Originally Posted by jokacz
NF, why don't you review these girls? Or at least bump the old review and call the shill out? Was the service bad as well? Or was the visual so bad it colored the experience?
No the experience wasnt bad, I always make do but, when I walk in the door and expect to see one body type then confronted witha body type 180degrees different I just get thrown for a loop and start looking in the closet and bathroom for the provider that was reviewed. I dont mind seeing girls of different shapes and sizes but they are on my terms and I am aware of it when walking in the door.
There is a provider here in the WNY area that calls herself an ex porn star and Hawaiin tropic bikini girl. I saw because of a few favorable reviews. They said she had great fantastic breasts flat stomache, great ass etc. Going against my better judgement I saw her and when she met me at the door I was thinking to myself WTF did these guy see that I am missing?? Like that Jack Black movie where he gets hypnotized (the name of it slips my memory) by Tony Robbins to see the inner beauty.
That is just one example and I already made that pubil in a previous thread.