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Old 07-19-2010, 09:44 PM   #1
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Default "At the end of the day. . .it's better than waitressing!"

So what did you folks think about the Lifetime Movie of the Week: "THE CLIENT LIST." It was a bout a Texas housewife that starts providing to make ends meet. It starred Jennifer Love Hewitt. It seemed pretty darn realistic to me. . .usual sappy for the network, but story and characters seemed fairly plausible.

I loved the quote at the beginning of the movie (the title of this thread) when she first learns about the hobby at the massage spa when she gets her first job and they show her the ropes to providing.

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Old 07-19-2010, 11:09 PM   #2
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OMG It had everything. I laughed , I cried, no, wait, that was South Park. jk

OK, I watched it and I think JLH is incredibly hot. Is it realistic? Sure. I can see how a woman might get into the business for the quick cash and then develop a taste for a consistent level of higher income. I have a real problem seeing her as a victim, though. And how do we, as the clients, always seem to end up as the antagonists. It would be nice (and more true to form) to actually be depicted as being as dependent on them as they are on us.
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Old 07-19-2010, 11:33 PM   #3
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OMG! You watched it???

Me,too. heh, heh

So many scenarios that were thrown in there looked like things I have seen and heard about in the hobby.. I have known enough gals for this to be the middle of the road in the spectrum of providers I have known and not implausible. They kept it tame.

It reminded me of a couple of retired gals I know. I had lunch with a retired gal the other day. I asked her if she missed it. Her gut reaction answer was that she missed the money.

*Full disclosure: I was Jennifer Love Hewitt's fluffer during the filming of this movie.
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Old 07-20-2010, 12:11 AM   #4
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I saw it too. While some elements were real enough, nice girl struggling to make ends meet turns to the dark side, FS studio in strip mall, the arrests didn't make sense to me.

Spoiler alert:

When the cops raid the studio they arrest everyone for prostitution, and JLH for having some blow. But the cops were tipped off by a snitch. There was no undercover vice there so how could they prove any prostitution was going on? Then when JLH meets with her attorney she is told that the only way to avoid a lengthy jail sentence is to turn over her client list. That sounds like what a cop would say. A good defense attorney would fight the charges and try to just get it reduced to drug possession. And then when the clients are revealed they are all arrested too, with no proof, just the word of some ladies trying to cover their ass. Can't see how that would stand up in court. Supposedly this was all based on a true story.
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Old 07-20-2010, 12:46 AM   #5
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Watched it too.....ehhhh, it was ok. Def agree with some scenarios being plausible, but I'm glad to say, I would never have a "client list" (what is that since this is all ficticious, right?) and seeing and sitting near a client at church??....yikes!!!!
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Old 07-20-2010, 02:07 AM   #6
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I attempted to watch it and got as far in as the lawyer scene where her friend/lawyer starts talking about getting a better break if she releases her client list... it was just too "lifetime-y" for me. The same good girl gone bad/hooker with a heart of gold, stunted, played out, poverty stricken victim of a man's world plot that seems to be modus operandi for writers of every hooker centered movie EVER.

I would love to see a well thought out movie that portrays our world a bit more realistically...it'd have to be a dark comedy(or maybe that's just MY world).

On a brighter note, Jennifer Love Hewitt has a truly amazing set of natural breasts and if you put the movie on mute you could have a thoroughly enjoyable hour or so.
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Old 07-20-2010, 07:37 AM   #7
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Best part is JLH doing blow to stay up all night and bake for her daughter's bake sale.
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Old 07-20-2010, 09:08 AM   #8
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I agree with CPI. I have seen and experienced much of what was in the movie, but it would be more of an amalgamation than any one given situation a woman may be experiencing in the hobby. It seemed more like it was written by a person that interviewed a large cross section of ladies in the business and combined their stories, or like the retrospect of a person that had been in the hobby for a long time.

In one shape or another, I have seen just about every one of those things portrayed in the movie over the last twenty-five years in the hobby. In fact, that massage salon reminded me of one I used to frequent back in the eighties. Although, did anyone notice how the rooms in their strip mall bordello went from being basically a closet with a massage table in it to fancier digs with curtains and four-poster beds by the end of the movie?
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Old 07-20-2010, 10:00 AM   #9
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I stayed true to my word, and DIDN"T WATCH IT!
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Old 07-20-2010, 11:38 AM   #10
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It'll probably end up a fake blog by Ms(?) Lieberman eventually. But hey Jennifer Love Hewitt...I would drop serious duckets for that.
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Old 07-20-2010, 01:22 PM   #11
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"At the end of the day. . .it's better than waitressing!"
Guess that means that it is better to earn quite a bit on your back than a pittance on your feet.
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Old 07-20-2010, 02:29 PM   #12
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Yeah... That cake was something special! LMAO!!!!
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Old 07-20-2010, 07:01 PM   #13
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Yeah, the cake was hardcore; there was fudge and fondant. It could have been LMN's submission to cakewrecks or something.
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Old 07-20-2010, 10:07 PM   #14
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It was ridiculously goofball to me. Sure, I can see someone hesitantly entering the demimonde to try to take care of the family....Oh, I don't know. I should shut up. I love what I do. My gents are all wonderful. I have no issues with it, I'm single and happy so I really can't relate. It just seemed very fake to me with the men flying in from all countries to see her. At a massage place? In this economy? In the middle-of-nowhere-Texas? Uhhhhuh. And her husband and mother not suspecting a thing? Hmmmm.

Nonetheless, I had fun watching it and Tweeting about it. Hilarious!
I'm still waiting for the day when this little world of ours is portrayed more realistically. Perhaps EroticEmily and I can work on a screenplay together? I'm tired of the extremes of super high-end luxury VIP companion versus strip mall massage escort. How about representing those of us who simply love what we do, have other careers/hobbies/talents (or maybe not, but do not feel FORCED into this world) and truly care about our patrons and look forward to seeing them? *sigh*
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