Originally Posted by LexusLover
More lame deflection ... anything to draw attention away from ineptness.
LL, while on the subject of Dub's ineptness, apparently during the buildup to the ill fated and ill advised spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq, General Colin Powell also felt the UN Inspections should continue. I can't help but wonder where else we have heard that same assessment.
BTW LL, do you plan to watch the documentary? Or will you keep your head beneath the dessert sand?
What say you, LL?
"In a new documentary airing Monday on the National Geographic Channel, former Secretary of State Colin Powell opens up about the U.S. invasion of Iraq and claims that he warned President Bush that the U.S. was being steamrolled into war. In the clip from National Geographic's "America vs. Iraq," which was previewed Monday on HuffPost Live, Powell is also heard calling out former Vice President Dick Cheney.
Powell described a meeting with President Bush in which he says he recommended the U.S. defer to the United Nations for weapons inspections rather than rush to war.
"I said [to President Bush], 'I recommend you take it to the UN. They are the aggrieved party. It's their resolutions that have been offended,'" Powell says in the documentary.
In a later speech, Cheney dismissed the idea, saying that Saddam Hussein had "perfected the game of cheat and retreat" and would fool UN weapons inspectors searching for weapons of mass destruction.
"In his speech, he effectively shot down the proposal, shot down what we were getting ready to do," Powell said of Cheney. "'The UN couldn't do this, it was probably a waste of time.' Everything that you shouldn't have said, in my humble judgment, with respect to a decision the President had made."
Paul Mitchell, Executive Producer of "America vs. Iraq," joined HuffPost Live to discuss the film and told host Ahmed Shihab-Eldin that he believes Powell when he says he opposed the Iraq war.
"I think he was in a very, very difficult position," Mitchell said of Powell. "As far as I can tell, he did make the arguments in private, trying to make the policy better."