While this doesn't apply to everyone, nor is it directed to anyone in particular, here are my feelings on the matter having had this discussion with a friend a few weeks back.
First, some people are destined to just love attention and/or drama. A going away thread may give them warm and tingly feelings to make them feel special!
But for a more substantial analysis, we came up with the following:
For the guys/hobbiest, I've made a few friends on here, and it would be a way to say goodbye to those people. I'm sure several people mirror this sentiment.
For providers, I'm sure many of the ladies would like to say goodbye to their fellow ladies and gentlemen they've befriended along the way. Also, a going away/last chance announcement is a great way to drum up some business.
I know there are several ladies who I find intriguing/attractive but I just don't pull the trigger because, nowadays, I prefer to save my money for a rainy day and not play most of the time. If I saw that a certain provider was going away for good (or at least she claimed she was) I would be more willing to pull the trigger so to speak and shell out some money because said provider won't be there tomorrow, so to speak.
So there you have it. It's to say goodbye to our friends and the anonymous faces we've come to know (in a certain sense!) and to earn money.
I'm curious what other people's thoughts are on this matter.