Originally Posted by Truly Passion
I am not sure if I will live to see it legal in Texas. If I do I hope it will include the following for a person to get an escort license.
1: A license to be used anywhere
2: So many std test a year with proof of the test
3: Human trafficking classes
4: If a person wanted to become an escort a training school. So the person can learn how to do this safe and professional
5: Proof of age
6: Some basic self defense classes
This is a ridiculous list (with one maybe two exceptions) but I don't have the time to address it point by point. I might later, though.
I would be in favor of decriminalization.
If there was a license involved, I would STILL be working illegally because I'm not going to have my real name associated with a license like that.
I used to be somewhat involved with sex worker activism. I am not now. The reason? The people trying to make changes to the laws are so unorganized, and no big names wish to come out in favor of something like this, that it's going to be a long day in hell before we see this being legal (or decriminalized) any time soon.
But if I'm blessed to see such a thing in my lifetime, and I don't believe that I will, then boards like this will still be very useful and valid.