Mods, please forgive me if I am posting in the wrong forum. I do apologize in advance if so, and understand it will be moved.
Now, to the meat of my topic....
Recently, there has been some confusion as to my pictures/appearance/authenticity. I decided today to take a few shots with TODAY'S date on them. ( please forgive the non-professional appearance, however I felt the need for immediate damage control. ) Those who have seen me can attest that these are, in fact, me.
This being said....
I understand all opinions vary on "curvy" and "BBW". Please keep in mind, I am a tall woman at 5'10, and will never be considered a "spinner". I am not for everyone, nor do I claim/try to be. I also understand that EVERY gentleman has a right to his own opinion. I would like to let it be known that if any of you schedule an appointment, and are displeased with my appearance, PLEASE understand that I encourage you to NOT proceed. I do not do anything I do not want to, nor do I expect you gents to, either. No hard feelings. Of course, if I am driving a considerable distance, a small compensation is requested.
Recently I have made quite a few lifestyle changes; one of my college courses is Life Fitness. Quite a bit of my spare time is spent in the gym these which I will document my progress here on Eccie, as some of you may be interested in it. But RIGHT NOW, in these enclosed pics, is where I am at currently.

I truly hope this clears up all the confusion
Ms. Megan