Originally Posted by sean rider
As far as I can tell there are 2 reasonable reasons to want to go to one of these things. (1) to meet providers to find ones worth visiting w/o actually risking a date and (2) to allow providers to screen you in real time.
You echo my personal sentiments, Sean. The risks of recognition kept me away from socials my first two years on the board. It was also the reason I hobbied 50+ miles out of town for several years.
I attended the socials for the two main reasons you listed: To meet new ladies (without having to "risk" an appointment or wade through someone else's reviews) and to get pre-screened. Along the way, I have met some wonderful ladies, several of whom are quite UTR. Several of whom, I would have never met (ladies came from as far away as 300 miles) and I enjoyed the company BCD of several ladies following the socials (one time my ATF picked up another lady at the social for us both to enjoy).
I really never went to meet the gents, although it was nice to put faces to handles and I have met some great guys there. The after parties have been off the hook!
Originally Posted by sean rider
In a larger city most or all of the above risks diminish, perhaps enough to justify attending.
For me, the larger cities of SA (when I lived there) and Austin (I live in Killeen) are great places to have socials, and the risk is minimal.
Having said that, if BCS wants to have a social, with the ladies in attendance, AND a private venue/party room someplace (with a cover story/name as to the group) it would seem that it can be reasonably pulled off, IF there were enough interest among the members. Hence the thread.
I have no desire, myself, to run an event such as this. However, we have a volunteer willing to entertain the notion.
If it were run right, I would most likely attend.
Thanks so much for your post.