Here is our Republican State Legislator Bill Zedler
And here is his Legislative Bill, proposing licensing scheme.
There are many other States that have licensing schemes. This is not so new nor cutting-edge legislatively, though it is an edge issue.
Zedler's legislative staff drafted a bill with sufficient care that it appears potentially more than just a political-legislative stunt. There will be a public debate sometime in April making its early legislative steps forward.
Though its a long process before proposed bill becomes law (and many die for lack of support). Yet Bills that are "revenue positive" (raised more money for State than costs to State) rarely die unless they are lobbied out of existence. In short, if it makes money for the State its more likely to become law.
Politics are simple. Make it a little bit more difficult (require a fee for a license, require a class, compel a 3-day waiting period) will make it less likely that misinformed, vulnerable, trafficked or diminished capacity applicants will enter the trade. BUT don't make it too difficult so that the stripper trade can stay, basically as it is, but generate more revenue for the State and more data for the regulator and law enforcement.
Here is's take on it
Apparently strippers who work in the trade not itinerant workers but shift workers like the idea of licensing. Once they are licensed, makes it easier for them to assert themselves as employees (versus independent contractors)
Trees predicts this Bill or a modified version of it will either come to pass or will be re asserted in modified form or placed into a larger legislative bill.
Unlikely it will happen any time soon, but eventually the hobby itself may come under the pall of regulation. There is not an insignificant cross-over or at least cross-talk effect between stripping, AMP's, agencies and "independent providers."
If legislation such as this becomes law, legislative "Creep" may finds its directed at the hobby. Trees prediction as to when: 2019.
Trees NOT saying any of this is good or bad, just that it is gathering.