What makes a provider become highly successful?
Instead of asking what would be the traits of a highly successful provider, you should ask
where are they from, - that is where you will discover the logic of success
Successful providers don't get to that level by just their individual traits (ex. physical attractiveness, personality, intelligence, ambition etc.) and neither do they make it alone
We {society} play a large role in deciding who makes it and who doesn't.
Opportunity - the best rise to the top not only because of their "talent" but because they had a big head start from an early age which played a critical role in their success
Innate talent (see above traits) does matter but not nearly as much as the environment the provider was raised in (preparation). There is a set of social savvy skills/knowledge that need to be
learned. And the place where a provider seems to get this type of attitude and skills is from her family
Here's one type of example: Social Class
There was an extended study done by a sociologist where she and her team spent most of each day observing the daily lives of young children and their interaction within their family - black and white, poor working class to middle upper class
Results: In middle - upper class families the parents were heavily involved in their kid's lives, keeping them busy with activities and questioning them if their teachers, classmates, coaches etc were getting along fine. They encouraged their kids to stand up for themselves in social institutions, to take care of themselves, to question adults in positions of authority. If their kids were doing poorly in school the parents challenged their teachers and made sure their kids succeeded.
This style of parenting is an attempt to nurture and motivate a child's opinions, talents, skills
Poor parents on the other hand simply weren't as interested in their kid's lives and saw a kid's life as separate from an adults. They were also intimidated by authority, reacted passively and stayed in the background. They saw it as their responsibility to raise the kid but wanted to let them grow up and develop on their own. Kids from this environment grew up feeling more quiet, submissive, distant, separated, distrusting, restricted. They didn't know how to get their way or adapt - whatever environment they were in - to work for their best interest
While neither parenting style is morally superior to another, the kids from wealthier families learn a sense of "entitlement" by constantly being exposed to a changing set of experiences, learning teamwork,how to act in highly structured social institutions, interacting with adults and speaking up for herself if she needs to. This cultivating style of parenting obviously comes with enormous advantages that continue and locks the child into patterns of achievement and encouragement
Back to Opportunity - So if you separate the highly innately talented (ex. born very physically attractive, good personality, intelligence, etc.) from the untalented (and if you provide the talented with a superior advantage (ex being raised in a more cultivating environment) you are going to end up giving a huge advantage to that 'special' group of people
Success then be defined as the result of "accumulative advantage"
So you can then say whether a provider can become highly successful or not largely depends not on her own individuality as a lone factor, but on
other people, the
culture that helped her become who she is
Now how all of this connects and translates into the various facets of the hobby world is up to you with your own unique perspective to see. I mean look around it's everywhere, look closer, notice the details and amuse yourself by being able to see the bigger picture
Some of you while reading this will be uh huh yea that's my story that's how I was raised and as a provider it has made me become who and how I am how I choose to treat myself and others - you view yourself as very differently than from another who did not had the upbringing as you and sees herself as less worthy, respected, 'special', some of you will disagree and argue all of this is overly cookie cutter simplistic simply isn't how it always works out in the real world for which I will agree with you. And a few of you will be like ok so what does all this has anything to do with anything! For real I wasted 5 mins reading this crap LOLLLL