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Old 10-10-2012, 11:09 PM   #1
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Default Just Because You're A Paranoid Little Bitch Who Apparently Trusts No One Does Not Give You The Right To Condscend On Me For Absolutely No Reason

So I just got out of work and saw a provider's ad who I will not name but will say she is an out of towner who at the moment is in town. I'd always wanted to see her but was always hesitant and admittedly nervous about seeing her. Add that to the fact that I just saw two horror films back to back and I was even more nervous when actually talking to her. I tried to see if she was still in town and willing to see me but as it turns out she was already turning in. We attempted to arrange something for tommorrow afternoon and she seems to be a pretty cool gal about things, but then she suddenly demands all kinds of references. While this is common I always just respond by mentioning this website and my tenureship here which so far has sufficed for other providers, that is of course I ran into Lil Miss Tin Foil Hat. Not understanding her request for references I simply mentioned my membership here, handle, and details about my last review. She suddenly switches gears and basically talked down on me insinuating that I'm not allowed to review women on here who don't have membership, and went as far as to accuse me of lying to her about who I was, being a child, being stupid, being a con artist, then talking shit about a couple of other guys here and comparing me to them despite the fact I have no idea who she was talking about, and for lack of a better terms, just giving me a very unpleasant ear fucking that I can honestly say was uncalled for. I'd go as far as to say that her entire little tirade made her sound more like a nagging old woman more than the sultry provider she claims to be.

One might turn around and say I'm just being bitter about being told off by said provider but her sudden mood swing, extreme paranoia, and sanctimonious attitude of hers just raised a red flag in my book in terms of her mental stability and feel you all deserve a heads up in case she suddenly goes from gentle to mental with you too. Her reaction to what really amounts to me not understanding her request for references was absolutely low class, low brow, and totally uncalled for. Either way if you all wanna know who I'm talking about and hear the details of our convo for yourselves shoot me a PM and I'll fill you guys in. Oh yeah, and just had to get this off my chest, but on the real, if she's reading this, thanks for fucking up the Evil Dead trilogy for me sweet cheeks, I was setting to do a Youtube review on them as part of an October special when you rang. One of the greatest horror movie trilogies of all time and everytime I watch it, it's automatically gonna make me think of the crazy, bipolar bitch who wears a tin foil hat and hates and distrusts all hobbyists. Just fucking great, nice association, thanks alot ! (third provider to literally ruin a movie/movie series that I really like by doing some fucked up shit I can't help but remember when I watch, WHAT THE FUCK !?!?!?!).
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Old 10-11-2012, 08:50 PM   #2
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dude that. .is fucked up. i mean isnt part of the reason this site exists is so providers and ...those who enjoy em can contact each other and fyi when required? and personally if im ...umm wonder if (insert name) is legit or a con.... i wanna know before im ripped off and still got a major boner.. btw. fmi.. who was it
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Old 10-11-2012, 10:21 PM   #3
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Well any right minded person would concur my friend, but apparently right minded is a term that does not apply to this wacked out bitch. I mean, seriously ? A Two year tenureship and 20 reviews here is not enough ? The sad thing is that half the guys who PMed me asking me for the identity already knew who she is. She's just a nutcase who often sprays menstrual blood all over these forums over bullshit that she either brings on herself and possibly fabricates. Hobbyists in her neck of the woods don't like her, now people in the RGV ain't gonna like her. She really should consider just going back to her life as an unsatisfied stay at home wife if you ask me as she clearly doesn't have the mental capacity to be a provider. Even other providers in her area don't like her and refuse to do her any favors ( i.e "She thinks her pussy is made out of gold, well sorry but it's not !" <---- actual quote by one of her fellow providers who filled me in on her on the condition she remain anonymous.) Shoot me a PM man and I will gladly give you her name as well as the full details of our little three minute conversation. She had no problem saying it so I'm sure she'll have no problem with people hearing about it .
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Old 10-11-2012, 11:33 PM   #4
El Guapo77
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Sorry to hear what you endured but thanks for sharing with the rest of us.
Gentle to mental... that's a good one
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Old 10-12-2012, 08:19 AM   #5
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Default LMAO !

So this dumb bitch actually left me a voice message shortly after midnight all Missy McPissenmoan, she actually says she has no idea who I am and has no recollection of our conversation, which kind of makes me wonder how often she has outbursts like this with other hobbyists. She then demands that I call her back and give her personal information about myself then says that if I won't do that to simply not call her anymore. What the fuck is wrong with this little girl ??? Oh yeah and you guys are blowing up my PM Box so I'll just outright name her delusional ass, it's Miss Cali. No wonder she stops by the RGV alot, a few CC boys made it rather clear that this behavior is nothing new and this has damaged her credibility and reputation as a provider there if I understood some of you guys correctly. Just for food thought to my fellow RGV locals, but if you don't want to end up as a lampshade in this bitch's abode I'd stay clear of her all together !
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Old 10-12-2012, 11:31 AM   #6
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Wow! MeanTX

Thanks for the heads up. Saved me some bucks from your information. I hate drama situations, and this particular woman is simply too risky to take a chance with IMHO.

When I first joined ECCIE, and P411; she was one provider I was looking at meeting, but never got around to. Guess fate was on my side for once.

Sudden swings of attitude? Other mind altering substances to blame? Who really knows or even really cares anyway? This is the providers problem, and not mine to solve or even deal with!

However! I did see the same pattern you did. The provider doesn't seem to be around Corpus too much anymore, and now spends her time traveling or hanging around the RGV area. Guess she has burned a lot of her bridges down in Corpus.
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Old 10-12-2012, 07:09 PM   #7
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You looked at her avatar pic, and still tried to see her? Things must be really rough down that way...
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Old 10-12-2012, 07:43 PM   #8
Col. Zodiak
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This thread is closed pending further investigation.

The Colonel
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