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Another Realm This forum is designed for those exploring alternative sexual practices and lifestyles. Whether a seasoned veteran of this scene, a newbie, or simply interested in broadening your sexual horizons, we hope you'll find the content of this forum stimulating and informative.

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Old 08-15-2012, 11:11 AM   #1
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Join Date: May 7, 2011
Location: South LA
Posts: 110
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Default absolute disclosure: a couple of new toys

So here it is. I'm coming out of the closet. No, not that closet ("there's nothing wrong with that," using my best Seinfeld impression) but the freak closet. Don't really know why I'm sometimes drawn to the fringe-side of sex, more out of curiosity (see signature below). Every now and again I'll pull up some of the oddities of the internet porn world and watch them, not really that I'm sexually turned on by it, more like the same way you look at a wreck on the side of the road- and we all do that .

A couple of weeks ago I was slightly more than drunk, happens more than it should, I guess, but I got to surfing the net. After watching a couple of those "crazy" porn clips I made my way over to the various shopping websites and purchased a couple of new toys, not really thinking much about whether or not I'd really use 'em or enjoy 'em. So, in my stupor I ordered:
http://www.stockroom.com/Belladonnas...and-P4068.aspx and the large http://www.stockroom.com/Beige-Anal-Plug-P128.aspx
They came in about a week ago and I sat them aside and thought to myself, "don't drink and shop, Kay, don't drink and shop." I've ordered the aneros prostate thing quite some time ago and was kinda meh about it, but the idea of never playing with the back door has long come and gone.

Anyway, after being out of town for a few days, last night, I was bored and said "what the hell" and opened them up. First I saw the fist and my first thought was actually that it is rather small compared to my own fist, which hasn't been in any orifice, by the way. Then it hit me (see what I did there?), "whoa, that is rather large for something to go inside me!" After that I opened the plug and had pretty much the same reaction. But, I opened another bottle of wine and set my mind to trying 'em out. I'm blaming it all on the alcohol again .

Well, let me tell you, the plug is huge. No, really, like damn. Like I said tho, I was determined to at least try it, so I kept at it and after what must have been 1/2 hr it finally slipped in. I was truly amazed that it actually went in . After some time in and out with it I eyed the fist and again "what the hell" flashed across my mind. I couldn't even come close to getting it in. It wasn't even the pain (I'll admit when it comes to sex I have a low pain threshold) but rather that I physically couldn't get it in. Now I'm not one to push thru the pain, so maybe I didn't give it 100%, but I just don't think that's something that could work for me. Anyone else have experience with that?

All in all, I just felt like getting my freaky side out of the closet, and thought that saying a few words here might do it. Not too sure if I'll ever try either one of those toys again, as even though they felt naughty, for me not having someone to experience it with just kind of kills the thrill. Don't get me wrong, I could be very happy having good old fashoned republican sex with a girl and never doing anything "freaky" again, but I figure why not try some things now just for the experience. Some of my other desires are to be lightly dominated, see a chick squirt, maybe snowball with a chick, and join the mile high club . That aside, I welcome your comments???
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