I work for myself too......
The best thing to do next year is figure out a name for your enterprise. Then hire someone, an (Accountant) to help you file a return. You do not have to tell anyone what you do, but you have to have a reason for generating income. Come up with something.... underwater basket weaver, social planer.... etc......
Short term for the immediate create some fake paycheck stubs, ( computer) keep your pay to real world prices like 500 bucks a week for the job you are creating on your computer, ( you could be the waitress at slippery dicks in Onlaska TX) if you are no good with type of stuff..... you have to, have a friend that can help you figure it out......
My last time in apartment land was a long time ago, but if you have been on time with your rent and been there a while.... there should be no hassel. it is to their bennifit to have you as a Tenant, vs empty apartment... unless you are a problem tenant .