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Old 10-17-2012, 11:41 AM   #1
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Default Girls, go on wheel of fortune and buy an address.

Ok, a girl gives you some general description of where she is
at, nothing that you can use GPS to find, what should you do.

One girl I did finally get the hotel phone number from
and was able to call them for the address.

Another was too clueless to get the number and
didn't understand why I couldn't just drive around
until I found her. I gave up.

Girls, get an address that will work with GPS.
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Old 10-17-2012, 12:02 PM   #2
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Funny stuff.....But true....Happend to me too.
Please at least provide a nearby cross street and the name of the hotel or apt complex.
If a guy can't get really close to your location using Google maps.....you are probably not going to meet him that day. Simple.
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Old 10-17-2012, 01:45 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Invisible1 View Post
Funny stuff.....But true....Happend to me too.
Please at least provide a nearby cross street and the name of the hotel or apt complex.
If a guy can't get really close to your location using Google maps.....you are probably not going to meet him that day. Simple.
+1 on the bolded text, tho i dont need name of apt or hotel just yet.

i always ask for closest cross streets so i can plan drive times and know where it is if i havent been in that area before.

i have yet to have a woman refuse to give me or not know the closest cross streets. maybe i'm just selecting a different type of woman than bojulay.

but seriously, women, during initial discussions and when making an appt, please please please provide us w/ closest cross streets so that we can come visit you!
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Old 10-17-2012, 02:13 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by pmdelites View Post
+1 on the bolded text, tho i dont need name of apt or hotel just yet.

i always ask for closest cross streets so i can plan drive times and know where it is if i havent been in that area before.

i have yet to have a woman refuse to give me or not know the closest cross streets. maybe i'm just selecting a different type of woman than bojulay.

but seriously, women, during initial discussions and when making an appt, please please please provide us w/ closest cross streets so that we can come visit you!
No, provide an address that someone can use GPS to find.
Cross streets are no good if you don't know the area.
Unless you just want to drive and try and look at the signs
and hope you make the right turns.

That's the point I was trying to make, general directions or
a general description of the area, (IE-a cross street off of
LBJ freeway for example) isn't good enough.

In our modern age most hotels, apartments, and the like have addresses.

I did see a girl in Arkansas one time though, that told me to go
two miles west and turn left on the dirt road that had an old
John Deere Tractor with a Tandem Disk beside it.
(Just Kidding)
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Old 10-17-2012, 03:17 PM   #5
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I like this post this is funny. You guys run into all sorts of catastrophies lol. I agree though, a lady should be able to give an address for a fellow who wants to plug her location into his gps.
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Old 10-17-2012, 04:16 PM   #6
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I have had experiences where the provider did not know the building number of the apartment and tried to give me directions within a large complex. It took a while, but I found her. This is really dumb because she has to be giving this information several times a week or month (or Day)as the case may be. I can understand giving a general area and when the person gets there, then give the exact address; but for heavens sake, be clear and know the North side of the street from the West side of the street.

I hate to walk into a providers room frustrated that it took forever to find her, due to her not able to give me an address.
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Old 10-17-2012, 04:43 PM   #7
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It is a two call system for a reason... I don't want your wife finding my address in your gps when she borrows the car for a shopping trip and heading over here out of curiosity. I don't give it out over chat, email, or text. Just too many things can go wrong.

If you can't figure out how to find an intersection via google or gps, and follow vocal direction from me after that.. then you probably don't need to be hobbying anyways.
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Old 10-17-2012, 04:50 PM   #8
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Default CRAP!!!

I clicked on this thinking it was an opportunity to go on the game show "Wheel of Fortune"!!!

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Old 10-17-2012, 05:20 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by ~Ze~ View Post
It is a two call system for a reason... I don't want your wife finding my address in your gps when she borrows the car for a shopping trip and heading over here out of curiosity. I don't give it out over chat, email, or text. Just too many things can go wrong.

If you can't figure out how to find an intersection via google or gps, and follow vocal direction from me after that.. then you probably don't need to be hobbying anyways.
Works for me, give me the address vocally over the phone, just give
me one I can GPS so I can use it and listen to the voice prompts,
and not run over some mother and her two and a half children trying
to figure out if I'm in the right lane or not.

Being a little paranoid is alright but you have to give out the room number
as well at some point, vocally over the phone is fine for both.

Hell if someone is that paranoid give me the address of the convenience store
close by or fast food joint, I don't care.

GPS record WTF, what about the cell phone record, if some guy who's
married isn't smart enough to delete both of those then that's probably
the guy that doesn't need to be hobbying.

I tried the Pony Express delivery for relaying messages but too many
of them got lost or scalped, the insurance was a bitch as well.
(Just kidding)
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Old 10-17-2012, 06:25 PM   #10
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I guess I have been lucky. Every lady got me exactly where I needed to go. I mean every lady. I always thanck them for making life easy.
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Old 10-17-2012, 06:40 PM   #11
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bo-- you are running on the assumption that every one of us is in either a hotel or apartment complex....
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Old 10-17-2012, 06:57 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by GracePreston View Post
bo-- you are running on the assumption that every one of us is in either a hotel or apartment complex....
Ok, corner of 38 and broadway, standing next to the bus stop, the address
of the I-Hop across the street is #######

I'm kidding, I'm kidding
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Old 10-17-2012, 07:01 PM   #13
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Ummmm...Ms. Preston....Bo and the rest of us guys are running on the assumption that the girl is at or near some place with an address (e.g., a home, hotel, apt., condo, circus tent, park bench, whatever) Even Naughtyville has an address of sorts. The two call system works awesome if the girl knows where she is....Hey, I'm just sayin' Bo is just asking that if a girl would like a guy to find her at her incall location....it helps if she knows where it is and can give the guy an address that can be used to find her...... rather than a general location, like **insert girly voice**, "I'm located near the Walmart on Beltline Rd".........Simple as stink on a pig....

Funny stuff...Bojulay and the rest of us guys are not asking for directions....Guys don't normaly like to ask for directions.....Please, just be able to tell us were you are.......
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Old 10-19-2012, 09:46 AM   #14
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Too much to ask, I know, but I appreciate getting directions from providers who know the points on a compass and can relay them over the phone. "Left on Beltline" implies the girl knows where I'm coming from, which she doesn't. "West on Beltline" is specific and is not relative to my position on the planet.

Much easier to get an actual address for google or mapquest but not necessary if cross streets and accurate directions are given.

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Old 10-20-2012, 07:54 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by bojulay View Post

I tried the Pony Express delivery for relaying messages but too many
of them got lost or scalped, the insurance was a bitch as well.

Smoke signals used to work pretty well before the fire ban.

The damn carrier pigeons kept getting side-tracked.
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