Originally Posted by timpage
There is, however, a huge amount of utterly reliable evidence that firearms owners are much, much more likely to be killed or injured by their gun than to use it to stop a criminal act. You figure it out.
There are estimates that over 80 million gun owners live in the US. That leaves about 220 million that don't own guns for one reason or another. I bet if you look at which pool has more violence done to them, the non gun owners, especially in cities like Chicago or DC, are much higher than in cities and states where there is a significantly higher rate of gun ownership.
Examine the murder rate in cities such as Chicago and DC after they prevented citizens from exercising their right to bear arms.
How about you go find and post those gun owners more likely to be killed or injured facts to this thread. In your mind, gun owners shouild be killing themselves off faster than they can be replaced if they are so much more likely to be killed.
Meanwhile, here's a great book filled with over ten years of actual facts and research.
"More Guns, Less Crime by John Lott.
BTW. Here's a quick study for you.
Go look at Switzerland. Where men are expected and required to keep not just a handgun, but a functioning assault weapon at the ready at all times.
Crime in that country is immensely less than any NO gun city or state in the US.
I'll wait for your facts. Not anecdotes.
Here's some questions for you.
Do you rely on calling 9-1-1 for your personal safety? You do know that the police are horrible at preventing crime and are only marginal at solving person on person crimes I hope.
Did you ever take the time to read not just the US Constitution but also the Federalist Papers that talked about how and why they came up with the list of rights that no form of government can be allowed take away if a people wish to remain free?