Originally Posted by trekker
If a stick has some attachment that very obviously enhances it's "club-like" characteristics, some jurisdictions might regulate it, but if you stick to those with a simple knob for a grip, you should be able to shame the hell out of a cop who wants to bring you to court. When I spent some time gimping on a cane due to an injury, I preferred a crook handle, for the ease of hanging it when I wanted to. I gave up some swinging power, but it was still a good jabbing weapon and the crook handle could be used for certain takedowns.
I didn't want to name drop but if it clarifies things, I own all seven of Cold Steel's walking sticks. The two I use the most however are the Irish Blackthorn Walking Stick and the African Walking Stick, which are more or less what you would call a shillelagh and a knobkerrie but made out of a very durable and hefty plastic (the real ones are made out of wood). The day I was pulled over the one I had on me was the shillelagh. The officer took issue with the size of the stick as it is a bit long and said that the knob and the texture of the shaft made it "an illegal weapon". I politely replied by explaining that it was a synthetic injection old of a real shillelagh meant to mimmick the texture and look of real Irish Blackthorn. I tried explaining how in Ireland they are run of the mill canes that can be found everywhere there to which he replied that he didn't care what they do in Ireland, we were in Texas and if he says it's a weapon then I go to jail and they can confiscate it, but quickly turned it around and said he wouldn't because he felt bad I had a limp. it was kind of an awkward moment, I mean he seemed to literally forget all together I was limping and for a moment seemed hellbent on labelling my cane a weapon. It was real weird but the important thing is you guys told me how to avoid this from happening again.