are not a very nice person at all. God bless you.
Originally Posted by Graceutr
No police report exists? Because... I didn't show it to you?
Maybe I didn't want you to have all my personal information, or maybe, I just didn't want to show it to you.
Other people have seen it. Other people on this board know about it.
I'm not going to sit here and let you spew shit out of your vile mouth because you want to make sure I don't come back to kc.
Nice way to make sure this shit doesn't fall on your shoulders. I like the way you accuse but with what fucking proof?
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09-06-2013, 12:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Graceutr
Wow. I forgot to respond to you. Sorry! And since when did I ever say I was arrested? Nice try but I don't think I ever said that.
Forgot to get bk with me really grace? im pretty sure theres many of us that never recieved that info. Busted and arrested is 2 different things, don't put words in mouth to make yourself look better honey, cause one thing I'm not is a liar.... Just admit your jealous of kaylans dick sucking skills and that you have violated these 2 weman with this bs.. And how dare you lie on this client saying he is the one that got you busted.. that could have been bad for him if you would have posted an alert on him, but since it never happened is the reason why there was no alert for him. Right?
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09-06-2013, 12:24 PM
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Originally Posted by OLindsay
Forgot to get bk with me really grace? im pretty sure theres many of us that never recieved that info. Busted and arrested is 2 different things, don't put words in mouth to make yourself look better honey, cause one thing I'm not is a liar.... Just admit your jealous of kaylans dick sucking skills and that you have violated these 2 weman with this bs.. And how dare you lie on this client saying he is the one that got you busted.. that could have been bad for him if you would have posted an alert on him, but since it never happened is the reason why there was no alert for him. Right?
Gang up on me all you want!
All I'm asking for is proof that it was me. I don't speak about shit that goes on with any of you especially YOU Stacy.
If you don't have proof this is all an ASSumption. I've talked to the police and I know for a fact you didnt. Keep at it.
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09-06-2013, 12:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Graceutr
Gang up on me all you want!
All I'm asking for is proof that it was me. I don't speak about shit that goes on with any of you especially YOU Stacy.
If you don't have proof this is all an ASSumption. I've talked to the police and I know for a fact you didnt. Keep at it.
This isn't ganging up on you and how can I provide proof for something you posted an alert about, when you never even responded to my message? Smh where's your stitches? And which member from this board had you busted? Why didn't you alert anyone about it? Cause none none of it happened is why you didn't which is why no one can provide proof of your lies.
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09-06-2013, 12:36 PM
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Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Once again Grace, I told you that I would not in any way seek to prevent you from coming to Kansas City.
I also told you that I would treat this entire matter as closed, over, done with, and forgotten, and that neither Kaylen nor I would speak about this matter ever again, either on the board or in private.
OK.I thought I would keep out of this but...just for the record I can say that Grace was attacked last thursday evening.Grace reached out to me friday morning for help to get home.I met her for coffee and discussed what had happened. I actually saw the bruises to her face,arms,& back. There were no stitches required for head,just a large bump on the back of her head. Fast forward to late this morning I get a call from Grace saying she is in k.c. and asked if she could meet me for lunch.She was suppose to meet with sins for an appointment with the police regarding the threats but instead was threathened Grace has shown me all the text threats made to her today by sins.Basically it was go back to Wichita and don't ever come back.Also threatened custody of her kids. I have come to consider Grace a good friend and just had to say something in her defense
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09-06-2013, 12:42 PM
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Originally Posted by OLindsay
This isn't ganging up on you and how can I provide proof for something you posted an alert about, when you never even responded to my message? Smh where's your stitches? And which member from this board had you busted? Why didn't you alert anyone about it? Cause none none of it happened is why you didn't which is why no one can provide proof of your lies.
Lol. Have a great day, I don't know who the fuck you are, nor care. Its a matter of public opinion. I had no drama until I involved myself with Stacy and poof drama.
I'm done here.
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