Originally Posted by LexusLover
Hey, BT, do you suppose that chemical weapons have a "DNA" .... how about the casings for them?
Is LL now saying those illusive "chemical weapons" and WMD's were not in Iraq but Syria? Why in the hell didn't the President have LL the Know It All on his cabinet instead of the worthless Rummy Rumsfeld? Given the magnitude of the historic and tragic mistake made in Iraq, even LL could not have done any worse.
So much for MISSION (friggin') ACCOMPLISHED! Dub invaded the wrong fucking country! WTF?
It appears to me that Dub, Cheney, Rummy, Wolfie & Co didn't have the slightest friggin' idea where those illusive WMD's were. We now know that I was right all along. Dub should have trusted and then verified his sources, prior to authorizing the invasion of Iraq.
"The Most Unpopular (and incompetent) President in Modern American History" needlessly authorized an invasion of Iraq that cost $1 trillion and 4500+ American lives. To make matters worse, 10+ years later, Dub still has not located the first WMD in Iraq.
Over and fuckin' out!