Originally Posted by kellyofdallas
I am very disappointed about this because I thought he was the first African American Man I could trust. Need I say more?
Yeah this kinda rubs me the wrong way but not really cause I'm not thin skinned persay....but definitely and especially the "need I say more" part specifically I'm curious about that from your perspective personally. What he did was no doubt wrong and you should definitely alert the right people, but I'm sensing some deeper connotations associated with your little extra quote there.
I think a NBA rule on your part might be favorable for you and AA clients in general who may think or fathom wanting to see you, and will no doubt lead good clients who happened to be black to providers who really dont have as many reservations to them. At least it sure seems like you might.
I mean you could have butttered up that comment maybe by saying something stereotypical like its just a preference, NBA, or something...but your true opinion is better blunt I guess