Originally Posted by Victoria Snow White
Hey! I'm new to eccie and am needing some help figuring out the site. I dont know how to upload pictures or phone number.. whats a provider?
Victoria - the bottom of Adept's post is called his signature line. That is where you could put the phone number. Also, if you click the links - statements - in sig (short for signature) line, it will take you places to get information. You can include a photo in your sig line. Go to your profile page -
=User CP
Now in your contol panel
=Edit signature
You will now get a window to enter you phone and other information
There is a small photo avatar on the second line above the window which will say < insert image > this will allow you to enter the location of any photo you have posted online using the http:// format. If you want to upload a photo that is a different process.
You can upload a photo when you do a post on a thread. You have to choose advanced if you are in simple then go down to MANAGE ATTACHMENTS. That will allow you to upload a photo but the DPI's must be small - 1 meg or less if memory serves me. I may still have a post on this in the National Tech section. Let me know if you need more details. By the way, nice photo on your avatar....
http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=251071 link to sticky in tech national