VERY complex topic. I understand bule84's response because if a man is a true Dom, it's a serious matter. And he takes responsibility for his actions and controls yours, etc.
But some men, especially if they tell you that they're a Dom, are really just bullies. I wouldn't see someone who wants to visit with a submissive woman unless I knew him very well and set up some firm boundaries. I could write a few short chapters of poor experiences that I've had with clients who have told me that they're dominate.
Being a dominate male and practicing dominance as in BDSM are two different things.
This would be an excellent topic on one of the private female-only areas of Eccie.
I know what you're speaking of but really, American men just aren't, in this sphere, the type that are going to walk in and take control of the situation in a p4p context if they're gentleman.
Trust me, in the real world, you really do not want that. I know exactly what you're writing about, though. I do.
I LOVE a masculine man. But in THIS business, YOU need to be the one in charge of your environment. I hope that you don't mind me making some suggestions and offering some opinions.
It's very important to be the one who sets the tone of your appointment. There are too many variables, and dangers, to do otherwise.
There have been instances of extreme chemistry and a man just "had it" where he turned me upside down (sometimes literally), right side up and just had a very raw and appealing time. I adore that and sometimes, I've been known to get lost in the moment, however it's probably not a wise idea to do that very often.
But there needs to be that little inner voice telling you that you're aware of your surroundings and you're not getting lost with your current lover of the moment.
And then there are the orgasms that can start to happen and then they don't stop coming.
What you and I already know is that sometimes it's hard to think clearly when you're enjoying the company of a man. But men have an ability, if they're this type of person, to take advantage of that.
Being a submissive woman myself, I personally crave what you're asking about. It's rare that I have that type of connection. And now since I do so much alternative work, I rarely have those base type of encounters much anyway (and I miss them dearly!).
Funny. When I'm with groups of people, or with clients, most people see me as very aggressive and certainly assertive. But for a dominate type of Alpha male, he will (immediately) see right through me. And he'll always smile at me and just KNOW.

So cute sometimes.
It's not a bad thing. It's the way that women are wired. And it's different.
I don't date and often, I get my pleasure through playing around. However, when you're working and wanting to build a client base and a good one, you'll have to decide if you even wish to see submissive guys, especially if they're annoying to you.
And don't mistake someone being polite, and a bit uncomfortable with seeing a sex worker, with being submissive. There are plenty of men who will meet who really aren't submissive. They tend to like to go with the flow or just be agreeable.
That's not submissive play. That's just being polite and trying to figure out the playing field.
Two different animals.
I feel your pain.
Grin. Really, though, if this type of topic is one that you wish to delve into a bit more, I don't mind moving it to one of the local infoshare areas for you. I bet a lot of women would appreciate the discussion!
Such a good topic!
With wordy regard,