Originally Posted by tucson
I traded my 40 off for a shotgun as the 9mm is more of a standard. The FBI switched to the 40 because the knock down power is a little better. The 45 is a handful for lady agents but for knock down power it is the best. With the 9mm I have more rounds in the grip a double tap to the upper torso is just as deadly.
I like 9mm because they carry more rounds, and if I use Corbon or other more powerful carteridges I can get about the same lethality as with a .40 or .45.
I always understood LE could access even higher +P rounds otherwise unavailable so I don't know why they've all abandoned 9mm in favor of .40.
The Sig 229, my personal favorite, was designed in .40 specifically as the request of Texas State LE to use as their issued weapon.
As far as .45 I can't stand it. Maybe in a revolver but the rounds are so short I'd prefer a .357 or even .38 special.