....I for one, am extremely grateful at how decent and respectful the West Texas gents have always been in regards to the issue that has the bigger cities in an uproar...dare I say it??

...Yes, I will. The BBFS frenzy that appears to be going on it seems on epidemic levels (to be the clear..the amount of requests providers are getting for it). Thankfully, I have only on a couple of occasions been asked if it's on the menu and I say no and that's it...dead issue. It's easy to be tactful and assertive with someone if they happen to ask. Yes, providers get bombarded with requests of all sorts and sometimes it gets frustrating and you want everyone to read the "Hobby Ettiquette" book, but that doesn't happen, so you enlighten them with a ...not going to happen response. But I for one, being the human I am, have urges as Im sure everyone else does to have a full natural experience with someone bc, come on....it feels damn good. And I'm not saying hobby related or not, it's just the urge to have that full closeness to someone. We ALL have at one time (even now those with SO's) have natural encounters b/c, speaking frankly...it feels damn good but we are part of a "fantasy" world where we must each be diligent and be accountable for our own actions and safety.
From a provider's perspective, Ive learned to pick my battles when it comes to hobbying and meeting people. I pursue what I feel to be a well fit situation for me and most gents ask about the do's and dont's which I appreciate.
IN A PERFECT WORLD, WE COULD ALL HAVE FUN WITHOUT WORRYING ABOUT CONSEQUENCE OR RUDE AWAKENINGS IN REFERENCE TO WHAT WE MAY EXPOSE OURSELF TO, however.....back to reality--that isnt the case and so it's about each individual being vigilant with their lives and lives of others and respecting the boundaries that this hobby has.
And for the record...I DONT OFFER BBFS!!!! Simply saying, I once was in a marriage (LMFAO) that I thought would last forever (ROTFLMAO) and we had au naturale encounters and it felt GREAT! So, I understand the desire for that extra closeness with someone but at the end of the day in this world...it is a tisk tisk NO NO!!
This is my .02.....