I log off eccie to go out side to do yard work. errrr rain.
So I log beck on, then open a bag of Combo's. errrrr Combo's everywhere, and not much bag left to put them back into. Eat some put rest in a zip lock bag. So why is it only way to get snack bag open is total destroy bag. Well I thought it was to sell more snacks, and zip lock bags. Off to google we go.
I'm the Guy Who Made Snack Bags So Impossible to Open
mmmm so the bag will not open in shipping. Altitude???? yup! Seems bags made at one altitude will open when going to a higher altitude. And as land is not flat, there use to be loss in shipping to the store. But now that the bags are impossible to open no problem.
No problem till ya try to open that is. As I'm still finding Combo's on the floor. Thinking still its to sell more and never let ever get to eat.
got to be a way to make a bag that can be opened yet shipping safe.
snack food should be as easy to open as female legs on a SHMB. MMMMMM but then some of them not so easy to get into for a snack also. go figure!